There was a slight change in the room's atmosphere, although he tried to control it. Abrielle could sense his displeasure with the topic, and she was like a fool blind to the red signs. After all, her original character was someone who loved red flags.
"I forced myself on you." Cedric scoffed at her diverting from the question she asked. "That isn't the main topic Cedric. Please don't divert from the topic." She didn't like his earlier tone when he replied.
Cedric's gaze strayed from the plate to her table; he had a bit of a stoic expression, which didn't hide his good looks. She was a bit distracted but quickly diverted her eyes not to stare too much. "No, I just want to understand how I forced you because, from my memories, you were the one who begged me like your life depended on it. The same way you were close to begging last night."