DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 19

After a long, long day I finally found my way back home.

I slowly made my way up the walkway to my new home. It was a mid-sized family house, with four bedrooms and a backyard. It was honestly too big for me alone, but Serafall insisted and managed to convince me that it would be better to have too much space rather than too little.

Plus it had a basement underneath for me to train in. I would have preferred a dojo or a large garden like I had in my old home, but places like that were rare to find anywhere and almost impossible in the middle of a small city. 

I doubted that it would have done anything to stop Serafall from simply building a new house from scratch but thankfully I had to move here in short notice and there simply wasn't enough time for her to try.

Unlocking the front door I made my way in, tossing my schoolbag in the rack placed by the side of the door for that very purpose. After taking my shoes off, I made my way to the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.

"Yahoo~~~, Shirou. Welcome back~~~!" A cheerful if slightly slurred voice called out to me.

But apparently someone beat me here to it. There seated in my kitchen was a young girl.

She was in her mid-teens with forest green eyes and beautiful long blond hair that reached past her shoulder blades, ending in the middle of her back. She had pale skin matched with a beautiful almost aristocratic face. 

Dressed in long blue denim with a simple white T-shirt with the caption 'God is Dead – Nietzsche was right after all' printed on it.

She was sitting on one of the wooden chairs surrounding the dining table that was located right in the center of the kitchen and was currently slumped over its surface with a goofy smile on her lips. Her usually sharp and observant eyes were glazed over as she tried and failed to focus them on me. 

The empty wine bottle that was slowly rolling back and forth across the table gave me a hint as to why.

"Asia, is that the wine bottle I had hidden for guests?" I asked.

She shifted her head from where it laid planted on the table to look at the empty bottle. "Why yes," her eyes widening in surprise as she slurred her words, "yes it is. How did that get there?"

"I believe you put it there and unless I'm mistaken, you've been drinking from it." I could feel a headache beginning to form right between my eyebrows.

"Yes, yes I have." She lifted her head off the table and started to nod vigorously. "And it was wonderful~!" She threw her hand wide and began to lean back on her chair.

"No wonder the old fogeys at the church didn't want me to drink any. This stuff is awesome! The bastards probably just wanted to keep it all for themselves." She continued to lean backwards until she was balancing the chair on its two back legs.

No, I actually think they were just terrified of what a drunken Asia would look like. Like I was quickly learning to be.

Snatching up the empty wine bottle she held it up to the sky like she was about to offer a toast. "Truly wine is a gift from the all mighty. For good drinks and those who prepared it, for good friends with whom to share it," here she pointed the wine bottle at me before raising it to the sky again, "we thank you, Lord. Amen-OUCH!"

Clutching her head at the sharp sudden pain she was no doubt feeling, she predictably ended up losing her balance as her entire chair began to fall backwards, sending her tumbling onto the floor.

For a few seconds, there was nothing but awkward silence in the kitchen, until a voice made its way from the other side of the table, "Owie~ that hurts~." A hand emerged from behind the table, holding onto its surface as its owner used it to push herself back up.

"Asia, you're a Devil now. You can't praise god anymore."

"What!? Really? You mean I can't even pay him a compliment? Well then, screw you too God. I was just trying to praise you oh Holy Father – Ouch! Son of a bitch will you stop that! You won't believe how much that hurt, Jesus Christ – OUCH!"

...It was like watching a car crash. No matter how much you wanted to look away you just couldn't.

"What!" she wailed towards the sky, "It's bad enough that I can't pray to you anymore, but now you're telling me I can't even cuss? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph that's harsh – SON OF A BITCH THAT STINGS!"

Releasing her grip on her head after her latest bout of headache, Asia then began to glare towards the heavens before proceeding to flip God off. Or at least she tried to anyway.

"No, Asia you're supposed to use the middle finger, not the ring finger." I corrected, "Yup, that's much better."

Ladies and Gentleman, allow me to introduce my Bishop. Asia Argento, the former Holy Maiden turned Witch turned Devil...and now apparently turned alcoholic.

Yup, that was definitely a headache starting form.


[ Play OST Fate Stay Night – Kishi Ou no Hokori ]

It's funny how life goes sometimes.

