
Since Akeno wanted a proper date before she became my girlfriend and we could have sex - I gave her one! I now had plenty of experience on dates, with Aika, Kiyome, Rias, Tsubasa, and Asuka, so it wasn't too hard to figure one out. Especially since I did ask Rias for some help. Not to completely design the date, obviously! But, you know, some idea of the sorts of things that Akeno would enjoy. She apparently secretly had a pure maiden's heart, according to Rias!

Our date was actually so generic I actually felt a little worried! Going out to eat, wandering through the shopping mall, going to the aquarium, going to the arcade... it wasn't that there was anything wrong with any of it, but Akeno was a unique girl and surely had unique tastes? But then again, if those things weren't good date ideas, then they wouldn't be so overdone! Presumably they were the best dates for some girl!

Akeno was absolutely adorable and cute on the date, too! Her onee-sama energy seemed to vaporize somehow?! She was just adorable and cute instead of confident and cool! She'd ask me if I thought this dress would look good on her, or say how cute a fish was, and it felt like she was my age instead of a year older. Her hand gripped mine firmly whenever we walked anywhere, but not in a cool dominant way - more like a girl who was trusting me to lead her around!

When we made our way back to my place at the end of our long date, she was practically clinging to my arm, rubbing her cheek against my shoulder sweetly. My mother commented on how cute we looked together, and then said, "Ah, how are your other girlfriends doing?"

"They're doing great, Mom," I reassured her. Mom would often bring up my other girlfriends whenever I brought a new girl home, almost like she was trying to subtly make sure that I wasn't hiding them. But I wasn't! In fact- "Akeno is actually Rias's friend," I explained. I decided not to mention that she'd watched me have sex with Aika.

"Oh! Well, that's nice, then," Mom said with a pleasant smile. "You two have fun! And, Akeno, if Issei treats you poorly, then don't be afraid to talk to me." Eh? Mommmm!

"Issei wouldn't treat me poorly," Akeno reassured my mother with a gentle smile, some of her onee-sama energy coming back now that she was talking to someone other than me. The gap moe was extremely strong! Especially since she was still curled around my arm. "Thank you for your concern, though, okaasan. I hope you will welcome me into your family register soon enough."

My mother was surprised by Akeno's forthrightness about us possibly getting married in the future! It stunned her into silence, and Akeno quickly got the pair of us up to my bedroom without any further discussion.

Once we were there... I got the vibe she wasn't quite ready! She had that pure of a maiden's heart?! Maybe I had misjudged her... but how could I get her in the mood?

Was it my sex skills or my own stupid horny brain suggesting that maybe we could watch porn together? It had to be my stupid horny brain, right? But watching JAVs with Tsubasa had gone well! Sometimes girls liked porn! "What sort of-" was as far as I got because in the time I'd been considering it, Akeno had already found all my porn bookmarks! Aieeeeee! I was going to die, I was dead, I was dying right here and now!

"Hm, Issei has very vanilla tastes," Akeno said. Noooo- wait that was better than her calling me a perv, right? Right! So this wasn't the worst case scenario! "Or maybe you haven't seen some of the more interesting sorts of videos?" She asked me.

Uwaa... how could this girl ask that question so casually?! Were women all made of iron?! No way I could ask a girl, Hey, have you watched the best porn? But somehow women could do this with ease! Maybe it was different for a devil? "You can totally show me your favorite videos," I declared.

"Oho," she said, her onee-sama energy somehow returning specifically for porn?! "My favorite videos may be too much for you," she noted, and I got the sense she really meant it.

"Still! You're my girlfriend, and it's only a video! Even if I don't like it, it's better to know I don't like it, right?"

"Alright, Issei. Like you said, though, if you don't like it, that's okay," she told me. Then, like she'd been planning this the whole time, she zipped to a video of a man who was bound and gagged, having his cock played with by a beautiful girl, who was also teasing him. It was definitely not the sort of thing I would watch on my own! I was an S, an S I tell you! Okay, maybe a bit of an M with Tsubasa, but that was Tsubasa's overwhelming prince energy... wait! I'm not protesting weakly because I'm secretly an M!

