So the angels watching the world from the very beginning, from the first living, from adam and eve, to noah and his sons, to the death of Jesus, to his ascension to the heaven and side of the gods throne, to death of the apostle to the upcoming generations, the angel took their trumpet and the god himself ordered the angels to prepare for the ceremony. So the god did so, and so the first angel watching the three world sounded his first trumpet. On the land of the dead, were enoch appeared and was escorted by the angels, spirits of different kind from the very first of the world until the death of Jesus christ and those that come after are present. They all were waiting for their judgement, for several thousand years. The angels roaming and en tasked of the domain sounded his trumpet, and on arc angel uriels domain, the spirit vanished in a second. The spirits on arc angel raphael who were sent into the cave vanished in a second, on raguels domain on the river of fire, the life of flame vanished, On arc angel Michael's domain, were the souls and spirits of great tree that holds the fruit of life of every upcoming living on the world were sent into fire and third of it was burnt. The god on his Throne on the peak of Mount Zion saw his angels work the trumpet, and the first trumpet ended. The god then did commanded his angel, the one who guarded the man in the living, remiel and raphael and third of the living in the world filled with life did die. There was a great mourning into the world, for in a second, third of their population died. The cries and agony of them did not reach the heavens for the god is just and mighty. The dead rises and their bodies were sent into the land. Yet ceremony is a ceremony, then the god ordered his next angel to sound his trumpet. The third, Then on raguels domain there come a great battle, once more the angels did not like the gods judgement and an angel filled with bitterness and grieve were sent into the land of the living where third of the world died. He will be tasked to trick mankind by making them feel bitter. The bitterness that the angel possess will make third of those that live on the living die, and those that are going to come from them, their sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters and descendant. He will be tasked to once again marked the forehead of those that they chosen. Then the god, did let him do so, for as he created the world, it is not his will. There is a bitterness a bitter spirit that tricked his domain, and like wise, the angels he created is not holy enough. Then third of mankind will be bitter and soon their hearts will Start to be devoured by the darkness. It is a great disease that none of the many will acknowledge for it was hidden for a very long time. Like a next series of ceremony, the god ordered his next angel, and, the fourth one and his trumpet were sounded, and the angels on the lesser world started to see those that have died from the first trumpet. Those that have died from the bitterness and their souls and spirits lingers in the land of the dead, controlled by the lesser angels. Angels that did not appear on the very first world, the beginning, the domain of azazel, but the lesser angel after it, lucifer and the rest of his lesser angel, for azazel is sent into purgatory never ever to be noticed. There lucifer and the lesser angel tricked the spirits and souls of the dead. Then third of them become dark. Then the fourth trumpet ended.
The Eagle created by the gods to witness everything from the beginning of the world did saw the angels falling unto the land of the dead it like a holy spirit created by the god, it warned the spirits for their demise and it says "WOE.. woe...woe..woe..". It was the first woe and warning of the Eagle.
The god saw his will and he is content. Third of those that linger in the land of the dead become dark and become part of a great evil. The man did closed his book and he looked on his hands the hands of his wife. "Let us all cleanse this life from bitterness, for the great devil is upon us. Do you know how?"Asked by the man. Then the woman smiled and she said "Like how cain killed his brother because of bitterness. The Lord god said unto him, if you do well then you will be recognized.". Then the two of them did kissed. The man opened the book once more for they are reading a great ceremony. Who knows if it will happen or not.