Chapter 8. The fifth seal

So did Jesus died and ascended into the heavens on the right hand of the god, and the devil was lured into the living with the rest of the corrupted angels. There they started to bring forth an army prepared to battle the god. The spring of bitterness that will corrupt once soul and heart, that will demonize their heart and turn them into evil started to spread. The devil started to create its mark, yet the god did saw it and with the word of Jesus christ his son, and with the appostle and those that believe in god and Jesus christ, he too did created a path to battle satan who was hurled into the living. From then on, the army of the devil will continue to grow.

So time passes and the God did finally had his son with him next, jesus himself opened up the fifth seal. He look inside the world of the living and there he saw the death of his brothers, and he heard their call and cries into land of the dead. They all are crying aloud saying "how long my lord, are you going to judge the living and dead and avenge us on our death.". Then their death was heard and was spread into the many lives and each of those that had died in the blood of the lamb and they all were told to wait a little longer until the chosen were picked. They all were destined to be killed and they all are chosen and picked.

The man did closed the story and he said "It is now 2024, and those that are chosen after christ the twelve are already saints. The world loves Christianity even I myself do believe in them. He looked on his side and there he saw the image of the saints. He took his smart glasses and there appear the story of every death of the saints. How were they stoned and crucified in the eyes of the norm as they believe in god. He saw the story of the twelve and how everyone of them lives before the saw christ."They all do have their own lives, and they all possess different life when they saw christ they were enlighten in life.". He took of his smart glasses and then a he added "So they were told to wait a little longer until the chosen were picked. If i could imagine, those that have died have long passed and there are numbers of them. They all are uncountable and they all do live in several timeline. If I could remember in the book of enoch, the judgement arrive after several thousand of years, and their souls were sent to where the lesser angel belongs. Does it mean that the twelve also were sent to were the devil belongs. Do they have a great battle in there?.". Asked by the man himself as he closes the story and opened up another one.