The girl was hot, though, and most porn was for guys, so there was plenty of attention paid to her gorgeous naked body, her nice breasts and ass, and of course, her face in particular, her lips curled up into a sadistic smile as she did this and that, teasing the guy... but I'm not an M, okay?! I was just finding the part of the scene that excited me the most, so I could enjoy it, you got that?! If I was an M I wouldn't be ashamed, because I'd be an M who had five girlfriends!

Akeno leaned into me, her breath tickling at my ear. "I don't imagine you in his position," she said. Could she read my mind? Was Excellent Beloved doing that much for me? "When I think about you... I feel vulnerable. Soft. Safe. Protected. I want you to be the one who teases me, who plays with me, who laughs as I squirm. I don't want to be the bully, but the one who gets bullied."

Excellent Lover was definitely telling me that Akeno was now in the mood! Also basic logic! My cock was fully at attention! Especially because she was saying that she didn't want me to be the M! "Ah, I don't have any toys, though," I admitted. The guy on screen was cuffed and gagged and wearing a weird outfit, after all.

"Hmm..." She leaned into my neck, taking a deep breath, and I could see goosebumps rise across her skin in response to my scent filling her nostrils. Ehh? Had I bought sexy smell and forgot about it? I couldn't check my build right now, but I liked what she was doing. "We could use your magic to make a wish," she suggested. "You could wish for some nice, comfy handcuffs, and some nice, nylon, rope. Of course, since I'm a devil, I could break out of those if I wanted to... but do you think I'll want to, Issei?" She spoke those words into my neck with an insanely sexy voice!

Aika may have been so kinky everything was on the table, and Kiyome may have wanted me to just rough her up - but Akeno was special and new and different! My brain felt like it was melting from how hot her words were! "A-ah, no, I don't, I won't! I wish I had some soft fluffy cuffs and some nylon rope!" I said, my words desperate and eager.

She chuckled softly at that, lips delicately teasing my skin. Her hand reached for my chest, sliding across it, and then she pulled out a pair of handcuffs (along with a key), and a long nylon rope (still wrapped in on itself), both of which flopped into my lap. "Now put me at your mercy, Issei."

The next part's kind of embarrassing. I actually never used either of those things before, so I did a bunch of stuff wrong at first, but Akeno was happy to help me out! I needed to take off her top and bra before putting her in cuffs, or else I wouldn't be able to get them off at all! I needed to wrap the rope all around here, and there, and slide it up there...

That latter part took a long while, and gave me plenty of chances to both enjoy Akeno's gorgeous, full-figured naked body, and the sight of her slick sex, the scent of her intensifying arousal, the way her nipples grew perky. This was foreplay for her! Even though she had to tell me how to do it properly, it was foreplay as I drew a nylon rope around the tops and bottoms of her breasts, exaggerating their size. It was foreplay when my hands haphazardly brushed against her thighs or breasts, just teasing them, not even fully indulging in my impulse to grope them incessantly.

My cock was rock hard in my pants, desperately pleading to be let out to fuck the gorgeous girl beneath me, but I just kept typing her up, and up, enjoying the way that even as it became more bound, her body also became more exposed. A wet sex, oozing with arousal, her chest rising and falling, her eyelashes fluttering up at me... "Now draw my legs up - no, spread them and bend them, Issei-kun," she explained, and soon enough, I had her legs in an M shape. "Like that. Now bind the ankle to the thigh, and follow the rope around behind my back, so that I can't close my legs," she explained. Her voice was simultaneously that of the educating onee-sama, and yet also full of panting arousal, her sex oozing down towards the bed as I tied her up.

I took a step back once I had completed the work - both to admire her body, and out of a sense from Excellent Love that she now wanted to be teased. I could make her come as much as I wanted once I started fucking her... but for now, well... she wanted to be teased! I took a step towards her, placing my hand over her slick sex, hovering a mere inch away. "Look at this pretty slick sex of yours," I told her, casually running two fingers to just trace out her lower lips, as she trembled in response to the touch, gasping desperately for air. "So wet and slick. Eager for my cock." She gulped and nodded rapidly. "Ah? Do you have something to say, Akeno-chan? I won't know unless you say it..."

