DxD : A New Hero : Chapter 72

"No pervert." I confirmed.

"Good." she nodded as both her ears stood straight up. "Perverts are bad."

"Sure they are." Chuckling at her antics. To think that something as little as the possibility of Kiba turning into a pervert could get her that worried.


Still, Kiba had a point about the time and considering who was coming today I didn't want to risk being late. Who knew what Serafall would end up doing if she doesn't find Sona and me when she gets here?

With that in mind I turned to face where Sona had once again decided to lay back down on the ground, "Sona, get up. It's time we start heading back."

While her breath had long since evened out, Sona still appeared entirely exhausted. Her normally immaculate appearance was gone, replaced by a sweating, grass stained girl who, despite her efforts to hide it, still looked as if she'd like nothing more than to fall asleep on the ground right then and there.

And this right here is the crutch of the problem I have with Pure-blooded Devils. For all of their potential, practically the entire lot of them are physically frail. And they had no one to blame it on but themselves.

Unlike with Reincarnated Devils, Pure-blooded Devils are born with a body similar in nature to that of a Queen. And those born to a powerful Clan, such as one of the 72 Pillars, tend to be blessed with an even stronger body in addition to their Clan's famed ability.

With enough training they can develop the raw power and defense of a Rook, the speed of a Knight and the magic of a Bishop. And that's without the help from an Evil Piece. With one, they can become even more powerful. There is a reason why the children of the 72 pillars are so highly prized.

However despite that potential, only a handful among them ever truly achieve it.

It's not that Pure-blooded Devils don't train; on the contrary, nothing could be farther than the truth. I'd be surprised if there was a single one among that that doesn't train.

In a culture where rank and status is determined largely by the power one has, it's only natural that many Devils would do almost anything to gain it. Be it lying, deceiving or cold-blooded murder. To quench their thirst for power, they won't shy away from any act to gain it. 

They'd even be willing to stoop down and dirty their own hands for power. Even going as far to do something as utterly unappealing and repulsive to them as honest hard work.

The introduction of the Rating Games has only cemented this mindset. A game where the only objective is victory and the reward is a rise in one's status, is it really surprising that Devils have begun to take their training more seriously than ever.

In the Underworld, children begin their training as soon as they turn six. By then, a child's body should have matured to withstand the strain of casting spells, enabling them the ability to properly wield their Clan's magic without harming themselves.

So no, lack of training isn't the issue. The real problem lies in the general bias that magical strength is superior to physical strength.

Though calling it a bias is rather unfair of me, seeing as there is some logic behind the belief. Throughout history, the most powerful Devils that have emerged from the Underworld have always gained their reputation of strength through the might of their magic alone.

Even today the most influential Devils in the Underworld are primarily magic users. All four Maous prefer fighting with magic over hand-to-hand combat or with weapons. Even among the Reincarnated Devil the situation is the same.

Until my arrival the strongest Reincarnated Devil was Rudiger Rosenkreutz. Without even having the benefit of a Sacred Gear he was among of the first humans to achieve the rank of Ultimate-Class Devil and is ranked 7th in the rating games. He also happens to be a stereotypical mage that relied entirely on his magic and tactics to win his fights.

With so much evidence to feed their bias it was only natural that Pure-blooded Devils, who have always disdained physical labor of all kinds, tend to neglect the physical aspects of their training. There was also the small stigma that Devils that train their body over magic only do so because they lack the skill and intelligence to wield magic.

This brings us back to our current situation and the reason why Sona has turned into the quivering pile of limbs before me. At my prompting, Sona tried to push herself up, only to collapse before she was even halfway up to her feet. She ended up planting her face on the ground before falling onto her side.

Sona here is a perfect example of a typical Pure-blooded Devil. No, scratch that, she's even worse. I guess I shouldn't be surprised what with her sitting behind a desk all day but still, this horrible. Sure, she's not as weak as a pawn would be but that's not saying much.

I began to poke her with the end of my shoe a couple of times, trying to prod her into motion when it became apparent that she wouldn't be getting up again anytime soon.

"Come on Sona. You can't lie there all day, you've got classes to attend."

