the punishment

Moments later, the guards returned to escort her to the execution, she walked with leaden steps, her head bowed, until she stood before the emperor himself.

"Olivia Locron," he announced, his voice cold and commanding, "Do you know the charges against you?"

She didn't lift her head; she didn't speaks, she knew her crimes well.

"Your husband is guilty of treason and betraying the imperial family, therefore, you too shall be—"

"Your Majesty!" Crown Prince intervened abruptly, "Pardon me, but there is a document that arrived late, ibelieve you should review it before issuing judgment."

"What?" the emperor's brows furrowed as he took the parchment, his expression darkened as he read its contents, anger flashing across his features before his face returned to an impassive mask.

"According to imperial law," he declared, "and as this document bears my seal of approval, Olivia Locron no longer belongs to the Locron family, she is hereby returned to her original lineage."

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the emperor handed the document to his minister, who read it aloud:

"I, the undersigned Duke Matthias Locron, hereby declare that I have divorced my wife, Olivia Locron, as of October in the year 557, This decision was made amicably and with the consent of both my wife and the Emperor."

The imperial seal gleamed unmistakably at the bottom of the page, alongside Olivia's signature.

She couldn't understand; how? When? But it became clear, this was Matthias's final act of respecting her, a desperate attempt to protect the woman he had respected to his dying breath, by severing their bond, he had ensured she would not share his family's fate, the ministers' cries rose in the imperial hall, demanding justice, many accused Duke Mathias of circumventing the punishment by divorcing his wife Olivia before his execution, the room descended into chaos until the emperor raised his hand, silencing the uproar with his commanding presence.

He spoke in a cold, measured tone: "Since Duke Karthon, Olivia's father, was the one to reveal the rebellion; even knowing it meant condemning his own daughter; he shall decide her punishment, as long as it is lesser than death."

A tense silence fell over the room, approval was evident in the nods and murmurs of the gathered nobles, the emperor's word was law, after all.

Duke Karthon bowed deeply, a cunning smile stretching across his face, "Thank you for your trust, your Majesty," he said, his voice dripping with false humility. "Rest assured, I shall not waver; even if the punishment concerns my own daughter."

The emperor gave a curt nod, "Do what you must, she is your responsibility."

Tears, false and theatrical, glistened in the duke's eyes as he declared, "Your Majesty, my daughter is guilty of treason most foul i cannot forgive her audacity in attempting to betray you, thus, i have decided on a punishment befitting her crime."

All eyes turned toward him, their anticipation palpable, Olivia stared at her father, disbelief clouding her expression.

"Her head shall be shaved, her breasts removed, and she will be paraded half-naked through the streets of the empire," he announced coldly, his voice devoid of any paternal compassion, "Let her serve as a living example to those who dare think of betraying the emperor."

The chamber erupted in gasps, even the emperor, a man infamous for his mercilessness, seemed momentarily taken aback by the sheer cruelty of the decree, but his promise to let Karthon decide had been made, and he would not go back on his word.

"Very well," the emperor finally said, his tone impassive, "As the duke has decreed, so shall it be, begin the punishment."

Olivia stood frozen, her face drained of all color, her legs refused to move, her mind unable to process the horror unfolding around her, the guards took her by the arms and began dragging her away.

The punishment was carried out with brutal efficiency, her platinum blonde hair, once her greatest pride and a cherished inheritance from her mother, was shaved down to her scalp, then, with a searing blade, they mutilated her, removing her breasts, her screams echoed through the stone walls, a sound that could chill even the hardest of hearts.

When they began tearing away her upper garments, leaving her clad only in her skirt, she fought back with the last remnants of her strength, tears streamed down her face as she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation, her body had only ever been seen by Mathias, and now it was to be exposed to the jeering eyes of the crowd.

The maids tasked with stripping her were weeping themselves, their pity evident, but they had no choice, at last, Olivia was forced outside, half-naked and humiliated, into the bustling streets of the empire.

The sight was grotesque, a woman with a shaven head and a mutilated chest, blood staining her skin, stumbling through the streets like a broken doll, children threw stones at her, laughing and calling her a monster, women turned away, averting their gazes in horror.

Her soul felt as though it had fled her body, leaving her an empty shell, as she staggered aimlessly, a crimson cloak suddenly draped over her shoulders, she looked up in confusion, wondering who dared defy the punishment.

With trembling hands, she pulled the cloak away, knowing the punishment would only be repeated if she covered herself, but the figure beside her reached out and wrapped it back around her.

"Don't remove it"

She raised her eyes to meet those of her unlikely savior; crown Prince Kyle, his face was streaked with tears, his expression a mixture of anguish and rage, he unsheathed his sword, its edge glinting in the sunlight, and pressed it against her throat.

"Sister," he whispered hoarsely, "you're enduring something worse than death, do you give me permission to end your suffering?"

Her gaze softened as she looked at him, his question pierced through the haze of her agony, grounding her for a fleeting moment.

"Kyle…" Her voice cracked. "If you do this, your Father will punish you, the emperor will never forgive this defiance."

His jaw clenched, "I don't care, ,ust answer me."

For the first time in their lives; and perhaps the last; he spoke to her as a brother, not as a prince, her trembling hand reached up to touch his face, wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks.

"My little brother…" she murmured, "Yes, end this for me, Please, if I were given another chance, I'd be a better wife… a better sister."

Kyle kissed her hand gently, his own shaking, With a swift, merciful strike, he ended her torment.

He wrapped her lifeless body in his red cloak and cradled her in his arms, his anguished cries echoing through the streets, for the first time in years, Olivia had found peace; but at a cost that left her brother broken.