Camping in the night

After sharing soup and bread, they snuffed out the campfire and readied their tents to sleep.

Michael was going to leave and rest back in Neo Orcus, when he suddenly heard faint whisperings in the forest.

"...jackpot…they don't have any security with them…"

"...they look like merchants too. Their carriage looked to be full of money ready to take…"

"...listen guys. Let's make this quick. Steal their money and get out. No need to make this messy…"

With his enhanced hearing Michael caught wind of a thievery waiting to happen.

He peeked out of his tent and used his Supreme Skill: Unity Gathering to search the environment for Life Mana. And sure enough, he saw five people waiting in the bushes and watching the camp with greedy eyes.

The chocolate merchants were none the wiser. They slept in their tents, unaware of such dangers lurking in the shadows.