Chaos for power

 Abrielle was flabbergasted because why would someone want to get married to Prince Cedric Von Drakkar? It seemed like something was wrong with her head. 

 Cedric chuckled, taking her words lightly, and it made her shut up. Sapphire bit back whatever words she wanted to say before. "It seems like you want Galvia to burn. Just because we were gracious enough to establish diplomatic relationships doesn't mean we can do what we are best at." 

 It was a threat that sent chills down their spines. "Be mindful of your words," Ryker drawled, causing Cedric to smirk at him. 

 "I was never on the table for the negotiation. I have no intentions of taking another wife anytime soon, so Sapphire should be the one to be mindful, or we might see between my wrath and your strength which is greater." He spoke like a true tyrant, this peace banquet was so unappetizing the only one who still had an appetite was Abrielle.