A Three Year Old Can Beat You

"They wouldn't be stronger than you if you actually bothered to learn your power. Even Lyra, the three-year-old, can beat you in a fight," Chase pointed out.

Lila frowned. "How is that fair? Do you even know what her domain is? Imagination. You know what mine is? Curiosity. What am I supposed to do with an overcomplicated domain like that?" she huffed.

Alice, amused, soothed her girlfriend by rubbing her hand.

Chase scoffed. "If we switched domains, I could still beat you. I don't see how it's hard to get curious about something, always understand it, and then acquire it. You and Aurora basically have the same domain, and she knows how to use hers."

Lila thought for a moment. "Children have higher learning capacities," she retorted.

Athena, overhearing this, nodded. "That is true."

Lila grinned. "Thank you! I like this one more—Artemis never takes my side." She shot a look at Artemis.