Chocolate merchants

The peddlers followed Michael over to his house, with the Dragonborns and the elderly locals of Neo Orcus following closely behind.

And the whole time, the peddlers couldn't help but stare at the small stature of Michael, their minds still undecided if what they were seeing was an illusion or not.

Once they were inside, Michael invited them to lay down their rucksacks and sit on his couch.

"Forgive my rudeness, but are you really the owner of the Reborn company? How old are you? Did you perchance find a rejuvenating potion that turned you back into a child? Because I simply cannot understand!"

The veteran peddler let out all of his questions at once. He had been holding onto his curiosity for far too long.

Michael chuckled. "Please, I'm only turning twelve years old. But, yes. I am the owner of the Reborn company."