I looked over to one side, expecting to see a giant dragon looming through the wall - but luckily, no such thing appeared. Yep. It was definitely just a ridiculous dream... right?
It had to be right, didn't it? The memory of a dragon talking to me felt extremely real, though! Plus, I was pretty sure that right after that dream was when I figured out I had a Sacred Gear and could Boost my strength and stuff!
"Issei? Are you okay?" Rias asked, her voice soft. She'd been paying attention to me and noticed something was off-! She was so sweet!
"Yes, you seem shocked, Master," Kiyome said, having decided all on her own that she was going to call me 'Master' from now on. (Hopefully it was only temporary... my parents might have questions if she was going to do this for good!)
"Ah-! Sorry, I just remembered a weird dream I had," I explained. I explained about the dragon and everything. "It was from right before my Sacred Gear activated for the first time... but it has to have just been a dream, right?" Rias, why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me it's not just a dream!
"Hmm... Can you manifest your Sacred Gear again, Issei?" Rias asked. "Don't activate it, just make it appear."
I had to wiggle my arm out of the cuddle pile and raise it up into the air, but after a few seconds of effort, I managed to call it up. Rias hummed, her fingers trailing across the red, clawed gauntlet that appeared on my hand. The soft, gentle motion sent goosebumps across my body, just the same as if she'd been doing it to my bare flesh. I had to resist the urge to do something sexual, this was important!
"Master, your cock is getting hard again... do you want to put my mouth to good use cleaning it off?" Kiyome! You're very distracting!
"I think this is the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet," Rias said at last.
"Oh, I see." That would make sense, since the dragon was red - wait! That wasn't helpful at all! "What's that?"
"Ah. I thought at first your Sacred Gear was Twice Critical," Rias explained. "It is a fairly common Sacred Gear. But with this design, and what you mentioned about the red dragon in your dream, and the fact that you were capable of boosting twice in quick succession... I think it may be something else entirely. The Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet is one of the thirteen Longinus."
This still wasn't helpful! "Stop dropping random obscure jargon! What the heck's a Longinus?!"
"Sorry, Issei. Hm..." Rias considered how to explain it. "The Longinus are the strongest Sacred Gears, and there are only thirteen of them. This Gear is one of them. Specifically, this Sacred Gear contains the spirit of the Welsh Dragon within it. That must be the red dragon you saw in your dream."
"Oh!" Kiyome spoke up. Ah! She was a monster tamer, she probably knew all about monsters like the Welsh Dragon! Give me your useful info, Kiyome! "If the red dragon is in Issei's arm, that means that it has to quietly watch the entire time as he dominates women, doesn't it?" Kiyome!!! Why are you so exactly what I imagine you to be like in my sex dreams!? Actually, wait, isn't it good that I've already learned what she was like so well? "Such a mighty, powerful beast - an icon of male virility - would surely live in utter, pathetic ruin as it was forced to watch Issei rut with women." She was rubbing her thighs together.
"I really don't care about that sort of thing," came the red dragon's voice. I jerked, expecting both Rias and Kiyome to react, but apparently they couldn't hear him. "Oh, you can hear me now." He actually sounded a little surprised? Was this the famous red dragon? "Issei. My name is Ddraig. I am, in fact, in your Sacred Gear, just as Rias surmised. It is my first time having a host with your particular focus - but I am willing to help you accomplish such things."
"Hey, my arm is talking to me," I said to Rias.
"Oh?" Rias asked, humming. "Hello, Red Dragon Emperor," she said.
"My Master has cuckolded you, Red Dragon Emperor," Kiyome said, with pure, radiant pride in her voice.
Aika spoke up at that point. "Maybe you shouldn't tell dragons that they're getting cucked, Kiyome."
"Yeah, Kiyome, please stop saying that stuff, I'm worried he's going to eat me or something."
"Eat you? I wouldn't do something like that. As I said, I enjoy helping my hosts accomplish great things. That includes acquiring a harem, if that is what you desire, Issei."
"I already have a harem, though. I have Rias, and Aika, and Kiyome, and Asuka!"
"Yes, I noticed. However, my hosts tend to attract women. Power is appealing."
"Hey, guys, do you think I'm sexier because of my power, or because I'm hot?" Wait, why was I arguing with the red dragon?
"Yes, why are you arguing with me, exactly? It isn't as if I'm telling you to stop being attractive."
"You are hot because of your bewitchingly masculine power, which sends women trembling to their knees, Master," Kiyome said.
