25: Man's Greatest Fear

Dark and dreary are the fears which man has called and conjured

Myriads are the horrors and maleficent beasts.

The stalkers of dreams haunt their wake and leave their spirits injured

What stories they tell, terrors they weave, madness on which they feast

This I know, there is no other which turns a man's blood colder

Then the hideous demon of vile abyss whose hunger will not cease

Nor in fact, does its greed end, or lust diminish, instead it simply smolders

And its boundless conceit serving as the charge, only makes it bolder.


Pride crackles like fuel as it cackles like a fool, the greatest fear of man.

More than the Dragon, no devilish adversary composes this wicked thing

Its morbid grin cows the spirit far greater than any fiend can

and its vulgar acts, like nightmares in the mind will forever haunt and cling.

It's no host of ghouls or goblins or ghosts that causes man to tremor

Nor do scorpions and snakes have venom strong enough to meet its sting.

You might consider to trap this creature and gawk at its monstrous figure

But that would be folly, and your last, since it's rather dastardly clever


It's not the claws that you must fear the most

But the malevolent tongue weaves webs thicker than a spider

And no sharp toothy horror does this abomination boast

But its fangs pierce deeper than any natural death decider.

Although it has no scales or hide, it yet retains not a gap or flaw

And it does not weigh a thousand pounds, nor does it breathe fire

But vitriol spews like a fog from its maw

And laughter oozes from its wrath-laden jaw 


Its savage like an animal; jealous like a slut

Go on and ask its name and pay the price if you dare

Its callous sloth will bleed your soul drier than any cut

and its hollow heart will watch your crimson pour without a care

No matter the haunts and harrows which stalk the night and plan

The dungeons and dragons of darkest fantasies cannot bring despair

Not like how we fancy that the vilest horror can

For after all and more than any monster, man's greatest fear is man.