Take me to them

Kade smiled a bitter smile. He could feel the eyes on him from the various workers, all ready to carry the news of what had just happened to everyone who mattered in the camp. But he cared little about that because he'd just met a slumbering monster. He wasn't angry about being defeated by it.

But it still stung.

He raised his hand, and the sword bit deeper, drawing blood and hissing as it burned. "I surrender."

Atrox watched him for a while, unmoving, and then he nodded. "Good." He didn't let the swords disappear just yet, holding them together as he gestured for Kade to move forward in front of him.

He didn't look at anyone else as they both entered the mostly ruined tent again.

Tiber and Syla watched them disappear into the tent. The whispers around them started, excitement stirring where there was usually little to entertain the workers. They knew what Atrox had just done—he had announced his presence in the Borderland. By daybreak, everyone would know his name, and the rumors would spread with each retelling.

Syla felt envy but also pride. It was like watching a child go from walking to hunting. She shook her head. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing much more of this as time goes on."

Tiber nodded. "I knew he'd be strong from his core, but damn, that's impressive."

Inside, Atrox sat on the chair, and Kade on the bed. Atrox let his essence swords disappear since he had no need for them. He knew Kade wouldn't cause trouble—people like him had twisted personalities that bent to stronger power.

The real reason, however, was that his core was running dangerously low. He wanted to save a little for later, just in case.

Kade watched him in silence, his surprise still clear on his face. "Are you some kind of spy?"

Atrox raised his brows. That wasn't the first question he had expected. "Why do you think that?"

Kade replied flatly, "Because that's the only reason I can think of for you not being a team leader. You should have your own team and be fighting in this layer. With that kind of power, you'd be leading one of the strongest teams."

Atrox refrained from telling him that he wasn't even at full power—not even close. "Then I should ask you the same. Why aren't you a team leader? Your power isn't that inferior to mine."

Kade shook his head. "I'm not a team leader because I didn't create a team. Of course, I'm strong enough to hold my own, but who would I form the team with? Not every Knight agrees to follow a construct user. Most of you see us as lesser."

Atrox studied him. "But that's not the real reason you haven't formed a team," he stated flatly. It didn't fit. Someone like Kade liked to be where the action was—that much Atrox had noticed.

Kade smiled. "You're right. The reason is that I'm not powerful enough. I want to reach the level of Knight before moving to the next layer. The competition there is tougher, but it's worth it. You can make a name for yourself faster there than here."

Atrox nodded. "Until you reach the level of Knight, how does your construct work exactly to help you advance?"

"Well, just like knighthood, construct users also advance by unlocking higher versions of their construct's power. As you know, the Knight Assembly uses the ranking system of Squire, Knight, Errant Knight, Master Knight, Grandmaster Knight, Lord Knight, and Overlord Knight. It's also what the Eternal Skies uses to classify the next stages of advancement. Construct users are similar."

"But I've never seen a construct user reach Grandmaster. I haven't even heard of it," Kade admitted.

Atrox tapped the edge of his chair. That was more information than he expected. The further one advanced, the harder it became to reach the next stage. The resources required also increased significantly.

"Very well. But you still haven't told me how that works exactly. Why are you able to use aspected essence at the Squire rank?"

Kade shrugged. "Construct users don't have to worry about things like that. The construct itself already comes with aspected enchanted essence."

They fell silent, sizing each other up. Atrox was more inclined to relax and let the silence linger—it was something he was used to.

Suddenly, Kade smiled. "How about it? The Nyxori group is looking to gather more people for a bigger operation. Why don't you join us? Join me. Be my subordinate."

Atrox raised his brows. "You still haven't let go of this matter? Do I need to give you another beating? Tell me the benefits of joining Nyxori."

Kade sighed. "I can only try, but you'll have to negotiate your own contract with them. You can expect things like information and resources. Depending on the type of contract, they might even support you to advance a rank or two."

Kade leaned closer. "They might seem like a small group among the minor Clans, but I hear they're affiliated with one of the High Clans."

But Atrox couldn't understand why a secret organization would operate here—in this layer, and in the Soryu Borderland of all places. The Soryu had other, more impressive Borderlands with better resources.

There had to be something they wanted here. Why weren't they cooperating with the Flagbearers to achieve their goals? Was there some sort of discord between them? But if so, why allow them here at all?

Atrox mused. Maybe the Nyxori had gained the support of some Flagbearers. Perhaps some were even directly sponsoring their branch here.

Atrox smiled. He already knew what he was going to ask them. "Take me to them."