To be clear, I was saying those things because of Excellent Lover! I would have started fucking her by that point if it hadn't told me she wanted to be teased like that! I didn't need assistance to tell that she wanted my dick!


"Oh? I'm just Issei-kun to you?" I brushed my thumb, feather light, across her clit, and she trembled at the touch. "That seems so mean, Akeno-chan. Shouldn't you be a bit more respectful of me? I'm the Red Dragon Emperor, you know. I'm Rias's lover and boyfriend." As I spoke, as I teased her, I could see goosebumps rush across her skin, see as her pale shade turned pink as blood rushed here and there, arousal and embarrassment mixing together. "But if you think that I'm just Issei-kun... maybe I should just keep teasing you like this? I would hate to push any boundaries. If I'm just Issei-kun, then we're just boyfriend and girlfriend after our first date, so we shouldn't be making love. Even this much is a lot, you know?"

Her breathing was shallow, her eyes slightly unfocused, but she swallowed. "Issei-sama." She exhaled the words with obvious erotic delight,

"Good girl," I said, sliding two fingers inside her - and that was too much for Akeno, who had been getting worked up at least since the video, if not longer. As my fingers brushed along her inside, she cried out in pleasure, moaning beneath me, and my eyes were naturally drawn to her voluptuous, soft breasts as they bounced and jiggled in response to my touch. My cock was desperate to plunge into her sex, or her tits, or mouth, or really anything.

I never thought about it, but in this sort of situation, what stimulation is the S getting?! I mean, you can't exactly jerk off while you're doing this, it would ruin the whole vibe! I think that whole JAV went on for like an hour before the poor girl actually had sex with the guy! Akeno was having her pussy teased and played with, but here I was with an erection that I couldn't just stuff in!

"You have a cute face when you come," I told her. I had to maintain the vibe, even if I really really wanted to just stick my dick inside her! She was my girlfriend now, and that meant I wanted to make her wildest dreams come true! "I want to see it lots and lots," I said, leaning down over her, nibbling on her ear as I started to gently finger her, thumb brushing along her clit.

I could have made her come instantly. I could have made her come fifty times in as many seconds. But I could tell that what she wanted was to be teased - to be driven up towards the heights of pleasure agonizingly slowly, and I wanted to do that for her. Call me a simp, but I wanted to make my girlfriend happy! Akeno panted softly beneath me as she came down from her orgasm. She tried to twist her head to look at me, and I just continued my gentle, slow and steady slide of my fingers inside her sex. "Ahhh, Issei-sama," she breathed out. Her eyes were focusing and unfocusing, her expression dazed as I fingered her. She paused, swallowing and licking her lips. "Issei-sama, I want it..." It was a throaty whine, one that produced an intense response from me. I would have just ripped off my pants and stuffed it in her-!

Except she actually wanted me to deny her, to tease her further. "Want what, Akeno-chan? I can't tell." My voice was cloying and teasing at once. "Say what you want, or I won't be able to give it to you, Akeno-chan..."

"Fuck me, Issei-sama!" Her voice was a desperate cry, and one I was definitely extremely happy to hear! There was only a momentary mental check to make sure she didn't want me to keep denying her, before I was just tearing my way out of my pants, my cock bouncing free into the air, Akeno's violet eyes following it as it bounced up and down in the air. I got in between her legs, rubbing my dick's tip against her sopping wet slit. "Fuck me, fuck me, ple~ease," she begged, and I thrust myself inside her the next moment.

She came in response to the sudden, forceful penetration, my sheer size helping out in driving her over the edge. I groaned as her tight, slick sex grew even tighter and wetter around my cock, rhythmically tightening in a pulsing movement that had my dick twitching in response. Hot and heavy breaths spilled out of my mouth as I luxuriated in the sensations of her cunt on my cock. "Good. That's good. You feel so good, Akeno-chan. Your tight pussy feels really nice around my cock, don't you feel proud?"

She nodded rapidly, and she looked soooo cute like that, all her onee-sama energy having been vaporized by the teasing and powerful orgasm. I leaned down over her to kiss her fiercely on the lips, and she let out a lewd moan into my mouth, sounding positively ecstatic as her tongue danced around and around inside her mouth. Each wet, sloppy smack of her tongue against mine was like a quiet way of saying, I'm completely lost, Issei, I'm coming too hard to think! It made me insanely horny, and I started to thrust inside her at that point, pumping back and forth. She was still in the throes of an orgasm, her pussy going crazy around my cock, as I began to make the bed squeak with the force of my thrusts.

