Second simulation 2/2

[Year 18: You continue to carry out missions for the Red Fangs, but the more you do, the more your cold, bloodthirsty side develops. At the same time, you continue to grow stronger].

[Year 19: You gain the trust of the leader of the Red Fangs, who takes you under his wing and teaches you the subtleties of gang management. You discover the mechanisms of power in the underworld: corruption, manipulation and alliances. For her part, Elena also progresses through the gang ranks and becomes a key strategist, while Marco discreetly concentrates on strengthening his physical skills without seeking power in the gang].

[Year 20: You continue to learn under the guidance of the Red Fang leader while perfecting your fighting technique and physique, but you start to feel the limits and your progress becomes very slow. You begin to think about a future outside this criminal world].

[Year 21: Your physical strength has reached its limit, so you continue to train just to stay in shape. You also begin to study more advanced fighting techniques, which you manage to gather thanks to the gang leader's power].

[Year 22: Your martial arts also stop progressing; it seems that your genius talent was fully exploited when you were young, allowing you to reach your peak at a young age but also hitting a wall early on].

[Year 23: A war breaks out between the Red Fangs and a rival gang, the "Silver Snakes". The leader trusts you and orders you to take the gang's men and lead them. You agree and take Marco with you. Throughout this time, you and Marco have remained friends, to the point where you spend a lot of time together, making your relationship stronger than that of real brothers. That's how you learned that Marco still hasn't reached his limits on his side].

[Year 24: The war goes on and the gang loses ground bit by bit, and morale is low in the gang because there are only 200 of you fit to fight, whereas the Silver Snake gang has over 500 fighters].

[Year 25: Thanks to Elena's strategies, your martial prowess, your leadership skills and Marco's showmanship, you turn the tide in several battles where you were outnumbered. The gang's morale is at an all-time high, but some of the older members of the gang are unhappy with you for taking on too much power and influence, thus squandering theirs. Your decisions are also very generally at odds with those of the elders, and they're unhappy even if your strategies bring victories].

[Year 26: Thanks to the many battles you win, you win several businesses in Alicanta at the cost of the lives of a hundred of your men. The Silver Snake gang flees to another town, seeing things go badly for them].

[Year 27: By now, everyone knows that the Red Fangs owe their success to 3 teenagers, and your influence in both the gang and the town continues to grow. Despite losses, the Red Fangs have continued to recruit and annex several smaller gangs, and now number over 300 fighters. However, the constant violence and loss of life is beginning to take its toll on you].

[Year 28: You begin to consider leaving the Red Fangs. Elena shares your doubts, although she appreciates the security the gang offers, while the more simple-minded Marco is reluctant to abandon what he now considers a family].

[Year 29: The gang leader appoints you as his heir, and a banquet is organized in your honor, to which many of the noble families who are your sponsors are invited. Because of your lack of charisma you don't convince any of these nobles, however your martial prowess and their inherent need to call on gangs for less-than-virtuous tasks stabilize their financial support and your relationship with them at an acceptable level].

[Year 30: You take over as gang leader, but some of the gang's old hands aren't convinced, notably an elder nicknamed Jaguar for his exceptional reaction speed but also for his powerful physique. However, he's wary of you and leaves Alicanta to improve his swordsmanship].

[Year 31: Jaguar returns with many scars on his body, but still very much alive. He challenges you to a duel to the death in front of everyone. You are forced to accept, and 3 days later a spectacular sword duel takes place. Many blows are exchanged, but despite your exceptional skills, which remain superior to his, Jaguar is stronger, faster and more enduring than you. You gradually start to lose ground. After just a few minutes, you can no longer hold your sword and blood is pouring out. Jaguar seizes the opportunity and decapitates you with a single blow and a vicious smile. You lose the duel and die].

[Bonus: As you die, you can see Elena's shocked and saddened eyes, but also Marco's rage, as he attacked Jaguar, who was still in shape, without warning, and killed him in less than 10 exchanges before everyone's shocked eyes].