
Atrox's hand finally went to the sword at his waist, and he was ready to send his essence attacks flying at any time. His body tingled with keeping it back.

"Are we in the ruin already?" Slya whispered. She moved closer to Atrox, her hands on the twin swords at her waist, her eyes scanning the shifting darkness beyond the light's reach for anything that might jump out.

Timber grunted, eyes alert. "Yes. Don't you feel it? It's like we're under some kind of territory. That's one way to know a ruin—you'll feel like you're under the rule of something else."

Atrox listened to them while searching the darkness for anything that might jump out. But it was futile; the darkness couldn't be pierced. 'How are the Captains going to lead us?'

He could barely make out their outlines in the darkness ahead. Those at the back shouted periodically to let the team leaders know they were still with them.