I wasn't gentle with her, instead just relishing the slick sensation of her pussy as I rutted inside her. Each thrust made her squeak into my mouth, her body quivering in pleasure as I pounded at it. My hands were free to grope her breasts, soft yet gravity-defying thanks to the ropes that bound them together. There was something sweetly ecstatic about the way that she was utterly at my mercy, completely vulnerable to me doing whatever I liked to her... and so, as her orgasm finished, I broke off the kiss with her, admiring her panting face. "Issei-sama," she breathed out, tears in her eyes from the intensity of her recent orgasm, her mouth opening and closing for a moment. "Ahm... Issei-sama, ohhh," she whined, twisting around beneath me, her pussy undulating around my cock in a way that sent waves of pleasure up my spine.

I was rutting inside her with a desperate energy by that point, and my hands slid down to her breasts, fingers just sinking into them. At first, it was just a soft caress, but it quickly became a desperate, forceful grope. My fingers sank into the supple flesh roughly, but for Akeno, that sort of crushing pressure only sent her arousal skyrocketing all the higher. She gasped, bucking her hips as best she could in that awkward position, as I continued to pound away. "You look so cute like this, Akeno-chan," I told her, enjoying the way she tightened up at those words. "It's hard to believe that such a confident onee-sama can transform into such an eager masochist."

"Kyaaaaa," she cried out in pleasure, her body bouncing and jerking on the bed frantically, her hips bucking up into mine as she came again. Her breaths were desperate, the flow of air seeming so powerful as to brush across my body as I loomed over her. Her mouth just gaped open as she got fucked like that, her cunt wrapping all the tighter around my dick. Her legs wobbled in their confines, twisting the other ropes, forcefully reshaping her breasts, and her arms remained bound behind her as she just writhed beneath me, seemingly endless pleasure rushing up and through her body.

At that point, I made a simple mental calculation, born in part from her own reactions - and I made her come with my power. Orgasm after orgasm hit Akeno, hard, slamming up her spine and ramming their way directly into her brain. Each one was like a hot stake driven into her brain, producing increasingly-incoherent moans as I made her come over and over again like that. She gushed around my cock. She gasped desperately for air. She twisted. She spasmed. Pleasure unlike any she could possibly have experienced before then hit her like a ton of bricks, burying her in bliss, leaving her quivering and gasping beneath me, eyelashes fluttering more and more rapidly, head lolling from side to side. Each rutting thrust made her come all the harder. Each desperate gasp on her part made me all the more aroused, all the more eager to fuck her like that.

The only thing she was capable of saying was "Issei-sama," which she said, again and again, in a wide variety of voices. Lewd moans, desperate gasped stammers, beautiful cries of ecstasy that twisted in the air. It was a delight to listen to, and to watch as she descended ever deeper into bliss, her body growing slick with sweat, drool and tears mixing in from the sheer intensity of her constant stream of orgasms.

I honestly completely lost track of time. I had crazy boosted stamina, didn't have to come until and unless I wanted to, and I could tell that Akeno was loving twisting around down there and being submerged in endless bliss. The feeling of her slick sex gripping and squeezing at my cock with supernatural tightness couldn't compare to the sheer bliss of seeing the faces she was making, watching as she twisted from cool onee-sama into moaning maiden, lost in lust as I fucked her hard. Each thrust made the bed squeak beneath us, the noise seeming to echo in the room.

I only realized how much time had passed as the sun started to dim - I hadn't turned on the lights in my room because we'd gotten home when it was still in the sky, so its absence was making it hard to see Akeno's beautiful o-face as I drowned her in pleasure. At that point, I finally pulled out of her, giving her a break, letting her bask in the afterglow, trembling on the bed. I flicked on the bedroom light, and I could take her in again with fresh eyes. Her skin was hot pink, save for on her tits, thighs, and ass, where my random groping had left finger marks in a more vivid shade of red. Every inch of her shone with sweat, and there was a dampness on my whole bed around her body, an erotic halo of bliss.

