DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 21

I looked at the door to my right wistfully. Three paces, just three quick paces and I'll reach it. Then I'll be out of the house and free from whatever madness that was about to descend upon this place.

Letting out one last sigh of longing I turned my head looked and over to my left. There was Asia. She collapsed soon after flipping God off last night, so it wasn't too surprising to see her up so early even though the sun wasn't even fully out yet.

She was dressed in a long sleeved button up pajamas with matching navy blue pants. The pajamas had pictures of cartoonish little devils with horns and pitchforks printed all over them. Her hair was in a mess, having clearly just gotten out of bed and she had a mug of steaming coffee on the table in front of her.

She was also staring with wide unblinkingly eyes at the open laptop before her. And when I say unblinkingly, I meant that she hadn't blinked once in the last two minutes I was watching her. From the angle I was standing I couldn't see what was on the screen and I was honestly scared of finding out.

I was tempted, so very tempted to just walk out of here and never find out but I couldn't do it. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't just leave Asia like that.

Giving the door one final look, I began to make my way to Asia's side.

I walked around the living room's coffee table that Asia was currently using as a desk. Instead of trying to squeeze myself between the table and the sofa that Asia was sitting on, I walk around the back of the sofa and glanced at the computer screen over Asia's shoulder. I immediately wished I hadn't.

Oh by the body of the dead God, Asia had just discovered porn.

"Shirou." She said as she looked up at me with wide frightened eyes. Her bottom lip quivered as she spoke and her voice sounded so broken and confused, as if the world had stopped making sense and she no longer knew what to believe in anymore "Shirou, what are those two girls doing to that poor cup?"

I turned and ran.

Even if Gilgamesh was waiting outside the door I would have ran to up to him with arms wide open rather than stay and deal with this madness.


I took another sip of the surprisingly good cup of tea. I had no idea what kind of brand the leaves were but they tasted fantastic considering I pinched this from the Student Council's personal stock, though I doubted Sona would have minded.

Despite the lights being turned off, the Student Council room was brightly lit thanks to the wide widows that filled the entire face of one wall. Even thought it was barely seven in the morning, it was already a clear and sunny day. I was seated in an out of the way corner as I waited for the rest of the Student Council to arrive.

I spent the last half hour scouting the immediate area around the school. As far as I can tell, except for the ones on their personal property, the only Bounded Fields that existed inside of what was official Devil territory were of the identifying and detecting variety.

There were over two dozen Bounded fields scattered all over the place and most of their effective ranges overlapped one another. 

It was a surprisingly well thought out design that would allow the owners to track down any unregistered magical presence that entered their territory with a fair degree of accuracy. With a system like that it's no surprise that they were able to track down that Fallen so easily.

It's quite clear though that whoever designed the Bounded Field system here only intended them to work on enemies that were attempting to sneak in. There was practically no defensive Fields other than the ones in their residences and the one at the old school building. 

Which was fairly reasonable as most defensive Bounded Fields would only been needed if you were expecting to be attacked by more powerful or more numerous enemies and the Fields strong enough to make an actual difference were incredible time consuming to maintain, especially over a large area.

I could not blame them for only setting up the ones they already had, as it would only take a couple of hours a week to maintain them when you split the work between all the Devils here. However that give me much less to work with than I would have liked.

It would take too long for me to set up enough Bounded Fields by myself to make a difference and impossible for me to maintain them all by myself if I could. Instead I'll try to convince Sona and Gremory to strengthen the defenses they already had in place at their homes and set some up over the school, as it was the place they all spent most of their time at.

Which was why I was currently waiting in the Student Council room for Sona to appear. Convincing her to set up some Bounded Fields at school shouldn't be too difficult. 

All I have to do is mention it as obvious security flaw in the middle of a conversation and Sona's perfectionist streak will take care of the rest. Thinking up a reason for them to strength the ones they have over their homes however a completely different matter is.

