
Shadow of Doubt

The gathering square erupted in a din of joy. Families, long separated, embraced with tears of relief, their hearts lightened by the defeat of Erabis. Laughter and the clinking of cups filled the air as the villagers feasted on the food and drink intended as a tribute to Erabis.

Hrakas, his grandson clutching his hand, scanned the throng of celebrating villagers, his gaze searching for Purnama and Suria, but they were nowhere to be seen.

A powerful voice rang out across the square, silencing the celebrations.

"Erabis has been defeated! Now it's time for us to rebuild!" Despite his exhaustion, King Yusof—the rightful ruler of the Renok empire—stood at the platform, rallying his people.

"Together, we will rise from the ashes and create a brighter future for Renok!" King Yusof's voice, filled with determination, echoed through the square, igniting hope in the hearts of his people.

"Long live, King Yusof!! Long live King Yusof!!" The crowd chanted in unison, their cheers echoing through the square as they celebrated the return of their just ruler, their unity a testament to their victory.

Far from Renok, beneath a large, shady tree with thick branches full of leaves, a black hole opened in mid-air, expelling Purnama, Suria, and Ria out onto the grass.

"Ouch! W-what was that, Ria?!" Suria groaned, having crashed into the tree upon being thrown from the portal.

"Are you stupid, Suria? It's a portal," Ria replied smugly, barely fazed as her long hair cushioned her fall, preventing any harm.

"It... it seems like it works similarly to a Dykin seed, but it's more advanced," Purnama said thoughtfully. 

"Instead of teleporting individuals, it affects an entire area and doesn't drain any Shakti. That means even an Atman can use it."

"Wow, Purnama. You sound brilliant but look ridiculous simultaneously," Suria teased, glancing at her brother, who was still lying upside down on the ground.

"That's correct, Purnama. It only affects living subjects within a small area," Ria said, her tone more serious now.

"I don't know how these particles ended up here, but they're not from Earth... and they attract evil. We need to seal them in Alexandrite."

"Is that an order, Ria? To seal the tube... from the king?" Purnama asked, curiosity piqued.

Ria shot him an approving glance.

"How did you get so clever, Purnama? Unlike this slow girl over here." She threw a playful jab at Suria.

"But what does that have to do with you collecting orbs?" Suria is still suspicious of Ria's intentions.

Ria's face grew serious as she gazed at Suria.

"Do you know what truly defines a woman, Suria? She can take matters into her own hands." 

Suria narrowed her eyes.

"Sometimes, Ria, I'm curious which side you're on. It's crazy enough being friends with someone as unpredictable as you. Remember, if you ever cross the Celestrias, I'll be the first to face you."

Purnama stepped in, calm as always.

"That's enough, Suria. Ria must have her reasons."

Ria's stern expression softened into a grin.

"I wouldn't dare mess with the bird princess. Now, here." Ria handed Suria a new map and gave Purnama a leather pouch she retrieved from her sleeve. "Your new mission map and a pouch of ZAN."

She continued, "That's the rendezvous point of the Skyrea. It's time for both of you to return home. There will be a grand meeting with the king in Aurea. The Skyrea will arrive in the evening. You have the next fifteen days to complete your new scouting mission from here to the marked location. Remember – fifteen days."

Suria caught off guard, settled onto the soft, green grass, the new map spread out before her.

"We're going back to Aurea?" She exclaimed a hint of disbelief in her voice. "I never thought you'd be the one delivering good news, Ria."

Ria stood from the rock she had been sitting on.

"Alright then, I have to go. Safe journey, both of you. Let's meet in Aurea and enjoy a nice dinner together." She broke a Dykin seed with a sly smile, disappearing through the portal.

"...I think we forgot to ask her about the seed, Suria," Purnama said, scratching his head.

"Well, we still have a few left." Suria is looking at the new mission map. "Let's just hope we don't need to use them." 

A holographic display of the earth's surface zoomed out from their location, highlighting a flashing point in the southeast labeled "TAMBORA" in ancient script.

Purnama, studying the map, advised Suria that the destination was far and it would be wiser to conserve their Dykin seeds.

Suria agreed, and without further delay, the Celestial Twins resumed their journey southeastward.

Meanwhile, Hrakas and a group of street traders began their return to Jyala village. Some chose to remain in Renok to assist King Yusof in the aftermath of Erabis' fall.

As they approached the Yurok fortress, Hrakas remained on guard, unsure if any Orc soldiers still lurked nearby.

To his surprise, the fortress wall had collapsed, exposing a path across the quicksand berm, allowing a clear view of Jyala from the distance.

Cautiously, Hrakas and the others approached, only to find a group of prisoners huddling behind a crumbling wall, visibly shaken.

After ensuring the area was secure, Hrakas relayed the news of Erabis' defeat.

"Everyone! Erabis has been defeated! King Yusof has returned to power. We no longer need to live in fear. Let's rebuild this land together!" Hrakas proclaimed with passion.

The terrified prisoners, initially hesitant, began to rise. Overcome with relief, the people of Jyala welcomed them with open arms.

These prisoners, who had endured long-term captivity, mental and physical torment, and witnessed horrors, were now free.

One young man, trembling violently, staggered toward Hrakas. He gently shook Hrakas and, in a voice filled with dread, repeated the exact words.

"I... I've seen it... that woman... she... she's a monster... A MONSTER!" The young man stammered, his body shivering uncontrollably.

Though unsure of the young man's cryptic message, Hrakas offered comfort, wrapping him in a cloth and helping him into the carriage alongside his grandson.

Together, they continued their journey across Yurok's stone bridge, heading to Jyala to spread the news of their victory.