
Hoster Darkseed

Purnama's gaze remained fixed on the beast, his jaw clenched.

"Purnama, that little brat's a puppeteer! If Kelembai has so many forms, it means he's a Hoster Darkseed," Zirko's voice echoed, a chill seeping into the air.

"Yes, let me take care of this. Zirko, go and find the real body."

Zirko's icy form shattered at his words, splintering into countless shards scattered across the western Avalon like a swarm of icy bees. As these shards dispersed, they could track the location of the actual body, knowing a Hoster Darkseed couldn't wander far from its puppet.

Zirko's sudden absence left a dangerous void, and the green wolf abruptly shifted its target, lunging ferociously toward Purnama. Before he could react, the creature morphed into a fireball and exploded in a blinding flash. The deafening roar of the explosion was followed by a cascade of debris raining down upon Purnama.

Kelembai tore at the surface, creating an opening through which the floodwaters from the breached west Avalon rushed in. It became clear that Kelembai planned to drown Purnama, who was trapped beneath the wreckage.

Above the chaos, Kelembai transformed, its body elongating and sprouting magnificent feathered wings.

With a powerful beat, the Quetzalcoatlus soared into the air, surveying the battlefield with an eagle eye, a predatory glint in its reptilian gaze.

Purnama's vision was obscured by dust, debris, and the rising water. He smashed the wreckage with a fist, sending fragments flying. Alerted, Kelembai, realizing his escape, launched a lightning strike—silver bolts like striking serpents aimed directly at him.

With a swift motion, Purnama deflected the incoming strike with his right hand, tearing his sleeve open. A strange symbol, 'σ╓δτ,' was revealed on his wrist. Kelembai, startled, flew upwards to evade the redirected attack, then glared down at Purnama with burning anger.

At last, Zirko's icy shards homed in on Kelembai's real form. With that, Zirko returned to Purnama.

Purnama held his ground, determined to keep close enough to draw Kelembai's focus. But every time he advanced, Kelembai, using his great wings, pushed him back with gusts of wind, staying just out of reach and continuing to unleash a barrage of lightning attacks. 

"Found it! In the middle of that tower—the Puaka is chanting inside." Zirko announced, his voice sharp and urgent. Following the faint Shakti signal left by Zirko, Purnama marched forward, heading directly towards the towering structure.

Confusion briefly flickered across Kelembai's face, but then realization dawned, a panic creeping into his eyes. Purnama had found his real body.

Kelembai flew to chase and block Purnama, quickly dashing forward to intercept him. Zirko reacted instantly, erecting layers of ice walls that blocked Kelembai's path, allowing Purnama to press on.

Without warning, a powerful aura pulsed from the heart of Avalon, diverting their attention. Dark energy waves emanated from the central tower, revealing a colossal Darkseed looming in Avalon, tearing through the structures in its path and filling the sky with a heavy, ominous presence.

"I need to focus on this fight," Purnama reminded himself, forcing the distraction aside. "Gema is there; I shouldn't worry." Purnama sprinted up the spiral stairs, his heart pounding in his chest.

Eventually, he came face-to-face with the true Kelembai.

A Manusya Puaka with thick green curly hair that hung past its waist, the form of a young boy around 8 years old. A small horn protruded from his forehead, and his red eyes gleamed with a malevolent light as he stood there, fingers pressed to his forehead. His short legs were hidden beneath a shabby, brown, three-quarter tattered robe, a picture of vulnerability that belied the immense power he wielded.

"So, there you are, Kelembai!" Purnama said, clenching his fists in readiness. Caught off guard by Purnama's sudden arrival, Kelembai's eyes widened in shock. He began to stammer, pleading for mercy.

The beast he'd controlled dissolved instantly, vanishing into thin air as his focus shattered.

"Hey! Hey! I'm just a kid, you see! Spare me! You idiot Celestrias!" Kelembai pleaded like a spoiled kid, stumbling back in fear, his voice quivering as he tried to retreat up the staircase. A trail of snot escaped his nose, further emphasizing his fear.

Purnama took a steady breath, gathering his energy into his right fist, his eyes locked onto Kelembai.

"A Darkseed is a Darkseed," he said, his voice low and steady. "I don't care what form you take… but this one, I like the most—a punchable kid's face."

Power rippled from Purnama's clenched fist, whipping the air around him into a fierce gust. Kelembai glanced over his shoulder, his expression shifting from shock to terror.

"No! Noo! NOOO! Waaargh!" His tiny hands trembled, and he whimpered, his eyes welling up with tears. Purnama lunged, every muscle in his body coiled with purpose as he launched toward his target.

"AURORA FIST!" he roared, channeling the full force of his King Fist technique. His blow landed with bone-crushing power, sending Kelembai hurtling through the tower's roof and crashing against the solar plate in a burst of light.

The impact shattered the plate, and with a final, thunderous crash, the spherical plate and Kelembai plummeted to the ground outside Avalon.

With the solar plate broken, Avalon fell silent. The city's steam-powered gears and mechanisms, now stilled, ground to a halt as the steam faded, and the rain ceased its relentless downpour. Purnama had claimed victory in west Avalon.

Near the junction where the teams gathered before separating, Gema carefully placed Arthur and Lancelot with the people Percival had saved.

Looking back toward the city from afar, he saw something slam into the spherical solar plate on the western side, shattering it and flying outside Avalon. A smile touched his lips, knowing that his friends had won their battle.

"Please, people of Avalon, take good care of your saviors," Gema said to the rescued people before returning to the fight.

"By the gods, a knight should perish in the fray, not cower behind walls!" Arthur's voice boomed.

Giving Arthur a broad smile, Gema crushed a Dykin seed between his fingers, a swirling vortex opening before him. One moment, he was there; the next, he stood before Bota, a colossal, rock-like figure looming large over him.

"So, this is your true form? I expected more; you're a joke. This won't take long."