"I like how fast you make me come," Aika added.
"I think Issei is a sweetheart. The earnest, hardworking side of Issei is the best, and being powerful is helpful to that." Rias! How do you come off as so much more sincere?!
"Mm... I don't know. I guess I like the hot more than the power," Asuka said. "Is this red dragon some kind of pervert who watches you have sex? Kinda weird..."
"I don't have any choice."
"I knew it! You're totally salty about watching me jerk off and stuff!"
"I am not. Issei, I want to help you succeed, just as I have done with my past hosts," he said. "Yes, that includes assisting you in acquiring the harem you so desire."
I just squinted at the gauntlet, then relayed what it had to say to Rias and Kiyome, hoping they'd have some insight about it.
"Mm. Such a beast has surely been thoroughly tamed," Kiyome said with a small nod. She had at least not decided to call Ddraig a cuck again, so I was counting it as a victory.
"I as well."
"To support its master so completely... there must truly be some powerful magic involved," Kiyome said.
"Yes," Rias agreed. "I don't remember the specifics too well, but I believe that the White and Red Dragons were defeated by the Three Factions - ah, that is to say, Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels," Rias explained to me. Thank you for not dumping fresh jargon on me that I don't understand, Rias! You're learning how to be a better exposition dump! "They attacked as a united force, and it took everything we had to fend them off."
Oh, so that meant that the Red Dragon had a friend?
"No, I am not 'friends' with the White Dragon. We were locked in battle when the 'Three Factions' interrupted us over their own petty fight." Wait, how could you be fighting that long? Also, couldn't they just fight somewhere you weren't? "Our battle was grand indeed." Ddraig seemed satisfied with that answer.
"He wants to say that he doesn't like the White Dragon at all. They were fighting when you guys interrupted them, apparently."
"Hm. Interesting," Rias said, nodding. "That does make more sense. Other stories about the Red and White Dragons portrayed them as rivals, but in that tale, they came off as friends."
"Really, you fight alongside someone for one single battle and everybody starts acting like you're buddy buddy... do these people not understand strategic alliances?"
* * *
In the end, Kiyome did stop calling me Master once we actually left the bedroom. On the one hand, that would result in much less cringe than her doing it at school; on the other hand, I was definitely starting to like hearing her call me 'Master'! There's something about a pretty girl with big boobs calling you that, which really can't be expressed clearly until you've experienced it! Sirzechs, I totally get why you make your wife dress up as a maid!
"From the way he spoke, it sounded more like Grayfia chose to dress up as a maid."
Oh yeah. I still had the magic gauntlet hidden in a pocket dimension or whatever, obviously. It wasn't visible at the moment, but now Ddraig had broken through to start talking to me whenever he felt like it and offering color commentary on my own thoughts... honestly, it was kind of annoying.
"You know, it's unlikely you could have defeated Riser and saved Rias from that forced marriage without my assistance... you could at least be a little more polite."
I am polite! I'm not bringing up the fact that you watched me fuck all four of my girlfriends like some weird creep!
That thought shut him up.
I'd sort of been worried that Riser was going to come back from Hell and attack me or my family or something, but apparently Sirzechs absolutely would not stand for that, and everybody was scared of pissing off Sirzechs. It didn't really make sense to me - if Sirzechs was going to protect Rias from the guy she was in an unwanted arranged marriage to, why did I have to be the one to beat up Riser? Why didn't he do it himself?
It didn't really make sense to me, but apparently that was just how devil politics was.
I was perfectly happy to return to a happy school life. Yuuto treated me with a newfound respect in class, Rias, Asuka, and Kiyome all gave me paizuri, I fucked the whole tennis club, and I had a few numbers that I'd acquired when I'd been trying to boost my power to save Rias, and I'd gone on a date or two with each girl. (Sadly, they were not as eager to have sex with me as the tennis club girls! Probably because Kiyome gave the girls a top-tier recommendation!)
After class let out, I was considering heading to the tennis club (to bang Kiyome and/or her tennis club members) or maybe the occult research club (to bang Rias). Aika was standing at my side as I considered it.
"You know, you actually look really cool when you're thinking, Issei," Aika said.
Wha-! How am I supposed to respond to that?! Now I'm all self-conscious and I don't know what to do! I probably don't look calm at all, now! She just let out a little cackle at my response.
"You're also so easy to tease," she said, getting up on her tip-toes, then grabbing my shoulder, then hefting herself up into the air to kiss my cheek. "Woo," she said, as she landed back down on the ground. "Wow. Before you, Issei, I wouldn't have been able to do that. That Booster Cock thing is pretty amazing."
