So it was you pt2

But it was on an particular day that i wanted to finally meet the person who's presences that i kept feeling as it always felt like it was longing for us to meethe.

Being a kind i left the part of house that was mine with out my usual day guards and your sister which led me to being taken hostage as my curiosity gotten the better of me.

So i was taken away from my home causing me to be held for 5 days but even with that their presence hadn't even changed at all in that time as if i was still at home to where it felt as if i've never left. So i was never truly afraid during this time that they had me in their hands for that duration of being at the care of kidnappers.

Because it was never getting stronger,weaker nor did it seem like they ever left from being in eye rang from me even if i couldn't see them.

But this get real interesting during the fourth night and 5th night that i was being held.

It was during the 4th night that i was being held hostage by those men i was tied by my hands an feet as they had gaged me and had put an blind fold over my eye's.

But after and while my i was cute free while i was laying on the bed as i still had my eyes covered i'd heard an gently voice that told me "no need to be afraid you have me here now to care of you as i brought you some food as i take it they haven't been feeding you with the up most care i'll place to the side of you here let me help you up."

Sitting up as i thought that from the voice that it was female only for it to be confirmed when i felt her place her hand on my cheek as she gently rubbed it before she'd hugged me i was able to get to know that she had an small body with an chest that shouldn't be own an child's body at our age but really caught my interest was the scent that was coming from her.

After she let go of the hug as i felt her place her hands on my knees i went to take off the things that was blocking my vision only to be stopped by her.

"Even though i really want us to meet it's not the time for us yet though and i would rather that we did it under the more regular and the usual circumstances instead this way as then you would only think of me as your savior and not..." stopping herself to only give me a kiss on my cheek.

After pulling and before i could ask anything "you can take off the blind fold once i have left also tomorrow night i will come back to save you as tonight i can't. Once you count from 5 make sure you eat ok and before you ask i'll only tell you my name when we meet under better means."

Feeling that she had an smirk on her face "you mean when the situation favor you as i it help you get what you want" again feeling her smirking but not getting an reply before i no longer felt her presence i took off the blind that was covering my sight.

After eating my food to hide the remains that were left under the bed to be tied up again an moved to neither room after they'd beaten me thinking that i had some how concealed a an nife to cute my'self free.

During that time an as the 5th night came that mysterious girl had never even left my thoughts for a second as it was an whirlpool of things that went through my mind such as 'why couldn't she take me with her? What was her name?

What was her purpose of coming to me to feed me if she wasn't going to save me.

How is she going to be able to save me now that they'd placed me in another room? Will she be able to still find me with me in an new room?'

But all of that had led me to one thought one real big thought an that was how i felt during the time she was with me it was...almost took surreal they way we that we had communicated wasn't one of just meeting someone for the time which led to presence i have alway felt.

With all of things the time had come for her to come an get me but with them buffing up the security around me and to the changes of the room i was in caused me to fear if she would still be able to find me but for it all to have be for nothing when two thuds sound could be heard.

Outside of my room for the door to creak as it was open they'd tied me up again just like I'd been last time so when i heard her ask "Lana are you inside here." I could only make muffle noises as i tried to reinsure her i was in the room.

Causing her to release an sigh of relief as i could only guess she was making her way to me as she said "thank god" while she'd cute me free as she also picked me up. Afterwards to say "it's safe now i can take you back you home as well meet again when the time is right" as she left the blind fold over my eye's.

After we had gotten back to my house though what do you think that she had did to make sure that i could remember the promises of us meeting again an what i smelled when she had did and carried me back home?

While i turned to look at her at she took the opportunity to lean in for an kiss catching me by surprise as she did it with her tongue to be able to intertwine mines and her's as she had held me around my waist pulling me closer to her.

After kissing me she had an smile on her face as she left me me gasping for air with a string of saliva from our kiss in my lip "i see that you haven't changed as you still let me do what i want as it's also seeming that you're enjoying it when i do."

Placing my hand on her shoulders to steady myself as i had smelled the same scen that i did back from that day...jasmine...

It also seemed that her personality had also changed from how she was before on the bus and at the school when she had started to speak again "i'm glad that you still remember me from then and that your still the same as you were then."

Having our eyes meet "how come now you've decided to come out and meet me when you always kept hidden from me."