"…Shirou…I…can't feel my legs…just…go on without me."

If there was one thing that I truly loved about training Sona was watching how she acted after the training was over. I don't know if it was the exhaustion or the agonizing pain that she was in that did it, but she actually loosens up quite a bit. She's so relaxed that she actually acts, well, normal.

While I wasn't too surprised by how she acted, as I had seen her mask drop from time to time, the others found the entire situation surreal. 

While I knew that Sona never really let her guard down to anyone outside her Peerage, family or a handful of close friends, I had no idea that the image she projected to others was so harsh. Hell, the first time Sona cracked a joke Kiba was convinced that she was high on something.

If Serafall had ever found out that extreme physical exercise was what it took to make Sona gain a sense of humor she would have whipped her ass into shape years ago. Unfortunately she didn't, and since I'm not cruel enough to tell her, it looks like it'll be my job to do it instead.

By the looks of things Sona has over exerted herself. Again. I swear if it wasn't for Asia regularly checking up on her and fixing any real damage I would have put a stop to her training long ago. As it was it looks like I'm going to have to carry her back again aren't I?

With that plan in mind I turned to look up at my little passenger.

"Sorry Shirone, but I'm going to carry Sona back to school. You're going to need to get off."

"No." She scowled angrily down at me, which just made her more adorable than anything, before possessively patting my head. "This is my seat, nya, tell her to get her own."

I restrained a sigh when Shirone's territorial tendencies propped up again. While it was rather cute at first, and to be completely honest still is, it can become rather problematic at times. Fortunately I have long ago learned how to deal with stubborn and possessive white-haired little girls.


"I packed three extra lunch boxes today and placed them in my locker." I noted how her ears perked up before swerving around towards me at the mention of food. "If you hurry back to school, you should have enough time to eat them before the start of morning classes."

Shirone watched me dubiously before turning to look at the direction where the school stood behind the trees only to look back down at me again, or more precisely the spot that she claimed as 'her' seat. Her eyes continued to leap between the school and me, her features twisting into a mask of indecision as she was apparently torn over her two choices.

Sensing weakness I decided to pounce, "I even packed some yokan for dessert today."

At the sound of her favorite food, Shirone perked up. "Really?"

"Yes, really." I laughed at her, "Now get going."

"Kaaay~~" she chirped back with a grin.

Placing both of her hands on top of my head for balance, Shirone pushed downwards and lifted her body with the strength of her arms alone. I felt her legs release their hold on me as she twisted and raised them into the air above her, basically using my head to hold a handstand, before, with quick shove of her hands, she launched herself forward.

She folded her knees to her chest and spun in small circles a couple of times before landing gracefully on her feet, her knees bending to absorb the impact.

Rising from her crouch she flashed me one final smile over her shoulders, "See yeah later Shirou~, nya-ha," before darting away.

I watched her as she scurried away back to school, ignoring the path that Kiba used and instead taking a more direct route through the trees. I made sure to keep my eyes on her as she made her way back, which was why I was able to see it when it happened.

Her ears folded flat against her head before they disappeared, almost as if they fused with her hair. Her cat-like tail, which swung left and right with her every step, slowly started to retract until it was hidden from view beneath her skirt.

But the most worrying was her smile.

That juvenile and mischievous smile, the like of which I would have never imaged coming from that scared lonely girl I met on the rooftop not too long ago. I watched as that smile of hers disappeared, slowly slipping off her face, only to be replaced by that far too familiar stoic mask of hers.

No, calling it a mask was not quite right. Sona wore a mask and this didn't feel anything like that. What Shirone did was something different. It almost looked like she was more… subdued? Like if she was submersing herself in water until only her head remained above the surface.

And it hurt to watch.

To see her so lively and spirited one moment only to become so detached and cold the instant she leave my sight just feel wrong. I know she's getting better but still… children aren't supposed to behave like that.

"There you go with that worried look on your face again. First with Issei and now Koneko. To think my sister would choose such a worrywart for a Queen." Sona's voice cut through my thoughts. 

"If you keep letting every little thing get to you, my sister's antics will have your hair turning completely white before you're thirty."


Hey guys I really need you to throw some power Stones ;)


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