Chapter 4. The Life of Enoch

So the masses ended the guy remained on his sit and he opened up the book. "The life of enoch, the son of cain, the parable of the poor soul.". He then did read the words written on the book. So time passes and cain did finally start to have his first child enoch. The god saw how cain mourned because of his brothers life and because of no other humans did touched cains family line. While everyone are living well the god did not leave cain. While cain is being guided because of his punishment. The angels, which called as lesser angel saw the beauty of those who are from the line of Adam and Eve. The story of those that are created by God which he sent in the third world which are the lesser angel goes to be one of the unheard gospel on church. With the beauty of eve, and the beauty of those that are from adam and eve. With the greatness of Adams son, and their great battle on the first world. The angels, lesser as they told started to covet those who live on the second world. One lesser angel in the name of azazel did started to love the woman on their heart, as well as the third of them. Thus they talked and talked and they all reform a group and created a pledge to themselves. The greatest creation of god, those who witness the creation of the world started to covet love on the living. Thus they all went unto the second world where the living lives. There they started to blessed those that they love. Then there came their sons, mighty among the first men, brave among the first, wisest and alluring and charming than the rest of any living. They hold the blessing of the lesser angel, and they all are being adored by the lesser angel. Their battles and might resonated in the entire world and they all were crowned as Kings, and Queens. They started to grow and grow and finally a great battle appear. Those that are favoured by the lesser angel were crowned, and those that are not were considered as mortal. From then on, a distinction of immortals and mortal arises. Blood was drenched into the world and there is a great battle that time. But their deeds did not evade the eyes of the god. He send the arch angels who reside on the first world and with his word he sent Michael and the rest to the lesser angel azazel and the rest. Like a king the god send his message in a scroll and like servants the lesser angel send their petition to the god. There is a great even that had happened at that time and the god decided the fate of the third world. So while the lesser angel who created immortals are waiting for the petition to be heard, god sent his trusted angel to the ones who sinned on the world. Enoch the son of cain. There he sent his favour and with his will he sent enoch as a messenger to the lesser angel with the guide of the arch angels. Enoch the son of cain, was given a vision on his dream and he went in silence to spread the message to seths son, Noah. He said "The great judgement of the god will come. The high mountains will be low and the high hills will become short. Then he commanded noah to build an arch so he could save the blood of mankind.". Thus enoch followed the gods commandment, and on his dream he saw a great vision, that will soon be fulfilled. With him the archangels are pleased and the six angels guided him on the first world. The first human to ascend in heaven. With them, he saw a vision of the lesser angel being judged by the god. Then god sent archangel to sent them his judgement and he said that their petition were not heard. The lesser angel created the immortals went panic. Then the god finally send his judgement. Just like how enoch saw, the high hills were make low and the mountains were covered with water. Then everything were sent into fire. Great lesser angel azazel and the rest of the lesser angel were punished and they all by God's grace receive their retribution. One angel, who took the sin of his fellow angels, and who saw they created sin of the world were sent into purgatory amd he was commanded he will be released upon the destruction of the world where the angels michael and the rest will sent the plague unto the land of the living. The lesser angel azazel took the judgement of the god and he was sent into purgatory. That day, in the world were noah is living, the great flood did appear. The immortals, loved by the angels,the lesser angel were drowned and sent into ruins. Then the judgement of the world appear. Enoch the son of cain were sent into the first world were it is filled with souls and spirits and there lies a great garden. He was sent to the place where adam and eve was first created. Like what enoch saw, noah and his offspring lives. It took several years until the great flood ended, and it slowly and slowly sunder unto the ground. Then the god make his covenant and he said "Never will I again destroy the world that I have created.", such covenant and promise was sent into noah, and from then on gods covenant will be fulfilled in a long time. Bit by bit, the second world did started to recover, but the third world is on the land of fire. So then, noah like Adam and eve, became soulful and they all like Adam and eve, spread the life on the world. For hundred and hundred of million of years, the holy spirit with god watched the eyes of mankind, and he remember his covenant. By several personalities, god covenant appear. From Abraham and sarah, to Jacob, his covenant was recorded and found. For the god is watching his creation, even the heavens and those that are beneath the land of the living.