Chapter 130: The Supporter

"That's it, Machamp, a bit faster!"

Hearing Ron's encouragement, the already exhausted Machamp launched another charge, aiming at Primeape.

As expected, Machamp's attack was blocked again by Primeape.

With a swift Brick Break, Primeape knocked Machamp back. At this point, the battle concluded as Ron hurried to Machamp's side and used Aura power to help him recover quickly.

Since the day Machamp was defeated by Primeape, no further conflict occurred. Instead, Ron chose to stay in the forest where the Primeape clan lived.

From the time Ron became a trainer, he had never encountered a Pokémon like Primeape—one with overwhelming strength yet a willingness to let his Pokémon push their limits and identify their weaknesses.

Previously, Ron had encountered Nidoking, the father of a Nidorino, but Machop defeated him in battle.

Later, he met trainers like Matthew and Lugo, as well as Junpei from Monyin Village. However, when Ron was unfamiliar with them, he felt embarrassed to ask for help. Once they grew closer, they were often too busy to provide consistent sparring for his Pokémon.

Now, by chance, Ron encountered an high Elite-level Primeape who was not only powerful but also friendly—perhaps even fond—toward humans.

Especially after their initial battle, Primeape appreciated Machamp's and Ron's battle style. With so many advantages stacking up, Ron couldn't let this opportunity slip.

By tempting Primeape's son, Mankey, with delicious food, Ron seamlessly integrated into the forest and the Pokémon's lives.

His daily routine unfolded like this:

Morning: Train with Mankey and feed him breakfast.

Afternoon: Take a break after lunch with Mankey, then battle Primeape as a sparring partner.

Evening: Feed Mankey dinner, after which Primeape finally got some quality time alone with his son.

Initially, Primeape was thrilled by the delicious food Ron brought. However, the longer Ron stayed, the more he felt like Ron intended to "steal" his son.

Unfortunately for Primeape, Mankey, already won over by Ron's cooking, defied his father's protests and constantly sought out Ron.

Thankfully, Ron had no intention of capturing Mankey. If he had, Primeape—the reluctant "sparring partner"—would have banished him from the forest long ago.

Once Machamp finished his sparring, it was Persian's turn.

Knowing Primeape's strength, Ron instructed Persian to go all out from the start.

Persian, currently at mid Elite strength, often sparred with Machamp for guidance. However, opportunities to battle a high Elite Pokémon like Primeape were rare, and Ron believed it was a valuable experience for Persian and Bellossom to face such a challenge.

In less than three minutes, both Persian and Bellossom were defeated by Primeape.

The gap in strength was undeniable. Despite Persian and Bellossom's various tactics, they couldn't hold out for long.

Meanwhile, Machamp, now rested, was ready to return to the battlefield.

Bellossom and Kirlia quickly used Grassy Terrain and Heal Pulse to help Primeape recover his minor energy loss.

While enjoying their support, Primeape felt something was off but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

When he saw Machamp approaching, Primeape decided to focus on the battle instead of overthinking.

Ron, however, noticed that Primeape was starting to realize he was being used as a "sparring tool." He began brainstorming ways to keep Primeape focused on the role without overthinking it.

He quickly came up with the perfect solution: Pokéblocks.

At the end of another day of sparring, Primeape approached Ron, determined to put an end to these battles.

Primeape figured that if he couldn't identify the problem, the best solution was to stop participating altogether.

"Primeape, can I discuss something with you?"

Before Primeape could voice his concerns, Ron approached with Kirlia to act as a translator.

Puzzled but curious, Primeape nodded, waiting to hear what Ron had to say.

"Let me show you something. These are Pokéblocks. Not only are they delicious, but they're also packed with nutrients and energy. Long-term consumption can greatly aid the development of young Pokémon, especially those in their infancy."

Ron held out a Pokéblock, encouraging Primeape to try it.

Skeptical, Primeape hesitated but eventually took one.

The moment it touched his tongue, Primeape recognized the familiar taste of Berries, enhanced with flavors he had never experienced before.

Even though the energy boost was negligible for a high Elite like him, Primeape could tell the Pokéblocks would be highly beneficial for younger Pokémon.

"Do you feel the difference? Here's the deal: if you continue sparring with Machamp and the others, I'll provide a three-day supply of Pokéblocks daily—for one Pokémon."

With Kirlia translating, communication flowed smoothly between Ron and Primeape.

After some thought, Primeape raised the stakes to a five-day supply per day. Without hesitation, Ron agreed.

The following morning, during a routine visit from Serizawa, a ranger patrolling the forest, Ron proposed an idea:

"What if Primeape and the others collect Berries, and the rangers help turn them into Pokéblocks? The extra Berries can cover production costs, and we don't need a large quantity—just enough for the young Mankeys and other Pokémon."

This arrangement would strengthen the Mankey clan and their evolved forms, helping them fend off Pokémon hunters more effectively.

With Pokéblocks involved, Ron suggested that Primeape might even assist the rangers in combating hunters in the future.

Ron also volunteered to purchase or contribute toward the first batch of Pokéblocks as a gesture of goodwill.

"I can't believe I didn't think of this before! What an amazing idea!" Serizawa exclaimed, switching to a more respectful tone. "Don't worry, I'll propose this to the captain immediately. A few Pokéblocks are nothing compared to the potential benefits."

Serizawa rushed off, abandoning his inspection duties, determined to present Ron's idea to his team leader.

For Serizawa, having Ron around meant he could quickly learn of any anomalies in the forest. But for now, the priority was to implement Ron's plan.

"Why has no one ever thought of having rangers and wild Pokémon work side by side to protect their homes?"

Murmuring softly, Serizawa released his Pokémon, determined to report this matter to the captain in person as quickly as possible.


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