She seemed utterly satisfied with everything as she laid there, and her brain was currently too busy basking in the afterglow to offer any commentary... but also, she'd lost a bunch of water sweating that much! She may have been a devil, but she still needed water, right? Probably? I pulled back on my clothes, grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge, and rushed back up to the bedroom to give it to her. I had to tilt her head forward, and she wrapped her lips around the tip of the bottle and sucked hard, gulping down water with intensity, her throat bobbing as she glugged it all down greedily.

She actually managed to finish off the whole water bottle without pausing, and let out a soft "ahhhh," as I finally pulled it away. "Thank you, Issei," she said. "That was very nice." Her voice was soft, almost dreamlike, as though she was ready to drift off to sleep... except-! "Issei?" Her brow furrowed as she picked up that I wasn't fully satisfied. She trembled for a moment in her bondage, but then decided not to break out, just twisting her head up and up, to look down as she wiggled around in the confines, straining the ropes as she wiggled around. "Y-you did come, right, Issei?"

I shook my head.

"Ahn... I've been a bad girl, taking and taking for so long... I thought you had definitely come, and I just couldn't tell because of how wet I was, Issei-sama... please, use my body until you come..." She looked genuinely guilty. "I always hate it when an M is so selfish." Ehh... I will ignore that and not wonder what she's talking about! "I want to be a good girl, Issei-sama. How can I make you come? Your orgasm is important."

She was so sincere! This onee-sama wanted to take care of her junior, which was sexy enough, but now that was all rotated in a strange new way, where she was wanting to take care of her junior's cock, because she felt guilty about not doing a good enough job!

Now, if you're ever in a situation where your partner has failed to make you come, take it from me: the last thing they want to hear is that it's okay! It's not okay, that's why they're upset! If it were okay, they wouldn't be upset! Tsubasa didn't come from sucking my dick, sure, but obviously she knew that and was doing that way for her own reasons - but Akeno obviously had fully expected me to come inside her! She probably imagined that I had come several times! It would be cruel to tell her that it was fine! That would be as good as saying that her pussy was no good!

"I try not to come in girls' pussies... I don't want them to get pregnant. At least, not yet! If you want kids later, wh-when you're in my family register..."

She let out a very mature onee-sama laugh at that. "Ah. Issei-sama, if you refuse to come in my pussy, then I have another hole you can use." She started to roll and waddle on the bed, slowly rotating herself around, and around, then letting her head fall off the edge of the bed. Her hair flowed down in a vast black waterfall, her ponytail long since removed. "I think this is better anyway, isn't it? I have to give you blowjobs or titfucks if I want my powers to be boosted, don't I?"

Somehow she managed to make it sound embarrassing - but since she was opening her mouth wide, and wiggling her tongue out in the air, I obviously wasn't going to say no! I got up towards her, pointing my cock right at the entrance to her mouth, then smoothly ramming my dick straight down her throat. In this upside down lewd position, I could see as her throat bulged with my length, her nipples growing perky in response to the sudden penetration.

This position... was definitely an extremely sexy one! I reached out for her tits, fingers sinking into them, digging into the supple flesh there. My cock twitched in response to the show, throbbing inside her throat, and I just let out an animal groan as I enjoyed the feeling of the inside of her mouth. Then I made her come, her body twitching and spasming on the bed, a choked moan escaping her throat, vibrating my dick where it rested inside her mouth.

The feeling was incredible, the odd, strangely-patterned vibrations racing through my cock and sending equally intense waves of pleasure up through my body. I just gasped in response to the sensations, my hips bucking back and forth an inch or so, every movement on pure instinct. Her choked little gurgles served to further stimulate my cock, and I just about went cross-eyed from how good it felt - and how good her breasts felt! The more I kneaded and played with them, the tighter I gripped them, the more certain I was that Akeno absolutely loved having her tits roughly mistreated! An instinct came to mind to smack them, and when I did? She came again! Both hands came down to slap against her tits, causing them to jiggle against one another, and she orgasmed!

