The end of Kren

Kren's eyes turned darker. "So that's it. You locked onto me, and the faction backing you wanted Atrox dead and the ruin destroyed. I see. This is not something simple at all."

The man smiled, his lips splitting to the jaw, and his voice grew harsh and distorted. "Someone knew that I would possess this body and lay a trap for me in advance. Tell me, who's the person?"

Atrox moved his finger, and it twitched. He kept his breathing smooth while his eyes remained on the two alchemist Knights, but his attention was on the three Knight ranks, on Emily who's holding the soul drainer.

"Don't be stupid, we both know I won't tell you that. But won't it be a shame if you take all your secrets to the grave? Tell them to me, I'll make better use of them," Arvas said.