Getting Rest

When class ended, Diana bolted out the door, leaving Alice to sigh in exasperation. Her best friend—whom she had discovered only weeks ago was a maiden goddess—was now hopelessly head over heels for her husband. Diana couldn't even last an hour without him by her side. Adding to her concern was the knowledge that Chase hadn't slept the night before, making her anxiety almost palpable.

Alice sighed again, jogging to keep up with Diana, who ran as if the world depended on her. By the time they reached the dorms, both were panting. Diana wasted no time unlocking the door and rushing inside, her heart racing.

What she saw stopped her in her tracks: the living room was spotless—except for a massive pillow-and-blanket fortress dominating the center of the room. Lila emerged from the fortress, stretching casually.

"Oh, you two are back already?" she said with a grin.