I walked through the moonlit town. Walking up the road, I noticed there weren't any other people around. It was only seven-thirty. There should have been some people around at this time, but there was no sign of anyone.

You can go looking and looking for something and never find it.

"...Oh yeah." I muttered. There was some kind of crime committed here in Miyama City a few days ago. A burglar murdered someone, I think. It got everybody spooked. That must be why there's no one around, and it was probably why the school curfew was lowered till six.

"...Gas leaks and murder, huh? It's been getting dangerous lately."

No wonder there are fewer people walking around at night.

But when finally you stop looking,


it ends up appearing right in front of you.

For a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes. There is someone on the road which I was sure was empty. The person is standing above me as if looking down on me. It was a young girl with snow-white hair that shimmered like silver in the moonlight and eyes that shone ruby red.

Without realizing it, I held my breath. I knew that girl. The silver-haired girl smiles and descends the hill without a sound.

As she passes...

"You'll die if you don't summon-"

"-Ilya?" I interpreted before she finished talking, not caring how the grocery bag slipped out of my slackness hands and spilt onto the sidewalk.

"...huh?" She answered, surprised.

I remember when Kiritsugu told me I had a sister.

I turned and walked towards her, hesitantly covering the space between us in two strides, not even noticing how the world around blurred as tears began to gather in my eyes.

When I asked where she was, he told me he lost her. So I went looking...

I searched and searched, but I couldn't find her.

"...Ilya, Your Ilya right?" I asked again, hesitantly as my voice wavered and cracked. I kneeled before her, lowering myself to eye level. "Illyasviel von Einzbern, right? I-Is that you?" I didn't realize that I had tentatively placed my hands on her shoulder until I felt the material of her jacket in my hand.

Even though I really, really wanted to meet her. Even though I really wanted to talk to her, I couldn't find her. No matter how long or hard I tired.

"..y-yes?" She stuttered, seemingly utterly perplexed by my actions. At her reply, I felt my sight blur from unshed tears.

But now, here you are standing right before me

"Ha-ha...I found you" I felt tears that were barely held in check begin to spill down my face. "finally ...I... I FINALLY FOUND YOU!"

You're here, you were really here!

"W-Whaa!" she squealed out in surprised as I wrapped my arms around her, stood up and swung her around.

"I found you! Ilya I finally, finally found you!" I exclaimed as I continued to twirl you around in circles, laughing like a madman.

I wanted to meet you for the longest time

"W-What?" she asked with a completely bewildered expression, looking more confused than anything. "What's going on?"

But I didn't care, as I continued to laugh out my joy to the world.

Now at last, at long last, I can finally say:

Hi, I'm your brother.

Nice to finally meet you.


AN :

Feel Free to Skip.


Character Stats:

Name: Emiya Shirou

Class: Queen

Master: Serafall Leviathan

Official Rank: Ultimate-Class Devil

Race: Devil / Human (Not of this Dimension)

Strength: C-

Endurance: C-

Agility: C

Mana: C++

Luck: E- to A++

Sacred Gear/ Ability/ Weapon:

Unlimited Bladeworks (and all abilities that originate from it) EX

Racial skill:

-Devil skill:

As a Reincarnated Devil, all basic abilities of a Devil are available to him. However, due to him being only recently reincarnated he has not had the time to advance on any of these skills and would be considered a beginner when compared to a typical Devil his age.

-Human from another world:

Born from a different universe, with a different system of magic exist. Shirou, having been born with circuits which he still retains as a devil, I able to a brand of magic no human in this universe can.

Shirou was found to have 27 working circuits of above-average quality when examined by his adopted father, Kiritsugu. While considered to be a decent amount of circuits for someone from a family of a Magus, for a person from a completely ordinary family it would be considered to be an extraordinarily high amount.

This magic is known a Magecraft. While no other human in this dimension is capable of using it, it may be possible for his children to inherit this ability. If that has been proven to be so, then Shirou will have the right to form a Clan of his own.

Because Shirou is the first-ever human of his kind to ever be reincarnated no one knows what effects it will have on his magic.

There are many mysteries that have yet to be uncovered concerning this skill.

Personal Skills:

Orthodox Magecraft: D-

Despite being a Magus, Shirou is considered a failure when measured by the standards of a typical Magi and would have been considered 3rd rate one at best. However, that is only true because he had abandoned the path of the magus and chosen to pursue the road of a spell caster.

