filler [ AUTHER's talk ]

Filler [ AUTHER's talk ]

Hey you all, so I know I am pushing the story too fast, but I hope you understand that I want to finish this as fast as possible. And if you know me, you also probably know how fast I give up one my works.

Infact this is the first ever work that has gotten this many chapters, and 4 whole vols.

But still, I don't know when might I lose motivation again. So, I want to finish this story as fast as I can. But I will still try my best not to rush too fast though.

Good luck reading it. And yeah also, i forget the names of the characters and i am also very weak in english so I myself too know that I have had many and many grammar mistakes in my work.

Which is why I write the [ version: enhanced ] with caution, and so. It's recommended that you read that instead of this trash.

Thank you....