DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 39

Violet sparks of magic leapt from rune to rune, casting the wooden surface in an ominous flickering light. Circles crafted from lines of an archaic language, one that I did not recognize, rotated in place like gears of an intricate clock. 

There was about two dozen of them, though the ones that stood out the most was the four in each corner of the door and the large crimson one bearing the Gremory seal in the middle, the only part of the design that wasn't violet.

Even just standing next to the seal, I could feel the power of it. It felt like a physical thing, radiating like waves of heat from an oven. The amount of power it held was staggering, more than enough to contain even an Ultimate-Class Devil.

This was the seal that blocked the only entrance to the basement. It prevented anyone from entering or exiting the place no matter what method used. It blocks any living being from teleporting inside and blocks any physical attempt on circumventing the seal. Breaking through the walls or digging down to the basement will not work.

It also prevented any high amount of magic from leaking out of the place. At best the only magic anyone inside the seal could send to the outside would be magical based messages, although it did nothing to block any of the more mundane forms of commutations.

And behind it was a young boy that hadn't seen the light of day in nearly two years.

It would have taken months for someone who knew what he was doing to take apart the seal. Even a master of the craft would have needed weeks to decipher and unlock the seal without permission from its creator.

I didn't feel like waiting.

In my hands I traced a dagger. Its blade was jagged and iridescent, too brittle and blunt to ever be used as a proper weapon. It was clearly a ceremonial dagger, one unsuited for combat. 

However anyone who sets their eyes on it could tell it was dangerous at an almost instinctive level. It had an ominous and perverse feeling to it that even the most obtuse would notice. Its name was Rule Breaker.

I stabbed the dagger right into the heart of the Gremory circle and watched as the seal, one capable of holding back the strength of powerful demons with the utmost ease, collapse like a house of cards.

A small part of me, one that wasn't clouded with anger, thought that it was a beautiful sight. A cross between fireworks and a stone being tossed into a still lake, the runes flashed and burned in multicolored sparks as they fell apart, starting from the middle and spreading outwards like a rippling wave.

In a matter of seconds the entire seal collapsed and all that remained before me was a mundane door. 

It wouldn't be long now until someone arrives to investigate, not after the collapse of such a powerful seal. So without any hesitation I reached out, open the door and made my way down the stairs into the lair of a Dead Apostle.

The place was as expected dark, though it did nothing to hinder my sight. Still, as I made my way down the stairs I braced myself for whatever horrors may await me at the end of the stairs. Child or not Gasper was till a vampire, a Dead Apostle and I was about to enter his domain.

While I had never been on a true Dead Apostle hunt in my old world, though I did encounter a couple of their kind before, I had heard stories. Of towns wiped out over the course of a single night, as its population were turned to the mindless dead. How monsters wearing the faces of people, of children, would mindlessly attack anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Lairs were worse, as that was the Dead Apostle's home ground, a place where the spent most of their days in than any another location. 

They were rarely ever found as Dead Apostles would cover it with a unique form of Bounded Fields that would make the place invisible to both mundane and magical means of discovery. They were so well hidden that even trained Magi from the Mage Association need years of effort to find even a single one.

That was why I didn't know what I may find down there, discovering one was so rare that I have never had the chance to ask what to expect to find in one. Still it wasn't hard to guess that no matter what form it took it will be a living hell, horrors straight out of a nightmare that will be forever seared into my mind.

As I set foot on the basement's floor I finally got a chance to a proper look around me and to find that my suspicions was correct. 

No it was worse, far worse than I had pictured it to be, more horrifying than I could have ever imagined it to be. As even in my worst nightmares I hadn't expect to find a place that was so…so…pink.

By the dead God, there was so much pink that I felt my eyes burn and water just by looking around the place.

The walls were covered with pink and white striped wall paper and despite not having any windows, there were several dark pink curtains covering patches of wall. 

The wooden cabinet and furniture that decorated the room were painted in different shades of pink. There were even brown teddy bears and black bunny rabbits that had their plastic eyes colored pink.

