Esper Ability Testing 2

"Guh!" Kaizer winced as he felt a spike of pain in his head but was surprised to find out that it wasn't as terrible as he had expected.

Per his assumptions, the shattering of a psychic barrier should be akin to breaking the arms of a person who was blocking an oncoming attack with their palm. It should completely cripple that person and leave them in a forced recovery state for a while, but he was proven wrong.

Kaizer had always wondered about this and planned to ask when he enrolled, but seeing that this was a testing room, he decided to maintain his barrier till it shattered, since this would be the perfect environment to test this for himself, lest he entered a dangerous situation and was unable to go all out.

Now, he had his answer.

The dummy disappeared and was replaced by a white cube that was not made of any tangible materials that Kaizer could tell.