The Missing Sword

"It's- It's beautiful..." Metis muttered in awe.

"Of course it is, Michael and I put quite the effort into making it." Lucifer stated, as he himself was being more practical and was actually searching through the Beyond, through all of Heaven for even a trace of Michael.

The Devil because of his banishment from Paradise could not project any form of his presence within its lands, for if he did, it would instantly be obliterated, made to cease to be.

He, therefore is incapable of seeing into Paradise, into the Silver City. It is cloaked from him.

Metis though is quite the unique creature. She is made by the will of man, through directing of the Will and Power remanents from the Great War a goddess of wisdom. To obtain that wisdom she has a ability that is in essence a more inferior version of demiurgic sight.

But unlike the sight of the three demiurgic siblings, hers is not without conditions. She needs something that originates from the realm she wishes to access with her sight and this something she must keep hold of so long she sees.

The problem with that though is, is that whatever she takes as directional gets destroyed after use.

Thankfully, Lucifer does not have this problem, for he himself, in his entirety is from Heaven, and the loss of a feather or two is quite unimportant, for they'll heal soon enough.

And so, the archangel is currently seeing through her eyes, The Beyond, but he knows he must make haste.

Soon enough the connection will be broken by Heaven's defenses.

'I can't find a trace of him, anywhere. Where is he? If he's supposed to be defending Heaven, then his Power should be echoing through every atom of it.' Lucifer thinks to himself.

He can't find a single trace of Michael from everywhere he looked.

He has a bad feeling about this.

The metaphorical wall itches more fiercely than ever within his mind. He has kept himself from thinking about his twin for eons, since his fall, for the hollow feeling of where he always felt his twin's soul next to his throbs with pain, still. There is not a day where he doesn't feel its painful absence.

But since he went to Heaven and didn't sense Michael, even slightly in the Silver City, save for the old echoes from the War, Creation itself, and what he presumes the battle between him and Mother,

He started to feel... worried.

For some reason the absence of his brother's soul seemed to ache more this last eon.

He as well recently could no longer distract himself and ignore the agonizing memory of their bond being broken during the Fall. A pain that for a time even eclipsed the burning.

He at first had no reason for suspicion towards this, after all, there is no precedent to compare it to and find something amiss. For all he knew, the pain becoming greater through the ages was something natural to this very unnatural situation. For he could never think of their bond being forcibly destroyed by Michael as something natural.

Thinking of his brother hating him caused aching in his soul to this very day.

It was not until his suspicions of Michael being missing, that he began to question it.

Soon enough though, Lucifer as he searched felt the sight shatter and heard Metis's howl of pain as her eyes were burned out of their spiritual sockets.

Lucifer clicked his tongue in annoyance as he with a wave of his hand shattered the pocket universe, he hid her and himself in, from the sights of the Host and returned them to earth.

'Much use that was. I could only look for a zeptosecond. It's only thanks to my own processing speed, that I was able to get anything from this. The only silver lining is that I now, know that Michael hasn't been in Heaven, since at least his battle with Mother.

But where could he have gone? I would assume that before Mother's rebellion his injuries from the battle with me had yet to have healed completely since they were nearly just as severe as mine. Meaning the battle with Her must have hurt him ever the more...

How could our siblings possibly have allowed him to disappear from their sight when he was so weakened? What has happened up there since my exile?' Lucifer thought to himself, furious and upset at behalf of his twin.

To Lucifer there has never been anyone he loved more than Michael since his coming into this world.

Michael has always been his other half, the darkness to his light. He wasn't complete without Michael at his side. They gave each other definition.

Without the other, they're both meaningless.

He loved him even more than their own Parents, something he always could feel irritate their Father greatly.

They call Him a jealous God for a reason, and the first ever expressiom of His jealousy was towards his love for Michael.

Even after all this time, after the War, after the bond being broken, he could never hate Michael.

Hating him was akin to hating himself. He just couldn't.

"Let's go Sycorax, we're done here," Lucifer stated, his tone cold, his rage tempered.

"But my Lord, what about your promise?! You would take my daughter and me with you, would you not?" Metis questioned the archangel, her tone frantic.

"Worry not, Metis. You are under my protection." Lucifer began as he threw a coin towards Athena, which she hastily caught within her palm. "Zeus is incapable of harming both you and Athena, now. My power surrounds and protects the both of you.

I will come back at a later date, since I promised the revolting king that he'll have his chance to get to know Athena after my business with you." With these parting words, Lucifer picked up Sycorax bridal style, much to her protest and with a beat of wings flew away.

He needs to pay his Mother a visit.


"So this is, Hell... I honestly thought there would be all fire and brimstone. Souls chained and ripped to pieces." Sycorax stated as she observed her surroundings.

Seeing the lush forest and the beautiful three moons In the sky.

"This isn't Hell, darling. This is inside the Pit yes, but Hell is the parts of it designed for the torturing of the damned.

This is my home, the home I have built for myself and those I call family.

This is what I call, the Lost Paradise. A piece of Heaven I stole for myself and fashioned from it peace and purity in a realm filled with evil." Lucifer nonchalantly explained as he walked towards the Palace of Dawn, its gates opening for him, for it recognized its maker and owner.

