27: Poems of Another World (Song of the Northmen)

An Army Anthem of a kingdom from another world.


Along the iron ridges of Izalae 

In the snow-veiled valleys of Vespi

Our Metal-forged hearts truly belie

The beauty of our spirit beneath.

The storms we weather, in blood and cold

Snow like arrows, winds like swords;

To no man or devil shall our honor be sold

And no enemy to touch the domain of our Lord.


In the mountainous north, the Arctic wolf sings

To the song of iron where the sword yet rings

And the floods and flurries shall fell our foes

Or the blade in our hands shall grant him woes.

But if the walls of our lands should give to heathens

The walls of our hearts shall stand of stone. 

For the glory of Great Arcticus,

For the glory of our home!