Still, no matter how hard he tried, Shirou would never be able to pass the rank of an Apprentice Magus. He's specialized form of magic would have prevented him from casting anything higher than D rank spells no matter how hard he tried. 

Even D ranks spell, ones that an average Magus can learn in days, will take Shirou years of practice to cast. The only spells Shirou can cast with reasonable proficiency outside of his speciality are E Rank spells.

However, this has done nothing to hamper his ability to learn and understand the theoretical side of magic. While no genius, Shirou has always been a diligent and hardworking student.

Over the years he had several people from Emiya Kiritsugu to Illyasviel and even Rin, teach him some form of knowledge of Magecraft. Thanks to them Shirou has a solid understanding of the common practices of Magecraft and how they function, such as the creation of Bounded Fields and Familiars, despite being unable to cast most of them himself.

Due to being transported to a new world, Shirou was never able to complete his studies as a Magus and is now unlikely to have ever reached his true potential in this field.

If he was allowed to continue his studies however, Shirou would have the potential to raise his Rank to C-.

Hero's luck: Ex

Heroes have always been destiny's plaything. They are thrown into the most extreme and unusually situation time after time, and their luck reflects that.

A hero's luck tends to jump from both extreme ends of good and bad. For example, by pure chance your childhood home may be located in the heart of blazing fire caused by a being of pure evil trying and failing to be reborn into the world, resulting in not only in the deaths of your entire family and everything you know and love but have also caused you to lose all memories.

On the other hand, you'll be fortunate enough to be found in the last possible second by perhaps the only man in the country that can heal your life-threating wound, adopt you, love you as if you were his own son and teach you how to wield magic.

This is the reason why most heroes have tragic pasts.

There are also times when your good and bad fortune would be combined into a single event, for example:

On one hand, you may find yourself running through a forest with nigh unkillable berserker chasing after you, with less than a one in a million chance of coming out of it alive. On the other hand, the one in a million chance of survival requires you to have sex with a beautiful blond, and since it needs to be done in a certain way another beautiful woman, a brunette this time, will have to participate to make sure it's done right.

That's right, you'll face certain death but you'll find the only way to defy your fate is through the power of a threesome.

Shirou's luck is so unpredictable that it cannot be properly quantified in the current system, and such has been given the rank of EX.

Compared to a Devil's luck, he is just as likely to accidentally find a damsel in distress or walk into a Cthulhu ritual but will have no luck in pure gambling. On the rare occasion that he actually ends up winning in a casino, it would likely trigger an event that would end up with him fighting for his life soon afterwards.

Shirou's pure-hearted desire to help people has influenced how this luck manifests itself. Rather than simply making him go on adventure after adventure like most heroes born with a 'Hero's luck', it will instead cause him to run into people who are in need of assistance, whether from large problems such as saving their child from a kidnapping attempt or small things like a lonely soul who really needs a friend by their side.

Do not be surprised if Shirou runs into an unusually high number of people who are emotional 'damaged', as they are the kind of people that Shirou's luck will draw him to.

Magic Resistance C++

All beings with an abnormally large amount of magic flowing through of them will gain a natural resistance to all foreign magic, whether they be benign or harmful.

At its current rank of C, Shirou's Magic Resistance is sufficient enough to cancel out all E Rank Magic spells cast on him and cuts the effects of D rank magic by half.

However, when it comes to swords, Shirou's Magic Resistance becomes more effective. Magical effects from swords that he is not wielding from C rank and below is cancelled out completely. While the effects of those that are of B rank will be cut in half.

These effects however are only limited to the magical aspects of the sword. Physical damage from cutting or thrusting will remind unchanged.

Will of the Serafall C-

This is less a skill and more of a curse.

Serafall, despite her appearance, is perhaps one of the most persuasive Devils to have ever been born. She is highly skilled in understanding what makes a person tick and does not hesitant in using that knowledge to help turn people's opinion to match her point of view. 

Those who spend long periods of time in her presence tend to find their opinions or attitudes change to one more similar to hers. The sever rise in Magic Girl fans in the underworld is attributed to her, as thousands of Devils who have shown no interest in the matter have been turned to fanboys/girls simply by talking to her.