Neither Serafall nor Sirzechs wanted them to be aware of the reason I was here. Partially because they feared that Sona and the Gremory's teenage rebellious streak would cause them to fight back against what they would most likely see as their elder sibling's overprotectiveness acting out, and make it that much harder to watch over them

Partly not to worry them over what could be potentialy nothing, they were teenage kids after all. Serafall and Sirzechs had spent most of their childhood years in a time when the possibility of war was constantly looming over their head and they spent the rest of their youths in an actual war.

They wanted their sibling to experience an ordinary childhood that they never received. And if that meant making certain a Queen's life difficult by sending him to not only protect them by dealing with the possible threat but to do so in secret, well it was a price both of them are more than happy.

I would have been more upset over the whole thing if I didn't understand where they were coming from. After all I wanted the same thing for Ilya.

"-are you sure Kaichou?" a voice signaled my time of waiting was finally over, as I heard the steady beat of footsteps approach the door.

"Yes, Tsubaki. I just need a minute to deal with something alone," The door knob turned and the door was cracked open slightly, "please make sure that the repairs are done before the school day begins."

"Understood Kaichou." Tsubaki responded before I heard her turn and walk away.

The Student Council door was opened the rest of the way and in walked Sona. She didn't appear to have noticed me as she immediately shut the door behind her before leaning her back against it and shutting her eyes. The only sound that filled the room was the noise of Tsubaki's steadily receding footsteps, and when it finally faded always the place was plunged into silence.

I was just about call out to Sona and make my presence known when something happened that gave me pause.

Sona, from where she was still leaning against the door, began to snicker. It started out as a low quite thing that could barely be heard but it quickly grew. It soon reached the point where Sona could no longer restrain herself and she just gave in, threw her head back and just laughed.

Her manic laughter echoed off the walls of the Council room while I just stared at her in bemusement, not quite sure what was happening or what to do. After this went on for what felt like a full minute before she finally began mixing up her laughter with words.

"HAHAHAHA, Burn~~~r Rias, BURN! YES! YES! YES! AHAHAHAHA," She said before she began to hip trust. I had to rub my to make sure I wasn't seeing things but yes, Sona Sitri, who was perhaps one of the most uptight person I knew was hip trusting while interjecting between each thrust a yell of "Burn!-Burn!-Burn!"

I looked down at my tea and checked it for drugs with my magic but it came back negative. I checked it again but when the results stayed the same I gave up trying to deny reality and just looked back up and gaped.

"Can you feel it Rias? Can you feel the bur~~n? I-Said-Can-You-Feel-it?" It was at this exact moment, right in the middle of a hip thrust, that Sona spotted me sitting in the corner. She stopped, immobilized in place, as her eyes widened and her face going pale as she stared at me with a perfect 'deer in the headlights' look.

Unfortunately for her she froze in the last position she held, which was in the middle of hip thrust. Which meant that she had her arms behind her with elbows bent and her groin was shoved forward towards a spot on the wall a little bit over to my right.

For what felt like an hour we just stared at each other, neither one of us quite sure what to say, before I felt a large shit-eating grin made it's onto my face.

"Oh don't mind me." I said calmly as I sat back into my chair and crossed my legs before I waved at her to continue, "Carry on, this looks important. I'll wait." I deliberately lifted my cup to my lips and took a long sip as I watched her, doing my very best not to break out laughing.

She just gaped at me, so shocked that her face had turned pale white before her embarrassment kicked in and she began to flush a crimson red.

"I-I-I…this isn't…I mean…don't think that…ah," She began to stammer nonsensically at me as her mind tried and failed to work out something to say.

Deciding to take pity at her I just raised a hand and motioned her to stop. "Don't bother explaining, I'm already used to it. You won't believe the amount of times I caught your sister doing the exact same thing." I told her. 

"Although with her she keeps telling Gabriel to burn instead of Rias. Oh by the way," I nodded towards her, "You may want to stop holding that pose now."

Sona looked down and her face, that was slowly begin to return to its normal colour, flushed red again when she noticed that she was still in the hip thrust position and quickly straightens herself out.


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