Never Lost

I woke up after having what I felt was a hideous nightmare. I can't remember it, but I know what it was, it is always the same. I try to sleep without meds and they pop up; nightmares where I see either my mother or my father and even if sometimes I see myself as a kid enjoying my time with them; those are still nightmares at the end of the day. 

This time, when my eyes opened, I saw Sakuya... or at least I tried but her kimono-clad boobs were in the way; Her shivering hands caressed my hair and she looked like she had seen something that terrified her.

"What are you doing, Sakuya?" I immediately stood up and noticed she had put a mantle on top of my head, she flinched with my movement.

"I-I thought you w-would be able to sleep better this way" She stuttered, her countenance a bit pale. 

"Why are you shivering?".

"... it is nothing" Her eyes glared at me for a while as if searching for something within me.

When I looked at the sky, it was dark once more, 'I slept a lot longer than expected...'

Murasaki was already awake, patched up and eating. I looked around and saw a lot of people eating decent food that Mikoto and some other ladies were serving, it was a jovial atmosphere as if people were celebrating something. I was a bit confused at the sudden cheerful aura. 

"I am leaving" I said, I planned to just take a nap and set off right after.

"You should grab dinner first. We spent a lot of money buying food and helping the community, at least have some too!" Sakuya tugged on my sleeve and insisted, "Look, we even got you this".

She put a package in front of me, I opened it and it was a brand new Hakama, this one was dark grey instead of white, it also had lining and the quality was a lot better.

"Thank you".

"I think grey is better for you. I mean, I didn't pick it up... Mikoto did, it was the best one we could find, hope you like it–" She fidgetted. 

"I like it, thank you".

Sakuya gasped as if she didn't expect me to show a sliver of gratitude, her eyes welled up in tears, "I-It was nothing... thanks to you, Ryōma-kun, thank you so much..."


I felt the urge to pat her head, but I restrained myself... Sakuya is not that young, in the end, I just patted her shoulder as she went through her emotions. She probably wanted to slit Gakurou's throat herself, but this would have to do. 

I accepted their invitation; the happy Mikoto brought me a plate and sat next to me to eat, relegating her job to someone else, asking me more details about what she called the 'heist'. 

Murasaki sat on the other side and started telling the tale as if he did shit to help me.

I had a meaty and spiced soup for dinner and stayed a bit more just watching them serve and enjoy themselves. People were obviously curious and some of them even talked about the hideout of the gang that was set ablaze last night. But no one raised a word, everyone was happy that those people were gone forever, and they would cause no more tribulations. 

"You are Ryoma-sama, right?".

"No need for the -sama, elder".

Someone approached me, it was an older sire holding a baton to support himself, Sakuya had told me before that this old man was like the 'overseer' of the camp under the bridge. The oldest soul out there.

"Thanks for everything you have done for us, young man".

"I don't know what you're talking about".

"You know very well. All we could do was helplessly stare at them and have their way with us, those Shinigami wouldn't do anything, we had already prepared for the fate of suffering and frustration".

I understood then, so this is a celebration of that gang's extermination... it makes sense. To think the erasure of a common evil would make this community closer the first time, who would have thought?

"There is no such thing as fate. Grasp the situation and change it with your own hands, or die trying" I said, the old man caressed his bear and glared at me with a keen eye.

"Wise words, young man. You certainly belong here~" That was all he said before strolling to the next group, what a mysterious old fellow. 

"Belong here...?"

"You didn't even ask his name," Sakuya nudged me.

"What's the point? I'm leaving... we won't see one another any more".

I allowed a few more hours to pass, the party settled down and everyone went back to their own spot after clearing all the mess. Back to their miserable life, except... it was a little bit less miserable. 

"Time to go".

turned around, carried my sword and a bag full of money, then walked away. I didn't feel like saying goodbyes or adios.

"Where are you going?" I heard Mikoto's question but didn't slow my pace down.

"I don't know... wherever the wind takes me".



Just like that, the boy departed that camp dead at night despite warnings. He walked in the direction of where he believed the upper districts were. However, it was a lot farther than he anticipated. 

Ryōma walked across towns, forests, mud and rain eventually leaving civilisation and stepping into the tundras of wilderness themselves. He got dirty and traversed rivers all while holding his sword in the relentless search for the upper districts where would be able to find stronger Shinigami. 

But even amidst tribulations, Ryōma felt free.

Clearing the sweat off his forehead, he kept going aimlessly until the next evening. 

'I always wanted to get lost... somewhere where no one could find me and cause pain'.

It seemed as if he had finally found that place. Far away he could see the lights coming from what looked like a civilisation, it had to be another district. He sat down and leaned against a tree in a cold tundra, hugging his sword. 


A warm bonfire lit up next to him, like a light in the darkness to soothe the soul, like a beacon of light for a wandering ghost ship.

