The flip was switched; he was the one drugged that could not control himself, but she was the one he had lit a fire in. The fire of desire that was messing with her brain and making her eat her own words.
She had sworn that what happened in the cave would never happen again, but look at her here at the edge, begging, almost pleading. It must be very amusing for Cedric to watch if he knew her thoughts.
Abrielle's head was clouded like the mist that filled the air; her eyes beaded with tears. She stared back at the seductive devil. He wanted her to beg and lose what dignity she had left.
She bit her lips, embarrassed at the situation, the smirk dancing on his face was just too annoying. He was a devil and sadist, but then again, what was the need for pride when she was engulfed by flames only he could quench? "I want you," she said, barely trying her best not to bite her lips.