"Eh! Don't talk about that stuff out loud! What if somebody overhears, Aika?"
"Then they'll think I'm being chuuni?" Aika said, tilting her head. "You know, I thought you were chuuni too, before you introduced me to Asuka, Issei. Me saying 'Booster Cock' just makes me sound like a pervert."
"Hmm... I guess that's true," I admitted.
"So what are you thinking about doing, Issei?"
"Eh... I was thinking about going to the occult research club to pick up Rias, or the tennis club to pick up Kiyome."
"Ah. A difficult decision," Aika nodded along, adjusting her glasses thoughtfully. "Oh, Kiba's at the occult research club, isn't he?"
"E-ehm... yes," I admitted.
"You could see about if he wants to do a DP on me with you. Or a spitroast, if you're worried about balls touching."
Gah! Aika still thought she could swing a threeway with me and my best male friend, Yuuto! I totally understood why, since she'd been present for plenty of group sex with my other girlfriends, but still-! "You should really just tell her your feelings. Women like a man who's honest." Do they? Do they really?! "It's better than hiding your feelings but letting her keep hope for a threeway that won't ever happen. She is your first girlfriend, so imagine if she had done that to you."
I should imagine if she had suggested I could have threesomes with her and another girl, and then she had never actually followed through-!? Ah! That would really be the worst, even worse than knowing I wouldn't get threesomes! Ddraig was right! I was being a terrible boyfriend. I sucked in my gut, and finally spoke. "Ai-Aika," I said, immediately stammering the moment I started to speak. "I... I like you, and I understand that you want a devil's threesome, but I really don't want to share you with Yuuto! I want to be the only one who fucks you! Sorry!" I clenched my eyes shut, anticipating a well-deserved slap for leading her on.
"Finally, you admit it," Aika said. Eh? She knew?
"Women have an intuition about these things... also, you weren't exactly hiding it very well."
Then why was I so anxious?! "Aika, you know?!"
"I got that vibe... especially since you kept not doing it and avoiding it and one of those magic perks of yours gives me a sense of the kinds of things you like..."
"Th-then why did you keep suggesting it?!" I felt really bad!
"Because I want to get spitroasted by you and Kiba? Duh?" Oh, that made sense. "I was hoping you'd just do it to be nice..." She sighed, then shrugged. "Ah, well. Sex with you's still the best sex ever, since you have a huge dick and magic orgasm powers. Want to go bang in a side room?"
Very tempting! Before I could actually accept that offer, though, Akeno appeared! The busty dark-haired girl approached me. "Issei, I just wanted to say - it was really amazing what you did for Rias. You acted the part of a true hero. I'm impressed you stood up for Rias against a devil, and won in the end - you must have worked very hard for that."
"Y-yes! I mean, thank you!"
"Rias was in turmoil over getting forcibly married off to Riser. As her friend, I saw the way she reacted every time it came up... but unlike you, I didn't do anything." She stepped up towards me, getting up on her tip-toes, and kissed me right on the lips. Her cheeks had a light glow to them as she landed on the floor again. Ehhh? She was cutely embarrassed about kissing me? "Thank you. When Riser groped Rias's butt, I should have done something, but I didn't. You're a true hero."
"Hey," Aika said, casually wrapping herself around my arm and stopping Akeno from continuing to praise me. She sounded a little annoyed... wasn't she supposed to not get jealous thanks to my magic CYOA powers?! "Just calling Issei a hero is easy, but I was about to treat him like one." She then just mimed doing a blowjob! Ah! My cheeks glowed instantly, but while Akeno's eyebrows rose, she didn't get angry.
"Oh my..." Akeno said. She looked me up and down, her expression one that was simultaneously thoughtful and interested, as if she was considering just tearing off my clothes and fucking me right then and there! I remained silent for a moment, letting her consider it... and then she stepped forward towards me, wrapping herself around my opposite arm. Her breasts pushed into my arm! I was in heaven, with a sexy girl on either arm! I'd thought that saving Rias from Riser was good because I was saving Rias from Riser, but apparently I also got the benefit that some girls thought you were sexy for being a hero?! I definitely wouldn't complain! "I would be interested in seeing how a hero is rewarded... Aika-chan, right? Rias has mentioned you, I think."
"Oho... you want to watch?" Aika asked, a grin on her lips. "Well~, I can let you do that, I suppose..." She smiled. "Come on, Issei, let's find a nice private spot..." Her tongue flashed out across her lips, her eyebrows waggling a bit.
