
chapter 24

Chapter 24

Mr Owens had slid his boot up next to wrens shaking foot, a quick glance and suffle in her seat she had to own a deep breath before joining in conversation with the rest of the group.

Her eyes would note everything about the room, Janice always wore sneakers, while Mike and Cathy preferred boots, as for, Jerald he didn't like wearing shoes as instead the school pushed on a plastic bag at least when walking the halls.

Each day they'd sit in the same seats, an order they hadn't realized they made, and followed.

It was today Percy hadn't been there, he was the empty seat next to her, usually scooted in so it would touch the edge of hers.

The bell sounded, muffled behind the door as Mr Owens gathered the students clipboards making a pile in his arms as he led them out the class, wrens eyes glancing up as where he had removed the bell above the door, Jerald preferred it that way.

And at that same bell Percy quickly met wren in the halls grabbimg her handl, as it seemed to even add to his warmth, their feet echoed amongst the concrete halls, percy glanced back with a smile that stretched across his face as the dimples that practically painted themselves on.

Pushing the door open the two ran out, the sky had hidden the sun and coated it in a thick white past, the temperature had dropped in the last few weeks, for winter had seemed to creep up.

Their figures practically jumped as they flashed though the dead grass and thence upon Percys path, the same path that had led wren so many times, the path that's saved her.

They stopped in the middle of the field, Percys voice told everything shed never heard, his mouth barely moved and yet held the weighted words, the words she'd been spoiled with, his hand had still been linked in hers when he raised it above his head watched as wren would twirl in front of him, her dress flew from under her coat, while supported by the smile she had put on.

Percy continued to guide wren in the slow motion he held her in, his comforting eyes met hers, her blue eyes that had never shown. They had found a way, they'd grew large like her flushed face, for it was only then that the white sky began to fall in the smallest snowflakes, only enough to last a minute, for that they wished would never end.

Wren wrapped her arms around Percy who perfectly followed in that movement, for she could rest in his arms more than anyone else.

His touch was different it was the touch shed always remembered, even while everything changed.

It never did.