Do to being continuously exposed to Serafall over the course of the last six months, Shirou has begun to exhibit many of her traits. In particular, he has begun to develop the traits of a prankster.

While it has not reached the point where Shirou will actively try and create pranks, he will no longer be able to resist if an opportunity presents itself.

Sword Skills C++

Shirou is an excellent swordsman. Though he has spent less time training on his swords skill than his archery, due to his affinity with swords Shirou was able to reach the rank of an expert swordsman in a remarkable short period of time.

At C rank, Shirou is considered an expert in the field of swordsmanship and is more than qualified to train advance students.

However Shirou's real potential in the field does not lie in his raw talents with the blade, but rather his abilities to mimic the skills of any of the previous wielders of a sword and use it as if it were his own.

When holding a sword that was once wielded by a true master of the blade, his sword skill has the potential of rising to an A rank. Though this ability seems to work best when used on swords he has traced himself.

To a limited extent, this also applies to other bladed weapons but the effects are degraded by up to one or two ranks depending on how different the weapon is from the shape of a sword.

Shirou's fighting ability also takes a remarkable improvement when facing an enemy armed with a sword (or a weapon that can be replicated in his Unlimited Bladeworks). This is due to his ability to read the sword's history.

With a single glance, he can understand his opponent's entire fighting style as well as he does his own, as long as his opponent has been wielding the sword he is currently using long enough.

This makes Shirou almost impossible to be beaten by a fellow swordsman unless Shirou is significantly inferior to his opponent.

Extreme Reinforcement B

Even in his old world, Shirou has always been remarkably skilled in Reinforcement. However, after witnessing the large gap in physical abilities between himself and even the weakest of the Servants in the Holy Grail War, he became unsatisfied with his current skills and became determined to improve himself.

Inspired by how Caster was able to reinforce her master, Souichirou Kuzuki a normal if highly skilled human, to the point where he gained far more strength than should have been possible even with Magecraft. It reached the point where he was able to physically harm a Saber-Class Servant, a Servant whose defence is only matched by Berserker-Class Servants.

After his encounter with Caster, Shirou threw himself into improving his Reinforcement abilities above anything else after the War. At first, he was met with little success as his human body simply could not be reinforced anymore without breaking but ever since his transformation to Devil, his skill in Reinforcement has flourished.

His control over his ability to Reinforcement his body has reached the point where he can bypass the Devils body's natural limits, granting him far more strength and speed than should be possible, without crossing the point where his body would self-destruct.

At B rank, Shirou's Extreme Reinforcement ability would allow him to increase his speed to a Rank of B and his strength to that of C+.

However, be warned that Shirou's body cannot withstand the strain for long. There is a reason why the body has a natural limit to Reinforcement and by bypassing it the body will begin to breakdown if used for long periods of time.

On the upside, due to the increasing amount of magic that is actively flowing in his body when the skill is in use, his Magical Resistance is also slightly improved from C to C+.

Body of swords B

An internalization of the Unlimited Bladeworks.

By casting the Unlimited Bladeworks into his body rather than projecting it outwards, Shirou is cable of turning his entire body into swords.

At first, Shirou was unaware of this ability and only began to suspect it when noticing how much tougher his body becomes when injured. He only became completely aware of it after seeing blades start sprouting out from a cut and start knitting his wounds together.

When used, Shirou's body will become stronger and tougher than it would be possible otherwise, turning into his body to what is equivalent of a moving fortress. It will cause Shirou's Endurance Stat to increase to the rank of B+.

At that rank no physical attack ranked C and lower would be able to harm, causing them to be neglected completely. While physical attacks ranked B will still have some effect they will be greatly reduced requiring several strikes to cause a mortal blow. Shirou's magic Resistance will also increase to the Rank of B.

However, this ability comes at a cost. Due to the entire body turning to swords his joints will no longer able to function properly, making it hard for him to move and leading to an extreme reduction in speed. Shirou's Rank in Agility will drop to the rank of E making him incredibly slow in comparison to his usual speed.

Be warned that this ability does not come without its share of risks. Not only is using it for long periods of time extremely draining Magic wise, but it will also increase the risk of losing control. If that were to happen Shirou will be skewered by his own swords, leading to his death. Currently, Shirou can only use 'Body of Sword' for a few minutes at most before is grip on it starts to slip.