"It seems like we're finally going to rest!" (Mikoto)

"That was quite the walk, my feet hurt and I'm full of mud!" (Murasaki)

"Stop complaining you cry-baby!" (Mikoto)

"I'm still injured you know!" (Murasaki)

"Hurry up and put the pot on the fire nii-chan, I'm so hungry!" (Ryōsuke).

"But those are leftovers though, I want something fresh" (Ryōta).

"Did you forget we used to eat just bread and water every day!? It is thanks to Ryoma that we have this, be grateful!" (Mikoto)

This group of troublemakers settled down their camp and rags to spend the night, making a warm atmosphere and heating up some leftover soup that smelled like god's ambrosia for the starving ones.

"..." Ryōma was out for words; confused, a bit panicked, "W-Why did you follow me?".

"You looked lost" Sakuya mumbled, serving a plate.


"It looked like you wanted to be lost, hehe~" Mikoto continued with a giggle, "Whoever leaves the roads just to step into the trenches? the path ahead was so clear and simple and yet you took the opposite–most difficult direction".

"So I thought... even if you're lost, it is better if you're not alone, right?" Sakuya finished, presenting something to him.

"We're all lost souls, Ryōma. Here, have some~"

It was a hot plate of homemade exquisite soup, in the coldness of the netherworld, the fragrant vapour hovered above. Ryoma took it and immediately felt the heat contrasting with the cold environment. 

He took a sip and a warm tear couldn't help but escape his right eye, something that Sakuya noticed.




"Preliminary report, Onmitsukidō#32 Karasu: The east of the 78th District, Inuzuri. Graduate Shūhei Ryōsuke, still on training license from the 9th Division; his body was found with signs of brutal murder and struggle. No information was available from witnesses in the area. The purpose of his visit to this region is still unknown. According to our information, his task was for vigilance in the 24-25 range, he was way off his territory".

Captain Tozen sat on his desk, staring at the report keenly. Sitting across from him was a ninja-looking woman who from looks alone seemed as if she had dark skin, white hair and a sharp glare.

"This is my report as Agent #32 of the Onmitsukido Keiratai (Patrol corps), Karasu. Captain Tozen. I have some questions for you" With no decorum whatsoever, she put her legs on the table as if trying to intimidate the person sitting across. 

"Ask away, I'll give as much information as I can" The dark-skinned man had a blindfold, and his attitude was warm and welcoming.

"Did you send Shūhei Ryōsuke to the 78th District?".

"I haven't issued that order".

"Were you aware of his location at the time of the incident?".

"I don't have direct contact with more than a handful of officers from the 9th Division, Shūhei-kun wasn't one of them".

"Has there at any point been any other member of the 9th Division who was assigned or located in the 78th District?".

"Not to my knowledge. In regards to our patrolling duties, we are never tasked to go beyond the 30eth district".

"Have you met Shūhei Ryōsuke personally?"

"I met him during the ceremony for the new members of the promotion a year ago where I welcomed him to the division; other than that, he has been under the direct influence of my lieutenant, his superior in the chain of command".

"I understand. This is all that I wished to ask, Captain Tozen, thanks for your cooperation" With all the questions asked, the lady stood up, ready to leave. 

"Now, not as Karasu, but as Shihōin Kurayami... what do you think happened?" Tozen asked her before she could go.

"Are you asking for classified information?"

"As well-known acquaintances, I'd like to know more about the bastard who murdered my subordinate, Shihouin-san" Tozen spoke with visual outrage that caught Kurayami off-guard. 

She thought about it for a while before sitting back down. 

"From what we know, Shūhei Ryōsuke was located at one infamous den during his assassination; a gang group led by a man called Gakurou who held big influence in the 78th District. So far there are no high prospects or conclusions. He was likely involved in some sort of corrupt scheme that went wrong during a negotiation. This led to a fight that resulted in what we know".

"I see–".

"But there is a problem: some of the bodies calcinated over time, but some didn't. Many gang members in that facility were also assassinated. You could argue this was caused by Ryōsuke-kun due to some misunderstanding, but that doesn't explain his own murder. Therefore, I haven't yet concluded the cause of the murder. It is safe to say the culprit is still out there".

"Thank you, Kurayami-kun".

"This report will be presented to the first division together with the results of the investigation, they will decide how we handle this next. However, as he was also a member of your division, you're free to carry on your private investigation, Taisho (Captain)".


The woman disappeared as she had never been there. The captain stood up, standing by the window where the wind flapped madly as if a storm was brewing. 

"I will have to report this to him as well".


As for the lady, Kurayami Shihōuin she flashed from building to building leaving nothing but a haze, frowning profusely. 

'I know you're shady, Tozen... don't pretend to care about your subordinates now. I didn't have any conclusive proof or even a lead, until now. I have been investigating the disappearances in Rokungai privately for the last century, at least fifty souls missing every year without having a single clue; this is what that traitorous bitch wanted me to do. I thought I was wasting my time and it was all bluff, but who would have thought? Something is going on...'

She twitched her tongue in annoyance, 'I never thought you could be right, Yoruichi... if I can somehow get a hold of the culprit...'