Kaizer's intense blue eyes narrowed as he understood immediately which group the dean was talking about, because he had only encountered esper-related forces before his time in the academy, and there was only one group who could be described as troublemakers.
"What do they want with Rina?" Kaizer asked seriously, not understanding what his sister had to do with this.
"Drake's power was special. Unlike the rest of us who have a chance to awaken esper powers based on our ancestry as well as various other stimuli, he awoke his powers from birth. It was this way for him, and so too was it for his mother, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, and so on," Dean Rochester answered.
"So Rina's powers are guaranteed to awaken in the next generation, with the exact same death power? Does it go to only one child, or can multiple inherit it?" Kaizer inquired astutely.