Crimson creatures

When Atrox opened his eyes, he found himself in a world of sand and a crimson moon. The ground was made of red, shifting, hot sand, and the clouds were like clotted blood.

The moon wasn't a moon but an eye that looked down on everyone and everything. Atrox stood up slowly and looked around, at first his head felt heavy and he took his time to process things.

He saw sand stretching as far as the eye could see, dunes of red sands, dotted around were short red trees that were on fire.

"Where am I?" he asked aloud, as if expecting an answer. He looked down at his hand and saw that the black hole inside the purple circle was now filled with the image of the red moon that looked uncannily like an eye.

"Is this the power that Kren talked about?" Atrox wondered, but he felt nothing different inside him. His core didn't react to anything, and the Mark Order felt the same. Normal and ordinary. "But it's not the same. I now have a red moon inside it."