Sorry, Kiyome! Sorry, Rias! Really, I'm doing this for your benefit, because if I'm fucking a new girl, I'll get stronger, which will let me protect you even more!
* * *
I was seated on the edge of a countertop in the occult research club's building, and Aika was on her knees, tugging my pants down to my ankles. Akeno was watching the whole scene with heated cheeks as Aika removed my underwear. "Oh my," Akeno said, her hand coming up to cover her mouth in shock, as my huge cock came into view, big and hard in front of Aika.
Aika just leaned up towards it, running her tongue slowly along my whole length, tasting me like I was the most delicious thing she'd ever put in her mouth. Her hand grasped me near the base, holding and twisting my cock this way and that as she ran her tongue all along it. It wasn't her normal blowjob style, being much more teasing and slow, my cock occasionally occluding her eyes or face as she licked all along it. Still, I could tell she was enjoying it, and I was the one getting my cock sucked, so I let her set her own preferred pace. My length just kept quietly throbbing as she took her time with it, slithering her tongue around, eventually making her way to the tip again, running her tongue in the groove - and making eye contact with Akeno as she did.
I looked back over to Akeno at that point, and she had her lips slightly parted, a warm glow to her cheeks as she stared down at my cock. It was insanely sexy, having such an elegant young lady staring at my cock like that, lost in just enjoying the sight of it. My dick twitched, flicking up and bopping Aika right in the nose thanks to her position, but she didn't mind, just following it along and kissing at the tip. Her tongue started to flick out, teasing my slit, her eyes looking up at me, a grin visible in them, like she was incredibly proud of her work.
I reached down for her head, softly petting her. "That's really good, Aika," I said. "Your tongue feels amazing. Keep going," I said. She hummed pleasantly at the tip - glancing out of the corner of her eye at Akeno - and then just swooped her way down my whole length, making me groan in pleasure as her nostrils hit my pelvis. I just cast my head back, enjoying the feeling, and then I caught movement out of the corner of my eye - Akeno, taking a step forward towards us, then stopping herself. Her hands were clasped in front of her, and she was wringing them quietly, fidgeting in place, her legs faintly wobbling beneath her.
I made Aika come at that point, and she just moaned around my cock as she did, sending sweet waves of vibration up through my length. Akeno's eyes widened at that, but she just continued to stare as Aika held herself down on my cock and rode the waves of pleasure through it. She didn't even glance up at my face, instead leaning forward, taking another mindless half-step forward, staring in wonder and interest as Aika came from deepthroating my cock.
When I groaned again, Akeno's eyes flicked up to my face - and caught me looking, making her straighten up, her cheeks glowing as she tried to straighten out her skirt and pretend she hadn't been staring with wanton lust at my dick that whole time. My cock just throbbed inside Aika's throat, and the girl in question peeled back on my dick, popping off as she caught her breath, chest rising and falling as she looked over at Akeno. "Akeno... you know... you can totally suck it too?" She asked, with a smile on her lips. "He's really tasty... when it's down your throat, you can just come on it..." She had this over the top kind of sultry note to her voice, and my cock twitched at those words.
Akeno cleared her throat, straightening up again. "I'm perfectly fine continuing to watch. There's no need for me to intrude."
"You wouldn't be intruding," Aika said, her voice teasing and tempting, my cock twitching as she started to slowly jerk me off. "It's fun to share the wonderful experience of Issei's fat cock with a new girl." She kissed the side of my dick at that point, making it twitch again. "Come on. It's sooo tasty," she breathed, tongue stretching out to lick along my length, and Akeno just stared with slightly-parted lips, her eyes on my dick. She wetly, noisily, swallowed, and my cock twitched by way of response to the sight of her doing as much.
"Please, continue as if I'm not here," Akeno said, her voice a little strained.
Aika looked ready to keep going, clearly thinking she was about to win Akeno over - but I got the opposite feeling, so I just grabbed one of her braids, pulling her up to the tip of my cock. "Ooo, he's eager for more," she said, "just wa-mmf," was as far as she got, and Akeno let out a little pant as she watched me slowly slide my cock into Akeno's mouth. Aika half-moaned around my cock as I slid into her throat, clearly quite enjoying the fact that I'd interrupted her talking.
