Chapter 31 Dog Gate Tracking Skills

她似乎无视我,用力踩下油门踏板,飞驰得好像汽车在飞一样.从市站开车到水鱼镇还挺远的,所以在旅途中不得不忍受很多苦.红灯和绿灯对她来说不算什么.我开始怀疑她是不是色盲;这是她闯过的第三次红灯.我和高强紧紧地抓住扶手,但他绝对没有我那么害怕,因为我坐在副驾驶座上.剧烈的晃动后,车终于停了下来,我和高强立刻冲出去吐得不停.看到我们如此可怜的状态,赵思梦似乎有些生气:"你不喜欢我开车的方式吗?"不,不!"虽然我这样回答,但我在心里咒骂她:亲爱的,你真的是这样开车的吗?高强还是头晕目眩,擦了擦嘴说:"我告诉你,赵思梦,你怎么开得像疯了一样?有人给你注射了肾上腺素吗?"饶了我吧!没有人给我注射肾上腺素.别胡说八道了.我们去天大快递仓库吧!赵思梦一如既往地高效.从恶心中恢复过来后,我感觉好多了,尽管我再也不会吃那么多了.上次我呕吐时,我设法一口气吃掉了两天前吃的食物.我咽了口口水,说:"我们走吧.高强在我的提醒下,看着赵思梦的车,立刻摇了摇头,"何队长,我不骑了!"呵呵,我们走吧.天大速运仓库就在不远处.我们把车停在那里,我们三个人继续步行.过了一会儿,天空开始变暗.既然水鱼镇还有好几个人在巡逻,如果我们被发现,那就惹麻烦了.我们不能再正式调查这个案子,所以要回到犯罪现场,我们不得不避开这些警察的眼睛.幸运的是,他们只有几个人,走了一会儿,他们就走了.一切平静下来后,我们小心翼翼地从墙角后面进入仓库.早些时候,我们在这里发现了一具送货员的尸体.他一定是被法医专家黄带到了派出所.犯罪现场留下了一些痕迹.我们打开手电筒开始搜索.我们没有找到任何欧洲弹蚁的尸体,但到处都是酸涩刺鼻的气味.我认出了那股气味——它来自他们.仓库里似乎还有很多包裹没有被带走.我们没有得到完整的细节,也不知道谁发现了这具尸体,也不知道事件是如何展开的.不过,赵思梦说这并不重要.现在,我们需要为欧洲弹蚁找到下一个滋生地.这时,赵思梦问我:"你的嗅觉还挺敏锐的吧?你能试着根据这种酸味来追踪他们的活动吗?"我可以试试用犬类追踪技术!"我说着,从口袋里掏出一粒药丸吞了下去.我的身体立刻开始颤抖.赵思梦见状,一脸惊讶,问道:"怎么回事,何生?"别怕,我只是进入状态.这就是犬类追踪技术的力量,"我解释道.然后我弯下腰嗅了嗅空气.我很快就发现仓库左侧的一个角落传来了最强烈的酸味.当我向它走去时,赵思梦和高强也跟着我.我们走到仓库的左侧,但气味似乎是从墙后传来的.所以,我们离开了仓库,绕到后面.继续前行,我们到达了我们之前停放的地方附近的一片荒野.我感觉自己像条狗,跟着气味在地上爬行,赵思梦和高强模仿着我的动作.当我们进入一些茂密的草地时,酸味越来越浓.否则,我就不知道该去哪里了.说到一半,高强惊讶地问道:"为什么我闻不到什么味道?在这个距离,普通人是闻不到任何东西的.如果不是我的犬类追踪技术,我也闻不到任何东西.过了一会儿,我们穿过草地,发现前方不远处有一丛茂密的树木.在这里,酸味开始减弱,但我仍然能察觉到它.它从树后传来.我们穿过树林,但没有找到任何特别值得注意的东西.然而,我的鼻子引导我到泥土上的一个地方,我突然停了下来."这里的气味更浓.""这里还会有另一个滋生地吗?""是的.气味减弱可能是由其他外部气味引起的,"我解释道.我们开始在该地区搜索,过了一会儿,高强突然踩到了泥土里什么硬东西.他示意我们帮忙挖掘,令我们惊讶的是,我们发现了一扇铁门!森林土壤下面有一层地下层!"Well done," I praised Gao Qiang. We all exerted force, trying to open the iron door, but despite all our strength, we couldn't budge it."What kind of iron door is this?" We all said in disbelief.I examined the door and said, "It's probably locked from below. It's normal that we can't open it. If they really are breeding European bullet ants here, it wouldn't be easy to get in.""That's true. How about we get some tools to force it open?" Gao Qiang suggested.I agreed, and we had hoped to find something there. Zhao Simeng said she had a chainsaw in the trunk of her car. We were all surprised, and Zhao Simeng said, "Don't worry. I have any tools I might need."I couldn't help but wonder about Zhao Simeng's job scope. But now, with the chainsaw in hand, we could solve the problem. We returned to the car, and just as we were about to open the trunk to get the tools, a loud crash suddenly rang out.The sound of glass breaking coincided with this moment. At first, we thought someone had fired a gun, and we were startled. But it turned out that it was just a stone breaking the window. Zhao Simeng was about to yell at someone when the second stone came flying.Bang! The window on the other side of the Buick was shattered. Zhao Simeng cursed, "Who's so bold, smashing a police car's window!"As soon as she finished speaking, a third bang rang out, and the front window of the Buick was smashed. Zhao Simeng angrily ran out, and we saw a figure trying to escape behind a rock. He didn't look like the thin guy we saw earlier at the old house, but we still decided to chase him.Since there were no obstacles in the wilderness, we quickly caught up with him. I pushed him to the ground and shouted, "What are you doing here, sneaking around and smashing our windows?""I don't know! I was just passing by!""Passing by? Do you think we're fools?"