Tomb’s final call

"Master, you should have seen the look on their faces!" Fudge said, telling the story to Michael about how the HammerStone group was completely caught off guard by the current events. "Tell it to Master, Narito and Sasuki."

The former Orcanine and Orcupine Chieftain ascended from the shadows and showed themselves to Michael.

Fudge took it upon himself to name the two dignified Chieftains as Narito and Sasuki, which was extremely similar to the anime characters in his previous life.

The Orcs didn't mind it at all and embraced their new name. After all, they had no name back when they were unevolved. They simply referred to each other through the unique sound they produced from their bodies; the Orcanines slapped their thighs, and the Orcupines strummed their quills.

"Butch, the leader of the HammerStone group, had his people investigate the cause and found our Armory," reported Narito, the Orcanine chief.