"That's a good girl," I breathed out down to Aika, as I pulled her all the way back down my cock - and made her come again once she was down there. Once more, her body spasmed, her choked moan ran up my length, and her eyelashes fluttered rapidly as she remained lodged down there. Wet, gagging noises escaped her throat as she just twitched and jerked, and it felt incredibly good - especially since Akeno was utterly focused on the scene, her eyes a little wide as she watched me just force Aika to deepthroat my cock and come. "You love my big fat cock in your tight little throat, don't you?" Aika actually nodded at that - or, did as best she could, with my dick in that position.
"I love it too. You're such an eager cocksucker, and you've gotten really good at it, Aika," I told her, one hand on either braid - and then I started to just wetly fuck her face. The loud glukking noise seemed to echo in the otherwise quiet room, and Akeno's cheeks glowed bright pink as she stared, eyes widening at the scene, and the sheer roughness and vigor of Aika's facefuck. Then I made Aika come again, moaning around my cock, just twitching wildly, spasming and jerking in place as she went cross-eyed with bliss. Her glasses started to go askew, then fell off entirely, clattering on the ground, and I just rutted like a madman, balls slapping at Aika's chin.
The show was clearly very arousing for Akeno, and Aika's nearsightedness meant she couldn't even tell that I was no longer looking at her. Akeno wasn't looking at my face, just quietly fidgeting. Her hands wrung one another, her lips parted, her eyes lost in lust, ever so slightly unfocused as she stared down at Aika. Maybe imagining herself in Aika's position.
"Your mouth feels so good," I grunted out, and made Aika come again, a strangled moan escaping her throat and vibrating around my cock as I kept on rutting at her face. "Your throat feels amazing," I said, sending another orgasm through her body, and she just quietly trembled around my dick by way of response, saliva dribbling out of her mouth, staining her top as I roughly fucked her face even harder. "I'm gonna come soon."
She gave me a thumbs up with both hands, an obscenely cute thing given she was currently getting roughly facefucked, and I decided to go for it. I peeled her so that just the tip of my cock was past her lips, enjoying her hot, wet pants, her moans that wobbled slightly from the intensity of two back-to-back orgasms, and then just came. She moaned, gulping noisily down all the cum she could get, some of it slipping out past her lips as she shuddered in place and took my cum.
When I was spent, I sighed, casually pulling out of her mouth with a wet pop. Akeno let out a gasp as she saw just how big I still was - my hard-on wasn't going on at all. Aika just stayed on her knees, half-dozed as she swilled what of my cum had been dumped in her mouth, and I idly stroked my length, giving Akeno a good show of just how big and hard I was. She bit her lip, clearly thinking about stepping forward and joining in...
"Akeno, you should suck it too, it's soooo good," Aika said, slurping up my cum from her chin. "You'll come your brains out from sucking Issei's cock. Oh, or you can give him a titfuck, he loves those. My chest isn't quite big enough to really do it."
She was definitely not very good at seducing girls! It was easy to see why her efforts had not borne fruit on that front! Sorry, Aika, but it's the truth! "Now, Aika," I said, and she turned her attention back to me instantly. "Akeno just wants to watch."
"Yes..." Akeno agreed, swallowing. "Just watch." Ah! She was definitely being affected by the whole 'watching Aika suck my dick' situation, which was good! Thank you, Voyeurism!
"Come on," I said, guiding Aika up to her feet. "You've got a little on your chin still," I pointed out to Aika, catching it with my finger. She gladly sucked it into her mouth, noisily slurping and licking my tip as she looked up at me with smoldering arousal. My dick twitched and throbbed in front of her - and once she'd cleaned my hand off, I twisted her around so she faced Akeno, bent her over, flipped up her skirt, and pulled down her panties.
Predictably, she was soaked, and I lined myself up with her tight sex. I made eye contact with Akeno, her beautiful violet eyes still swimming in arousal. Then I thrust inside of Aika and made her come, my perverted girlfriend coming hard on my cock, moaning as her pussy went wild. It felt fantastic, and I just started to pump away, enjoying the feeling of her pussy, and the way that Akeno's gaze was drawn down towards Aika's own face. Her teeth dug into her lower lip, her cheeks glowing, her hands wringing... and she took another step towards me, a mindless thing, the click of her shoes against the tile floor seeming to echo in the room and stop her.
Aika tried to say something, but it just came out as incoherent mush. (Probably for the best.)
