Here we are

"Accept me?" Atrox said flatly.

"Yes. All the teams here are numbered 1 to 34. Forget about the Ten and focus on getting to the 12 to 30 spot. They are also good, but obviously not like the top Ten. There's no discrimination between Construct users and normal Knights; the important thing is power.

"And you haven't even told me what Flag you are under. Or are you just joining a new Flag? Or has a Flag already commissioned you? I doubt that... I want to stop talking now, but coming back here is making me nervous!

"...Someone should stop me from talking... Okay, I will tell you about the Flags, and maybe next, we'll narrow it down to the team you're interested in. We have the Crimson Hood, represented by white; the Exiled, represented by black with white specks; the Forsaken Tribes, represented by green and brown; the Steelclaw, represented by red; and Scuffed Bones, represented by a skeleton on a black background.

"As I told you, of the team..."