Chapter 36 Vault 713

"Hi, you must be Mr Granger. I am Harry Potter" Harry extended his hand out to shake Mr Granger hands.

Mr Granger grab Harry's hand and squeeze it while saying "it's nice to meet you Mr Potter. So, what is your intentions with my daughter?"

Harry feels Mr Granger trying to intimidate him with his strength and try not to laugh

"*ahem* Mr Granger, I don't have any bad intentions for your daughter, I'm just trying to help out a friend and pay her back what I owe her" said Harry

Seeing Harry unaffected by his grip, Mr Granger squeeze even harder making his face red.

"Mr Granger, I'm not into men so can you let go of my hand" said Harry, making Mrs Granger and McGonagall giggle.

After hearing the giggles, Mr Granger let go of Harry's hand and said "you quite strong for your age"

"Harry what are you doing here didn't you already got all your school supplies?" Ask McGonagall.

"I'm just running errands for Professor Dumbledore," said Harry

"I see it must be an important task," said McGonagall.

"Not really, I just have to retrieve a item from one of the vaults" said Harry "can you guys wait a moment so the phoenix can bring me home?"

"Sure, no problem," said Hermione

Harry asks one of the goblins to help him "I will need some help to retrieve an item from Vault 713" then Harry hands the goblin a letter from Dumbledore.

After reading the letter the goblin and then looks at Harry with more respect "it seems like Professor Dumbledore finally took in a disciple"

Then he brought Harry to a mine cart to bring him underground. Suddenly Harry saw the Shadow of Death on the goblin.

The goblin saw Harry staring at him and ask, "is there something the matter Mr Potter?"

"It's hard to say, but I think your life is in danger" said Harry and then he realized what he said sound weird and explain "i have an ability to sense people death"

"Like Divination?" Ask the goblin

"No, I can only tell you that I can see when someone is about to die," said Harry

"I see, let's get what you need and then we leave" the goblin brought Harry in front of Vault 713.

The goblin rushes Harry to get what he needs while looking around for danger. Harry went inside the vault and got the small package and went back to the goblin. After seeing harry got what he needs the goblin let down his vigilance but suddenly a green light flashed toward the goblin.

Aye. Mission activated. Keep the goblin "Bodrig" alive. Reward: 100pts, 1 Roy Mustang's Glove (full metal alchemist)...

Harry saw the light and flashes over to the goblin. Harry managed to pull the goblin out the way, saving him.

"We should call for help" said the goblin and then he pulls an alarm, but nothing happens "someone cast a spell, sealing the space around us so we can't call for help. We need to get out the spell range"

"I only sense 5 people here, I can hold them back and you go back to get some help. Professor McGonagall is waiting for me outside, go call her," said Harry

"Ok leave it to me" Bodrig took the mine cart to leave but was hit by a knock back spell. Bodrig flew back and hit the wall, knocking him out. Harry flashes over next to him to check his pulse. After feeling a pulse Harry use Electrical Healing and Shadow Clone Jutsu to protect Bodrig and bring him to a safe location.

5 cloaked men (let call them death eater) comes from the shadows and appeared in front of Harry.

Death Eater #1 walks forward and aim his wand at Harry "boy, we been looking for you for a while"

"Do I know you?" Ask Harry

"No but we know you and because of you, we lost 3 good men" said Death Eater #2

"Enough talk let's just capture him and empty out his Vault" said Death Eater #3 then he launched a killling spell at Harry.

Harry use Shave and appears behind Death Eater #3 "Do you think it's going to be easy to catch me?" Questioned Harry and then he pulls out his Zanpakuto and place it on his neck.

"Drop your wands, if you don't want to see your friend hurt," said Harry

The Death Eaters look at each other and then laugh while Death Eater #3 shakes in fear.

Suddenly 2 of the Death Eaters launch a killing spell and a stun spell at Harry. Harry lets go of Death Eater #3 and flashes away. Death Eater #3 got hit by the green light and his face froze in fear as his face lose all colors.

"He is a slippery one" said Death Eater #1 "don't look down on him and watch your back, he can sneak up behind you at any time"

Harry reappeared in a crouching position and lets out a little steam out his mouth "Lightning Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flashes"

Everyone hears rumbling around Harry and then they saw Harry turn into lightning. The lightning past by Death Eater #1 and then Harry reappeared with his sword halfway drawn.

"It seems like it was all just a show" said Death Eater #1 but when you want to point his wand at Harry, he realized his hand was missing and then he screams in pain.

Harry sheaths his sword and look at the scared Death Eaters. He then smiles evilly.

"What is the matter, scared of a little child?" Questioned Harry.

Death Eater #1 pick up his dismembered arm and tries to turn into black smoke to flee. He saw Death Eater #1 actions and use Conqueror Haki. Death Eater #1 felt like his body was being crushed and wasn't able to change.

"Tsk tsk tsk, sorry but none of you are going anywhere. I have a couple of questions," said Harry.

The other Death Eaters want to run but was suppressed by Harry's Conqueror Haki.

"I said no one is going anywhere,"