Journey to the Queens Region

After some preparations, Michael was finally ready to journey to the Queens region using the highway system in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Coming with him were the Dragonborn siblings, who refused to let Michael go anywhere without protection, as well as various Rebornians who could each contribute different skills and talents when needed.

Yuna and her escorts also tagged along since they were already planning on going back to the Queens region. As much as she and the rest of her escorts wanted to stay in the Nation of Reborn, her parents would freak out if she didn't return after a few months of travel.

Her skills as a diplomat were also incredibly helpful in the Queens region. She would serve as a much-needed aide for Michael to navigate through the political landscape of a foreign land.

Before they left though, Michael left the Nation in Lolo's hands, who proved himself adept at handling the Rebornians and keeping them in check.