The Ten

It's been two days since he heard the news, and Fell was still angry. He was angry at the team leader of Team 34. He shrugged. "Now I have to kill him too."

"Are you talking about Senk?" Stowig, the team leader of Rank 9, asked.

The two of them were walking along a hallway, their footsteps muted by the thick carpet on the ground. Fell, the team leader of Rank 3, was a tall man with an aged face, even though he was still in his twenties.

"You know who I'm talking about, Stowig. Don't add to my irritation," Fell said, his voice hard. "Everyone keeps irritating me nowadays—same with that outlaw that lost a lot of my goods the other day."

They came to the end of the hallway, and Stowig quickly opened the door for them. The room they entered was almost like a hall. Five chairs were arranged in a circle, with another five around the first set, making a total of ten.