Admittedly, part of that was probably the fact that her body was still hypersensitive from getting fucked stupid into the bed mere minutes ago, but still! She was orgasming from having her breasts hit! It was incredibly sexy, especially when you took into account what it was doing to my cock. When I slid my length out of her throat, she gasped for air around it, but there wasn't any hint that she was annoyed at me for choking her with my cock. The absurd sexiness of that was too much! I started to pump at her face, pounding my hips against her features, letting her breathe on the backswing before ramming my cock into her throat, balls slapping at her nostrils to force her to truly drink in the scent of my dick.

After the first few instinctual pumps, I briefly worried that I might have gone too far and done something Akeno didn't like - but she just moaned wetly around my cock, her tongue getting active inside her mouth, as if she could sense my trepidation and was reassuring me that she didn't mind it one whit!

This was a girl! A girl who was beautiful and sexy and trembling beneath me, and she deserved a reward for being such a good and diligent cocksucker! I sent another orgasm into her. "Good girl, Akeno-chan," I told her, and she just let out more choked moans as I rammed my dick down her throat, again and again. Her tongue was incoherently slapping around, smacking at the top of my cock, trying to taste and savor me, and I just gasped in pleasure. "That's a very good girl!" I groaned, my hips getting more insistent, my pace in her mouth getting harder. She wetly spasmed and twitched beneath me, gagging and slurping and making all sorts of other obscene noises. Her hips would buck into the air, these irregular spasms that she couldn't maintain on account of her legs being tied up - and it was all beautiful to watch.

The sultry, seductive onee-sama, transmuted by my dick into a quivering mess, her body still shiny in the fluorescent light of the room, the large, human-shaped wet stain on my bed from where I'd pounded her into it seeming to declare that I made made a permanent mark not just on the bed, but on her very soul...! It was so beautiful! I just started to ram away at her mouth, pounding away, fingers digging into her breasts as I leered down at the scene before me. Her pussy was slick and hot and her orgasms came fast and hard, animal noises of pleasure getting distorted by the big cock in her throat, until at last I groaned, bottomed out, and let loose, spraying hot cum all over the inside of her throat.

Once I was finished coming, I pulled out of her mouth, panting softly, my cock just casually slapping against her features. She rubbed her cheek against it, quietly panting into my dick, and gave it a few little kisses from the side before speaking up again. "Issei-sama... do you want to keep going? Or was coming once enough for you?"

Ehn... her S side was showing with the teasing way she put the question! As my answer, I stuffed my dick back in her mouth, and got back to fucking her throat again, enjoying her wet glugging, her big breasts, and making her come a whole lot.

After a good half-dozen orgasms in her mouth or down her throat, I finally stopped fucking her face completely, letting her kiss at my cock a few times before I started undoing the ropes holding her legs in place. Once she saw I was finished and moving to release her, though, Akeno just kicked her legs out, ripping right through the ropes, which promptly disintegrated into little gold flakes and disappeared. "Do you still want to dominate me with the handcuffs?" She asked, wiggling her arms behind her back. "Or are we done and it's time for cuddles?"

"Ah... um, cuddles," I said, blushing a bit at how forthright she was about it - and once more, she just broke the cuffs into nothingness, gold flakes flying in every direction and then vanishing as she shifted on the bed. She was a bit wobbly as she moved on the bed, plopping her head onto my pillow and then patting the spot next to her, looking up at me with hazy, warm, lustful eyes. "So you could break out at any time?"

"Yes, Issei," she said, a smile on her lips. "BDSM is all play, it's not like you were forcing me to do anything I didn't want to."

"Well, yeah... but I sort of figured the ropes really worked..."

She just shrugged, patting the bed next to her. "Come on, Issei. Let's cuddle. It was fun, right? You enjoyed it?"

I plopped down on bed next to her, and she quickly squished herself into me, letting out a hot breath. "I did enjoy it," I agreed. "But from the video you showed me, you seem like an S?"

She let out a pleasant laugh at that. "Ufufufu. Yes, Issei. I am normally an S. But with you, I am an M." She kissed my chest softly, and I felt the urge to suddenly go at it all over again. She just nuzzled against me, closing her eyes and relaxing, and I decided, that even if she was really sexy and had big boobs - she clearly needed a break after all that! I just groped her butt instead.