This palace is not the one where the Throne of Hell is located, for the Heart of Hell can only be surrounded by suffering of the damned and this place is essentially Heaven, but inside Hell.

Sycorax who followed him inside could only be mesmerised by its beauty. A beauty surpassing anything she'd seen save the visage of the Morningstar himself.

Suddenly Lucifer was tackled with a powerful hug. "Papa!" The child yelled into his chest. Lucifer had to force himself to not accidently crush the boy's head when he was charging towards him, having felt his power nested within the child's being.

Lucifer at first was confused by this development. Confused by this boy who claimed him as his father, but not a moment later he realized it was one he conceived with Lilith after his awakening from his coma, right before he went to Asgard.

"His name is Baran, for if you didn't know." Lucifer heard from the top of the stairs, seeing his wife Lilith gently walking down from it.

"Meaning rain in kurdish. I suppose it is fitting, with how he falls upon you with suprise. It is good to see you Lilith, my love, I have missed you." Lucifer stated with a smile, his eyes filled with love towards her as he returned the hug to his son, with Baran continuing to snuggle within his chest.

"Have you now? I don't see why, with you having this lady with you." Lilith stated as she arrived before him, shooting Sycorax a look.

Seeing Lucifer's confused expression, she burst into giggles, incapable of holding it in, seeing his expression, increasing his confusion to even greater levels.

"Don't mind her, Son. She's attempting to joke you into thinking she's upset. She's not if you're wondering. We've been meaning to meet this woman who seemed to have captivated you enough to take her as yours. You are after all quite... picky." Asherash stated as she entered from the gates, behind them.

"Why would she think that I would think her upset? I have already discussed with her about this extensively. If she had objections against it, I would've held my hand." Lucifer stated, catching Sycorax's glare.

"Don't misunderstand, love. I meant before, I took you. I don't let go of what has become mine. I love you both equally," Lucifer explained with a suggestive smirk as he looked both Lilith and Sycorax down.

Sycorax scoffed, "As If I care. I'm with you for the fantastic sex and your knowledge only, nothing more."

Lucifer had to hold in a chuckle. He could see right through her lies, and her attempt at defending her pride. The other women present in the room also, but they decided not to comment on it.

"Son, not that it is not fantastic to see you once more, but why are you here? Last I felt it, you were once more connected to my Husband. Have you two reconciled?" Asherah questioned curious and hope, something which she attempted to conceal.

She knew, out of all Existence, Her Husband loved no one more than Samael. Her hope for reconciliation with Her Husband was broken because she knew, if He could not forgive Samael for rebelling, than she herself wouldn't have any hope to earn His forgiveness either.

But if He has forgiven the Lightbringer then it means, He would be able to forgive her too, for the anger against betrayal is ever the greater the more you love the person who betrayed you.

Lucifer scoffed. "No way. I striked a deal with Him to return the favor He did me."

Asherah felt Her heart shatter at the disappointment, but hid it well, as she nodded.

Shs understood what he was referring to, since She felt Her Husband's intervention long ago. Felt Him aiding their Son, when She was helpless as Hell locked her away from its king alongside everyone else as Lucifer was being swallowed by his experience of what it felt like to be his Father.

"Though what I am here for is in ways caused by His demands. I... I was temporarily allowed to enter Paradise." Lucifer explained, shocking both Lilith and Asherah.

Lilith though, sensing that the topic that will soon be discussed will be quite the personal one called out to Baran, "Son, you should let your father rest. It has been a while since he was away. You can get to know him later." Lilith told him.

"What?! But you promised I could play with him!" Baran protested.

Lilith seeing her son's defiant look turned her gaze towards her husband for support.

Lucifer putt Baran down, kneeled to look him in the eyes at eye level, "Tell me, son, did your mother promise that you will immediately have my time when I returned?" The archangel gently questioned, Baran shaking his head in response.

"See, there's where you went wrong. When making a deal, you must word it very carefully and allow no loopholes. How about you and I make a deal. You obey your mother now, and later, after finishing my business, I'll come and teach you the art of negotiation. Deal?" Lucifer stated as he extended his hand.

Baran was hesitant as he took in his father's words. "You said after your business. That's too vague." The boy protested, showing his intelligence as he immediately learned from his mistake.

Lucifer himself gained a proud smile on his face. "How about in a sixth of a cycle then? Is that something you'd agree with?"

The boy put his finger on his chin, thinking about it, until he nodded and took his father's hand shaking it. "Deal!" Baran yelled with a bright smile as he spread his wings and flew to his room.

Lucifer looked at his disappearing form with an amused look as his expression then turned serious and his gaze turned towards the Goddess of Creation.

"Mother, tell me, what happened on the day you rebelled. Leave nothing out."


(Author note: Hello everyone! I finally have found the detailed direction I wish to go with!

So tell me, how did you find the chapter?

We'll finally find out what happened during Asherah's rebellion. Next chapter will be a flashback. Are you guys excited?

Also, Lucifer and Michael's relationship to me is just like Sam and Dean's. Putting each other basically above nearly everything. Lucifer more like Sam, that sometimes he puts principles over everything and Dean more like Michael, even though in this case Lucifer is the older one.

Also, please do comment, one of the reasons I write is because I like interactions with you guys.

Well, see you all later,
