By the time the suns had climbed high in the sky, casting their harsh light over the demon realm, Velmoria had completed her morning duties. As the hour of the tea time approached, Velmoria constantly fidgeted, the need to find someone to feed on gnawing on her with every second. No matter how hard she tried to distract herself with chores or idle chatter as she worked, it was as if a switch had been flipped in her, since that
The morning moved quickly, and by the time the hour of the planned tea time approached, Velmoria felt with certainty that she wanted nothing more than to run away.
The tea party, as Queen Arella had instructed, was to be held in the garden, just like before. The garden had been decorated simply, but tastefully, seeing as the queen had invited only those she had seemed to like from the day before.
Velmoria was sad that she had not joined in on the first tea party, if only to see how the queen would act around the haughty nobles.