For my part, I just enjoyed the feeling of Aika's sex as I pounded away inside her, ramming at her tight pussy. Akeno's gaze went to Aika's face, currently twisted-up in pleasure, as she got thoroughly fucked on the countertop. I kept going at it for a solid couple minutes, hitting Aika with another orgasm whenever one seemed to decline. Her pussy was going absolutely wild on my cock, her moans seeming to get louder with each stroke. Eventually, I had a certain impulse, so - "You can come closer to get a better look," I suggested.
Akeno did exactly that, her eyes taking in the scene of Aika getting fucked hard as she approached us both. She looked at the scene in silhouette, her eyes running along both our bodies, flicking with interest to mine in particular. With one hand on Aika's hip, I kept pumping away at my girlfriend - and with the other, I signaled to Akeno to come closer.
She came closer. "Issei..." She breathed out, her voice almost trembling with lust as I signaled her again, and she drew closer, and closer. Then, at last, her head was close enough, and I clasped her by the hair, pulling her into a fierce kiss. She let out a hot pant into my mouth, her breasts pushing against my chest, as I continued to pound away at Aika - and Aika tightened up still further on my cock, raw rampant arousal spiking in the moment.
I felt a certain, quiet instinct again, letting my fingers slowly slide down Akeno's gorgeous voluptuous body - ignoring her tits, sadly, and instead snaking down towards her pelvis. I slipped under her skirt, but not her panties, and ever-so-gently brushed against her sex through the thin fabric.
She promptly came, moaning into my mouth, her tongue dancing around in that confined space. Hot, wet pants escaped her throat as she trembled against me, and I just kept teasing her slick sex, lost in the pleasant lust of the moment, fucking one girl and making out with another, both of them enjoying themselves immensely.
I didn't actually finger Akeno, or use my powers, so when her orgasm finally ran down, she was left quietly breathing into my mouth, aroused but not on the verge of another orgasm. I ended the kiss, letting her take a step back - not out of fear or embarrassment, but to get a better view of the scene. "My... you really are rough with her..." There was an aroused, sadistic note to Akeno's voice, like she liked the idea of me being rough with Aika, and I responded by upping my pace and making Aika come again. She tightened and squealed, and I was very thankful that Akeno had found us a quiet spot in the club building... given that nobody had interrupted, not even Rias, it seemed like we really did have our privacy. "Does she like being spanked?" Akeno asked curiously.
My cock twitched inside of Aika. I was being encouraged by one girl to spank another girl? This only happened in hentai, right? Aika just moaned and pushed her butt back into my pelvis, egging me on, and I gave her a spanking. Akeno let out a hot breath, while Aika just squirmed and kicked her legs in pleasure.
I was super light with my spankings of Aika - I was super strong now! I didn't want to actually hurt her! - but since I was doing it for Akeno's viewing pleasure, it didn't really matter. Akeno was left to slowly work herself up in simmering arousal as the scene played out in front of her, at which point I gestured for her to come close and kissed her again, making a long, pleasant makeout session, where Akeno watched Aika get fucked out of the corner of her eye.
"Come in me~e," Aika whined in the midst of the sex. "I'm on the pi~ill, just squirt, in my pussy," she breathed out.
The quiet longing for a creampie utterly defeated me - I had to trust her! She was my girlfriend! Also I was pretty sure that she wasn't interested in getting teen pregnant for real! So I just bottomed out inside of Aika's pussy as I made out with Akeno, and came, groaning into Akeno's mouth, the other girl hotly panting against me, practically humping me from the side as I nutted inside Aika.
When I pulled out, Akeno stared at my hard cock, her lips softly parted as she contemplated its full girthy size with a wet swallow. "You can totally suck it," Aika said. "It's super tasty."
"A-ah... while I appreciate the offer, I think that Issei and I should go on at least one date before we have sex..." Akeno said.
"Who cares about that? I didn't even get a kiss before Issei shoved his cock down my throat!" Aika! This is why you haven't gotten me any girls despite trying!
Akeno just giggled sweetly. "Thank you for the offer, Aika, but I won't be taking you up on it." She took a step back at that point, her cheeks glowing with arousal, and blew me a kiss before leaving Aika and I alone in the room.
"Haa... lame. I wanted to see you break in a new girl..."
"I'll see about making that happen, okay, Aika?" I proposed, and she smiled.
"Thank you. You're a nice boy, Issei," Aika said, rolling over on the countertop so she faced up at me. "Keep fucking me, okay?"
The pair of us lost track of time, fucking like rabbits together. We did, eventually, get caught, when somebody returned to the occult research club building - but luckily, it was Rias, so we didn't get in trouble.
She did make us stop, though.