The more the merrier

 The horses started to run faster as more arrows came pouring at them. The carriage ran through the darkest, and the royal guards did their best to protect him, but Cedric didn't have much hope in them, nor did he panic.


 This was not the first time he had been targeted like this, and the reason for the elite shadow knights he trained was to handle scenarios like this. 


 If he had left the carriage to hunt down the assassins, this would have been over sooner, but that would endanger his fragile wife, who also wanted his head. "I must be crazy." Cedric snickered as he held Abrielle protectively in his arms as more arrows came pouring inside the carriage but none came close to Cedric before being engulfed by flames.


 The difference between the threats that other people had after his life and his dear wife was simple. Their attempts were more serious and amusing while his wife was cute and a bit amusing.