There is however more to this ability than meets the eye. There are many secrets that have yet to be discovered concerning its use that Shirou has yet to discover.

Beloved of the Sword A

Shirou's affinity with swords is so high that to claim that swords love him would not be an exaggeration.

Holy blades, something that would turn a normal Devil to dust with merely a cut, will do no such thing to Shirou. While he will still be cut, he will receive no more damage than if he was an ordinary human. The cause of this effect is believed to be due to the number of holy swords he has currently stored inside him combine with the existence of Avalon, a Holy artefact, which was fused into his body as a child.

However, this only applies to something that is a 'Sword' not shaped like a sword. Angels and Fallen Angels are capable of forming swords of light, however, these do not qualify as a sword as they are merely magically shaped into the form of a sword, not an actual sword. Thus Shirou will not fare against them any better than ordinary Devils.

He is also able to wield Holy swords himself, something thought to be impossible for a Devil.

While the ability is still effective on other bladed weapons, the farther it is from the form of a sword the less effective this ability will work.

Archery B

Shirou was a member of the Archery Club during his freshman year in his last year. During the period he was enrolled he had only missed the target once, but even then he said "It will miss" before even firing the shot.

Nothing less than 'Genius' can adequately describe his skill as an archer.

A once a century talent, if Shirou had continued his pursuit in archery he would have most likely ended up as a world champion. Unfortunately, Shirou has shown no interest in pursuing archery and, after a disagreement with one of the club members, left the Archery Club during the summer of his freshman year.

Shirou's skill in archer has reached the point that he will never miss any target he aims for. That, however, does not mean that he will always hit the target as if the target moves in an unexpected manner before the arrow reaches it he will miss. 

While Shirou is more than capable of hitting a moving target he currently lacks the ability and experience to accurately anticipate the movement of the living target.

However given enough time and training, Shirou has the potential to become one of the greatest archers in recorded history.

Eye of the mind (true) D+

Despite his age, Shirou has quite a mind for combat.

After experiencing the horrors of the Holy Grail, where Shirou has watched and participated in battles between Heroic Spirits that ruled over the battlefield of their era, he has adapted to the reality of combat. 

He now no longer experiences panic or extreme fear during combat and is capable of remaining calm and analytical even in the middle of a warzone, thus allowing him to observe the situation and choose the best course of action for success.

While quite talented, Shirou lacks the pure experience to bring most out of this skill. However given enough time in the battlefield, Shirou will have the potential to eventually raise this skill to a B rank.

At his current level, as long as there is a reasonable chance of a comeback, this skill will greatly increase the odds of winning.

Cooking C+

Kiritsugu, Shirou's foster father, had no talent in housework. If left to his own devices he would have take-out or junk food for most of his meals. Having grown up in such an environment, Shirou was forced to learn to cook for himself if he wanted to have a decent meal.

While at first, it was a mere chore, Shirou soon began to love cooking and ended up developing quite a talent for it. His forte is Japanese cooking but he is reasonably proficient with all different kinds of food.

At C rank, Shirou is able to cook food with the skill of a professional first-class chief. However, when Reinforcement is added into the mix, the quality of Shirou's food reaches the level that borders on the divine.

If Shirou was ever forced to serve the gods as a chief even they would not find anything lacking in his food.

Origin of 'Spirit'?

Not much is currently known about the effects of this origin. The only thing that is certain is that Shirou has become more emphatic to other people and is also better at understanding them.


Name: Toujou Koneko

Class: Rook

Master: Rias Gremory

Official Rank: Low-Class Devil

Race: Devil / Nekomata (Nekoshou)

Strength: D

Endurance: D+

Agility: E+

Mana: E

Luck: D-

Sacred Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: Senjustu (Sealed), Youjutsu (untrained)

Racial skill:

-Devil skill:

As a Reincarnated Devil, all basic abilities of a Devil are available to her.

-Nekomata (Nekoshou) skills:

Chakra: N/A

For her own personal reasons, Koneko has chosen to abandon her abilities to wield Chakra and has sealed them away.

