Physics 101

Kaizer was seated on a bench within their mansion's training room, which was installed with the latest gym equipment for the family should they ever wish to work out. In truth, Kaizer occasionally paid this place a visit, and so did his family occasionally.

Rina did so to maintain her figure, and so too did Aunt Katherine. The daughter did so to remain beautiful enough to attract her beloved brother's attention, while the mother did so in order to look just as good as the day she met her lover in case he ever came back.

Charlene was the most decadent in this regard because she only visited if Katherine insisted occasionally and did so little. However, much to both Rina and Katherine's dismay and envy, Charlene could swallow ten tanks of fast food every day for a week and still remain as svelte as a swan.

Of course, Charlene didn't actually eat that much food; otherwise, she might have exploded by now.

Keith too occasionally joined his son in training back then and even hired a teacher to show them the best way to use the weights, but as the pressure from external parties grew to 'invest' in his technology, Keith had less and less time to do so.

He didn't need it too, as the stress from remaining staunch against the greedy sharks looking to cut up his hard work for themselves was enough to keep him slim. He also didn't indulge much after becoming rich, so that too was a definite factor.

Kaizer was not actually holding weights in hand, because he had never been particularly interested in hardcore strength training back then and was even less interested now. He had plans to work on it later when he had developed his strengths to a suitable degree and could work on improving his weaknesses, but not now.

The training room was approximately the size of a small house on its own, with every kind of machine you could imagine neatly placed within. Nearly fourteen air-conditioning units were equidistantly spaced out within the room, blasting at full power to produce cool air for those who wished to train in comfort.

Kaizer was currently facing the long row of dumbbells and barbells of various weights, starting from 5kg to 75kg. He was casually seated in a semi-meditative pose as he focused his thoughts to explore the limits of his power and train himself to new heights.

Despite the grandiose words, the young man's brows were deeply furrowed. At the time of his awakening, he could basically measure his psychic power as he had a domain range of 100 meters, could mobilize small items with ease for hours, could move human bodies that weren't resisting for about 5 minutes, and could move bodies that were resisting for only 15 seconds.

Finally, lifting heavy items like couches, tables, and the like could be done for about 30 seconds, but they could not be thrown. The Escalade that he lifted weighed nearly 3000kg, and he only lifted it off the ground by a few inches for only a split second before he almost turned his brain into mush.

For the record, even a three-seater couch only weighed a maximum of 150kg, a full 20 times less than the Escalade!

So why could he lift the couches into the air with telekinesis but not throw them, yet could lift the Escalade, even briefly? If he could burst out with 3000kg of telekinetic strength to briefly lift the Escalade, surely he could burst out with the same amount of strength to throw the items forward?

What was limiting him here?

Kaizer was puzzled by this. He was a business student and wasn't very good at science-related matters, but he realized that he would have to fix that, especially in terms of his understanding of physics. Being stumped by something like this made him feel frustrated, so he decided to seek advice.

He took out his phone and made a call, which was answered on the first ring, something he was used to when dealing with the person he was calling.

"Sweetie, is there anything you need?" Charlene asked gently from the other side.

"Mom, I need your help. Can you come to the training room?" Kaizer asked right away, his voice full of seriousness.

Charlene assented and appeared within the training room in less than 5 minutes, dressed casually in a sweater and a long skirt that reached her ankles. Immediately, she came to sit beside her son and placed her arms around his broad shoulders, marveling at how handsome her darling boy had become.

"What's wrong, dear?" Charlene inquired with an encouraging smile.

Kaizer immediately explained his issue to his mother, who had been a science teacher for a Senior High School before his father made it big, so she was now the MD of one of the Lunin Corp's subsidiary companies that dealt with pharmaceutical products since that was her major in college.

Charlene listened carefully, her brows furrowed—much in the same way Kaizer often did—in thought as Kaizer spoke, absorbing the details of his conundrum. She placed a delicate finger on her chin, her gaze distant for a moment as if sorting through a mental catalog of physics equations.

Kaizer felt like he could hear his mother's brain whirring, which wasn't actually a joke, since he could literally feel her brain overclocking itself to parse his situation. Naturally, he was privy to the thoughts and equations that Charlene calculated, but it almost made him nauseous.

Besides, he only did this to understand her explanation better. He still stuck to his one cardinal rule: to never read the minds of those close to him and to also never let them know about his powerful telepathy. No relationship could withstand such a brutal test.

"Well…" Charlene began slowly, tapping her chin as she finally gathered her thoughts into words.

"It seems like you're dealing with a principle that lies at the intersection of force, mass, and energy… specifically, the concept of inertia and the limitations of exertion over time."

Charlene glanced at the various weights lining the walls of the training room, then turned back to Kaizer, seemingly comprehending her son's reason for asking this.

"Telekinesis, at least as you've described it, operates on principles that are analogous to how physical force works in the material world, but with some key differences. It's not just about how much you can lift; it's about how efficiently you can transfer energy into the object you're moving. This is where it gets tricky."

Charlene leaned forward slightly, grasping a 5kg dumbbell in one hand and bringing it over. "The force required to lift an object is governed by its mass and the gravitational force acting upon it. When you lifted the family car, you were exerting an immense amount of energy over a brief period of time, and your body wasn't able to handle that strain. But it's not just lifting that's the issue; it's moving the object. Moving it is where momentum comes in."

Kaizer did not hide his confusion, and the ever-patient Charlene continued. "Momentum, sweetie, is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. When you lift something, you're using energy to overcome gravity. When you throw it, however, you need to give it enough velocity to overcome the inertia that resists motion. Your telekinetic ability might be able to lift heavy objects for short bursts, but achieving enough velocity to throw them—that requires a very different type of energy output."

She paused, watching her son's expression slowly shift as he grasped the idea. "You're not just overcoming the gravitational pull; you're trying to get that object to accelerate, and that acceleration is what requires sustained energy over time, something that might not be compatible with the brief bursts of energy your telekinesis was previously able to muster."

Charlene gave a soft laugh, lifting up the dumbbell she picked. "It's a bit like when you use one of these gym machines. Your muscles are strong enough to push a weight up, but it's much harder to push it at the same rate for a longer distance. Your telekinetic force is strong enough for lifting but not for accelerating the object fast enough to throw it. That burst of energy can't be sustained long enough to overcome the inertia of the object's mass."

Kaizer absorbed this, rubbing his chin in contemplation. "So, it's not about how much weight I can move at once, but how long I can keep moving it at a certain speed?"

"Precisely!" Charlene clapped with satisfaction, proud of her son's relatively quick grasp of something he did not have much understanding of.

Charlene then tossed the 5kg dumbbell down to the padded floor, which was covered with rubber. "If you want to throw objects, you'll need to focus on controlling the energy output more gradually, maintaining the same power over a longer period of time. That way, you could accelerate the object rather than just lifting it."

Kaizer nodded, the fog of confusion lifting from his mind. "Got it, thanks, Mom."

"Of course, happy to help, dear." Charlene replied softly, her hand gently squeezing his shoulder as she stood up to leave.

However, she paused when she stood up, hesitated, and then gave a piece of gentle advice.

"Always remember, dear, all power requires control. You'll need to train your mental will just as much as you train your mental power."