~Chap 2~Unfriendly Encounter pt2

~last period~

 "-and thats why Gorgo was turned to Medusa" Mr.Parker said as he closed the giant book of greek mythology in front of him.


 The classroom door swung open and i could hear people gasp, i mean who wouldnt, what was he doing here, the last person that you'd ever expect to attend Mr.Parker's AP lit class.


 "Sorry im late Mr.P" Austin said pulling me out of my thoughts.

 "Better late than never"he waved it off."besides, i was just about to assign you all some homework so get comfy" He added as the whole class mumbled and groaned.


 Ofcourse he let austin go, if anyone else had walked into class late, they'd be Mr. Parker's assistant for the day but for McCarthy, hell no.


 I think its time i give you a little insight on COHS. unlike other schools, COHS was different, we were like the real life classroom of the elite but instead of being categorized by your intelligence or wit, we were based on beauty, status and fame.

 There were six categories in my school, The crawlers, Rurals, Inbetweens, The Urbans and The Elites. Just by their names you would know the most popular category.


 No one cared about the crawlers or the rurals, while some wanted to be an Inbetweener and others wanted to be friends with An Urban but everyone wanted to walk on the ground the Elites walked on. they were the Face of our school.

 Main people in the inbetween were smart and talented people like leah.

 The urbans consisted of people like zack aka my other best friend, ria, mavis, travis and maddison.

 While the Elites were only 6 of them; Austin, Oma, Chad, Luke, Bianca and the last but certainly not least, Jason garcia, the supposed gangster senior, as cold as a lake in december but as hot as Mark wahlberg in his 20's.

 He was only spoken of when needed to,like when people debated on who was hotter between he and austin or when he was spotted in school. he was always alone and hardly came to school.so yeah, thats my school.

 I didnt include myself in any of these groups and its because i dont want to, i went rogue, i was factionless like trix in divergent.

 Leah wanted me to join her group cause under that artistic brain, i was also gifted in studies but i refused, being a group member screamed attention and i wasn't up for that.

 ~back to the present~

 "Today's assignment is going to be a group project, according to your name list, i will assign 3 of you to present your facts and beliefs on The great gatsby,Tears of a lonely wallflower and Pride and Prejudice" Mr.Parker said as he called names.

 'Pride and prejudice for sure, its an easy peasy' i said to myself, ive read the book, watched the movie and even went for park theatre-

 "Do you have something to say Ms.Williams?" he interrupted as he brought me back to reality, "are you not satisfied with the assignment?" he added.

 I sighed as all eyes turned to me...attention. "No, i was just reminding myself of how much info i had on my project" i managed to mutter as he asked yet another question, "which is?"...

 "Pride and prejudice" i swiftly said."isn't that wonderful, now you can assist McCarthy over here cause he looks like he's never even heard of the book before" he said as austin turned to me and our eyes met for a milli-second.


 What?! Hell no.

 "Im sorry but no"everyone gasped. "he can get his own info'' i sat down.


 "I wasn't asking for a favour, Ms.Williams, youre names as well as axel has been grouped together, so its either you work with them or you fail this class, your choice" Mr.P said.

 I groaned as everybody started re-arranging their seats and Austin and Axel came to sit next to me. there was absolute silence between us,axel slept, i was scribbling in my note and austin broke the silence.

 "Dont i know you from somewhere' he said.i didnt reply."hey,im talking to you"waving his hand towards my face to gain my attention.

 "Could you stop"i said,not facing him but the book i was scribbling on."Just wanted to know your name,jeez". he said resting back.

 "Sadly the feelings aren't mutual" i told him off. like i didnt already know his name.

 "Someones a little feisty on a thursday afternoon, what? someone stole your lunch?". "you talk too much'' i bluntly said ignoring his question.

 "Are you this mean to everyone or am i special" he smirked but it faded quickly when i gave him a bombastic side eye.

 "i have no interest in entertaining you so if you could-" he interrupted me "ha, like you could entertain me"he laughed...ouch.

 "Exactly,so let me focus on our project while you go do whatever you like,its not like i need your help"."wait really?" axel said waking up from his nap. "thanks lexie,youre the best" he slept back.

 "Aha!" austin laughed as i groaned"so lexie is your name"he added."alexandra to you-"i said before Mr.Parker slammed his book on my side of the table, waking sleeping beauty over here,up."all this chitchat better be about elizabeth Bennett or else"he commented as the bell rang a second later.

 He left and i picked up my books in my hand and ran out of there, once again leaving austin behind.

 I got to the music room in time and took a guitar from there. ms. danielle wouldn't mind, she never does. i went to the school's roof top to have some me time, this was how Lexie Williams spent her recess.



 I was busy working on one of my songs when i heard the door of the rooftop make a screeching sound and two voices spoke but only one was familiar, Jason Garcia. For some reason,i took my guitar and hid behind an air-duct.


 They had started arguing and then one minute, they were bawling at each other but i didnt care, i wanted to leave there, they started moving away and it was my cue to escape unnoticed but carelessly, i picked up my guitar and a string moved, making a sound.

 I didnt expect them to hear over the loud air duct but as i turned around, lo and behold, the highschool greek god, mafia boss and gangster was right in front of me as i was inches away from his shoes.


 I slowly looked up from his shoes to his gorgeous but ice cold blue eyes, wondering what he was going to say or do.

 "Are you gonna keep admiring me from down there". His deep voice hit my eardrums.


 "Hey, i was not doing that"."what are you doing there". He ignored my lie.


 "I should be asking you" i said standing up."this is my usual spot, you hardly even come to school"i added."were you eavesdropping" he said coming closer.


 "Am i missing something? is today 'be obnoxious and interrogative day'?" I snapped. "youre not the first dick head ive talked to all day.Austin. "So just move-"..."you speak too much" he said shutting me up before leaving.