Youjutsu: N/A

Literally "Demon Arts", Youjutsu is the brand of magic only accessible to Youkai. It primarily consists of casting and using illusion. Unlike Devil magic, Youjutsu is not an instinctive form of magic and requires years of training to learn cast. Koneko has received no training in Youjutsu and is unable to wield it.

Enhanced Senses: D

As a Nekomata, Koneko is gifted with a heightened sense of smell and hearing. Her reflexes are so good that she is often able to notice and react to small tells from her opponent, something she would not have been able to do if she was born with normal Devil reflexes.

She is also born with an excellent sense of balance. Do not be surprised to find her always landing on her feet.

Cat form: B

All Nekomata have two forms, their human forms and their cat forms. This is an instinctive ability and requires very little practice to learn. When in cat form, Koneko is all for all intents and purposes a cat. She would be unable to use any of her magic or abilities and appearance-wise she would not be any different than any ordinary cat.

However, Nekomata are physically stronger than an average cat when in their cat form and Koneko, as a Rook, will be even stronger. Koneko dislikes using this ability in public as it requires her to abandon her clothes when transforming since she cannot take it with her as a cat.

While not truly considered a form, it is possible to combine the two primary forms to make a third one. While it has no official name, it is widely known as 'Cat-girl'. In this form, Koneko will have a pair of cat ear and tails.

She almost never reveals this form as it really popular among perverts and would only be willing to show it some he trusts.

Personal Skills:

Hand-to-Hand combat skills: C

In place of Chakra, Koneko has instead focused on her physical skills. Throwing herself in her martial arts training with a passion that bordered on obsession, Koneko was able to master the art of unarmed combat to an almost unprecedented level. What would take most Devils, even rooks, decades to master, she has done in less than six-year.

While praised as a genius by some, that was far from the case. During her years as a Rook of Gremory, she was offered more freedom and privileges than most Peerage members, which she took full advantage of.

Using the Gremory resources, she secured herself lessons with some of the best combat trainers availed in the underworld. What was remarkable however is not the quality of the training she had availed, but the insane amount of effort she would put into it.

She would join training sessions with students twice her age and will continue to train herself hours after the sessions would end, even if she must do so alone. 

There have been many cases where she trained until she collapsed from pure exhaustion, only to get back up the next day to repeat the process. It reached the point where her trainers had to drag her off the training field to prevent her from damaging her body.

While not a natural geniuses, Koneko's relentless hard work has caused her skills to advance at a remarkable speed. Combined with her unique sense of balance gifted to her by her race, she was able to become a master in hand-to-hand combat before the age of 15.

As a C rank, Koneko is considered an expert in her field of martial arts, and more than qualified to train advance students.

One with Nature: E

As a Nekoshou, Koneko is highly in-tuned with Nature.

This abilities mostly stems from her ability to wield Chakra, as Chakra is the life force of the world around us, thus as long as her Chakra remains sealed she would be unable to use this skill to her full ability.

At its current Rank of E Koneko is able to sense strong emotion from people in her immediate vicinity.

Poker Face: D-

The skill of hiding one's emotion.

Koneko is very gifted in hiding her feelings, to the point where no can understand what she's truly thinking unless they were either extremely close to her or talented at understanding people.

While in most cases this would be a positive skill to have, in this case, it can almost be considered a curse. This is because Koneko rarely ever takes her poker face off, leaving most people around her with a false understanding of who she really is or what she is feeling

However, it does have two weaknesses. The first is food, as Koneko is unable to mask her love for good tasting food (sweets in particular). The other is Perverts. Rather than be called a weakness, it would be more accurate to say that her hatred for perverts has simply made her unwilling to hide her hatred for them.

Cuteness: C

Also known as Moe... enough said.

Koneko's cuteness has reached the level where she can receive gifts and treats from total strangers, both male and female. Against an enemy that is a Lolicon, it causes them to become unwilling to harm her in any way.

Gluttony: B

Koneko's person Sin...though she would call it her pleasure.

Koneko love for food can rival the Pervert Trio's love for porn. She loves all kinds of food, though she loves Japanese sweats best of all. Despite here size Koneko is capable of eating an obscene about of food that will often leave onlookers stunned and wonder where did all of the food go.

Seriously where does all the food go? Even the System that governs the world is unable to answer this question.


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