What made it worse was all the lace and ribbons that covered the room. The computer monitor in one corner of the room was set on pink cloth and had its edges lined with some kind of lacy pink design. Even the wide-screen television that was set in the middle of the wall was placed on top of a pink stand.

For a moment I thought I made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in hell. I was just about to turn around and leave when I caught sight of the coffin in the middle of the room. The lid was placed slightly adjured and hidden deep within its shadow, I could see a pair of frightened magenta eye peering out at me.

Before I had a chance to say so much as a word those eyes flash with a yellow and ruby light, as Gasper active his Sacred Gear.


Rias Gremory, along with the rest of her Peerage, just stared in utter disbelief at the sight before her.

"Ha - Headshot, take that you freaking newb!"

Just a few minutes ago she had been running down the corridors of the old school building after having collected the rest of her Peerage. They had all sensed the magical discharge that the collapse of Gasper's seal had caused.

They did not realized what it was right away and had wasted several minutes trying to figure out the cause. It was only after Akeno, who was the most magically sensitive of the group, sense that seal over Gasper's room was missing did they comprehend what happened.

As they had rushed down the halls and stairs to Gasper's room her worried mind conjured up every possible scenario that may have happened, each on worse than the other. 

Did the Vampire-Hunters track down Gasper again? Was his family trying to take him back? Or had whoever murdered the Fallen decided to strike at her Peerage next?

But still, for all the terrible things she imagined,-

"AH-HA, I just pwned your ass. Dude, you suck at this."

-She sure as hell didn't expect this.

There before her was Gasper and Serafall's Queen, Emiya, sitting in front of Gasper's widescreen television. In their hands was a gaming controller and they were playing some kind of first-person shooter game.

When she and her Peerage barged into Gasper's room, they could do nothing but wordlessly stare in disbelief at the sight. Well, it would be more accurate to say that she and Kiba were the only ones to be staring in disbelief as he was the only one that looked just as shocked as she was.

Koneko just stared unnervingly at the platter of homemade snacks that was placed between Emiya and Gasper, something that Emiya apparently brought with him. Going by the way her eyes never left the food since we entered the room, it seemed that her Rook didn't much cared about what else was going on.

Akeno on the other hand had just dropped to her knees as she broke out into a fit of laughter. It was at times like this that she really hated her Queen's twisted sense of humor.

"BOOM! Another Headshot! Buwahahahaha." Her cute and beloved Bishop began cackling like a deranged maniac after having successful shot a characters head off. She knew, just knew, she shouldn't have gotten him that Xbox live subscription.

Gasper hasn't been the same ever since.

"Oh Buchou! You'll never believe it." Gasper having finally caught sight of her called out to her. A part of her noted that her bishop, so caught up in his apparent excitement, didn't speak with his usual stutter or habit of stretching out words.

"Shirou here isn't effected by my Sacred Gear. That means I can hang around him without hurting anybody! He said he can help me learn how to control it. He even offered me a room to crash in his place while he helps me trains. Can I go live with him? Can I please~?" 

Her Bishop pouted at her with such wide puppy eyes, that if it were at any other time she wouldn't have been able to resist glomping the stuffing out of him. As it was, she was still a little bit too out of it to do anything but stare.

When she turned to look towards Emiya for an explanation she found him utterly ignoring her as he gaped at something on the television screen.

"Is that teabagging? Did you just teabag me! Cut that out you little brat." He yelled out will point at the screen where Gasper's avatar was apparently repeatedly squatting over Emiya's avatar's face.

She had never face palmed harder in her life.



The Canon timeline makes no sense so it has been modified (according to wiki the Great War ended thousands of years ago, which means God died before Christ was born and the founding of Christianity).

Remember we're seeing all of this from Shirou's point of view, and he is an unreliable narrative, he doesn't see the full picture. 

Just because he thinks something is true does not mean it is (it doesn't mean it is't either). Please wait until Sirzechs actually appears in the story before you decide weather I'm bashing him or not.


Hey guys I really need you to throw some power Stones ;)


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