Knight introduction

The Knight immediately released the grip he had on his axe and let it fall to the floor, showing his sincerity. Then, he kneeled on the ground, looking down with repentance in his eyes.

"I hope you all forgive me for my assumptions. I did not know that you were all part of a sovereign nation."

The veteran peddler heaved a sigh of relief and immediately went over to Michael. 

"I'm sorry, Michael. I should have told the Knight before all of this happened. Since this territory is still part of the Knightly Court in Angora City, they have jurisdiction over criminals roaming around it.

But since we were attacked by the thieves, and we are part of the Nation of Reborn, we have the authority to apprehend them.

The Knight didn't know that and thought that we were trying to take the criminals captive."

Michael waved off his worry. "It wasn't your fault. It's just a small misunderstanding. It's all behind us now."