At early dawn, the soldiers manning the walls of Angora City were awakened by the sounds of rumbling in the distance. They scrambled to their posts and peered through the looking glass, trying to see the commotion up ahead.
Then, they saw it. Huge metallic beasts speeding through the flat lands. They immediately rang the bells and alerted their seniors about what they saw.
Most of the soldiers prepared for an upcoming war, thinking that they were being besieged by an enemy.
But as the news spread through every authority in Angora City, it eventually reached the ears of a certain bearded man wearing a wizard robe.
His room was located at the topmost floor of the tallest building in Angora, overlooking the whole territory and the wide regions surrounding it. There, the man saw Michael's automobiles running through the plains at speeds much faster than a horse.
He looked at a scroll in his hands.
{Dear Trakius