
Just beyond the infamous mountain ranges that separated the two regions, was a group of scaled demi-humans who looked up at the steep cliffs ahead of them.

These demi-humans walked on two legs and had tough snake-like scales all over their bodies. Their heads looked more like lizards than it did humans, with them having no hair and a mostly bulbous skull.

Their species were called Komodos, having above-average intellect with opposable thumbs like humans, allowing them to do easy jobs such as cashiers, attendants, or even clerks. 

However, that was all they could achieve. They weren't like the dwarves who had their own kingdom and were extremely adept at making crafts. They weren't like the elves whose magic capacity trumped even that of talented humans. They weren't like orcs who boasted tremendous strength and physical prowess.

They were mediocre, at best. They were just good enough.