A Crash

Leto and Hecate came downstairs just as Chase was finishing up in the kitchen. He was mildly surprised to see his mother still there, but he had made extra food just in case.

"Mom, I've been thinking—you might as well move in," Chase said with a smile.

Aphrodite's heart swelled, and Leto clapped for her. "Are you sure?" she asked, trying to contain her excitement.

Chase nodded. "You're always here anyway, and you take good care of the kids. Besides, you are my mother."

Aphrodite practically glowed. "Did you hear that, Leto? My son said he loved me!" she squealed, shaking Leto in excitement.

Hecate laughed, amused by the love goddess' antics. Chase hadn't exactly said that, but it wasn't entirely wrong either. He wouldn't allow anyone to harm her, but she still had a long way to go before fully stepping into the mother role in his eyes.

Leto, smiling, patted Aphrodite's shoulder. "Yes, yes, now please stop shaking me."