The man did continued and he said "Yet after all that had happened, the man kind did not repent on their sins.". The man hold her hands strong and she said " no matter how immoral or sexist we are at night, please do not leave me for together we must cleanse ourselves.". The woman nodded and they read the next scene. The great sign in heavens. Then there an angel coming from heavens with a seal, it was none other than who holds the seal on the east. He was tasked to check the life of the living and the dead, since the beginning of time from the god created the world, on his hand is the seal that the god bestowed unto him, it was none other arch angel michael. Then the seven thunders spoke, and saint John was about to write things, but he wast stopped. And John The Saint did so. Then arch angel michael looked unto the god and he said in interesting loud voice "there will be no more delay.". Then saint John, went to arc angel michael like how enoch did he took the seal and open it. Like how destiny works, how enoch talked to the arc angel, John The apostle of christ did so and he took the seal from arc angel michael. The arc angel michael instructed John to eat the seal, and he did so. It makes his mouth sweet but his stomach were sour. Then the arc angel said to John, "You must prophecy again, with the great nations, and leaders of the world.". Then the arc angels like how they guided enoch on after life, as well as in on John The disciple of chirst. He was instructed to measure the world of the dead. Like enoch on the first world, John did so, and the arc angel told him, measure the world where the god exist and leave the outer court for it is given to the dogs that is about to be judged. Such place In the book of enoch is where the arc angels belong. The first domain is for uriel, the second is raphael, the next is raguel, then the gods temple, next is desert the purgatory, then the next is the spring of life, the cherubim and the eden where michael exist. John measured only the gods domain, and left the other for just like how the angel said so, it was left for those gentiles. Then the arc an michale said to John, on such places, he arc angel michael will live two witnesses.". The man stopped for that moment, and he said "Do you know the sword of arch angel michael? Do you know why he could gain authority over the lesser demons.?". Then the woman asked "I dont know, it is my first time hearing of such tale.". Then the man said "On the beginning the god created the angels, the arch angels and the lesser angels. They were given the knowledge and strength. The moment the first generation of mankind appear on the world. There is a sin, a sin for the lesser angel, and that had happened and by the guidance of arc angel michael, he goes to enoch and by his will and other angels, enoch was able to forge a sword. On the tales of old times, the son of enoch, methuselah with a flaming sword, blessed by the name of the arc angels was able to slay 99,000 demons on one strike, it did happened before the great flood. One flaming blade did annihilated an entire army of demons. Do you know why I stopped on such witness?. Because the land of the dead are filled with uncountable demons. A number that matches the sand of the living.". The woman was amazed and she asked "Why is the sword of arc angel michael comparable to the two witnesses?.". "i don't know", said by the man, but I have a great hunch, that the sword forged and named by the great angels were passed on generations and it was not a normal sword but it was passed on their souls and spirits. Whe the two witness will die, just before Jesus ascended to his throne. There will be a great battle in the land of the dead. Though how outnumbered the two from the numerous demons, but by the blessing of the arc angels, the demons will still fail, after all, those two witnesses inherited and possess the sword of the arc angels.", said by the man and the woman nodded and they continue to read the story.