Ways to open doors

"What is that?" Slya asked in a hushed voice, her tone shaky. She was looking at it as if the castle would provide the answer by itself.

Arvas's voice broke the silence. "We are here. First, I'd like to congratulate everyone for making it this far… those who made it. The next stage is inside that castle. We made it here to the front of the door the last time we came.

"We weren't able to open it, but this time, we will. You will dig the treasures out of the ground with your own hands. Your rewards will be plentiful, all according to your contract and contributions." Arvas said the words flatly, as if he just wanted to get them out of the way.

"Now, follow me according to your teams."

The mood had now turned to one of excited expectation as they followed their team leader. Atrox himself was feeling a slight buzz in his head at the thought of what they'd… what *he'd* find. His mark burned with renewed intensity, but he held it back with his will.